Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Symptoms Of Canine Gallbladder

Sensible politicians in Saxony

When I look around look at the politics, I wonder what politicians are really for people. What must have felt a Mr. Georg Unland yesterday during the strikes by teachers in Dresden, as this moving demonstratively during his speech. Imagine, you are faced with 17,000 people and will represent your view with a speech. And suddenly all turn on you and whistle. Madness. 17,000 people a false opinion represented. Kind of embarrassing - for the 17000th But what are already 17000th My opinion must be correct. I am of those elected as representatives. At least a part of them. And besides, those are just teachers. Which are anyway always at home at noon. And if I gaze at in the round, go anyway for the most part now in retirement. And the 400 head teachers, who go missing from 2014 anyway me any more. Because I am perhaps the Ministry of Agriculture, or see well again. Are important now for the first time my diet. No, do not count calories. Penunzen! Of course I thought this fictional sucked out of your fingers. Of course the whole matter to the Lord Georg Unland is more like embarrassing if he is up there. OR?

What To Wear To The Benedum Center

Soon newspapers back East?

somehow solidifies in my opinion, that I soon get DDR read newspapers. At the very least suggests the content of the newspapers hiin it. Not necessarily at the mere point of stringing together letter- Nein, wenn man, wie man das als gelernter DDR Bürger im Blut aufgenommen hat, zwischen den Zeilen zu lesen versteht. So werde ich den Eindruck nicht los, das die Schreiberlinge der Zeitungen Order erhalten haben im begonnenen Prozess E10 zurückzurudern. So wird in der SZ heute in einem großen Artikel unter anderem erklärt, dass es doch N U R 3 Prozent sind, die den Mehrverbrauch ausmachen.(selbst wenn der E10 den Motor nicht kaputt macht ist es doch eine versteckte Steuererhöhung) Bei zurückhaltender Fahrweise könne man bis 25 Prozent sparen. Die meisten Zeitungsleser müssten eigentlich der Grundschule entwachsen sein. Aber das scheint man außer Acht zu lassen. Oder gab es doch Order von ganz oben? 25 Prozent kann ich auch mit reasonably normal fuel saving driving style. Accordingly, it would be 28 percent without E10. ;-) Furthermore, I
the continuing reports of success, the economy make on, more like puzzled. Oh, and the labor market is also booming. Today I spoke to an unemployed, 50 years, since one and a half years without a job. Qualification Ok, he had written last week's 25 applications. (By mail) On the next day he had 19 cancellations. Well, it is a bit challenging. Temporary work - No, temporary work - No, temporary work - No. And then he wanted to earn so much that it is sufficient for life. In the West it will not because he has a house here. As the elderly. time that a Mr. Kohl said that he do that should. The next of such coal has spoken, has said he will be flexible to work if he wants, and said Schroeder. The development has also made from the dust, the aunt from the Job Center has said that if he does not have time work, it gets deleted a possible disability pension if he is ill. But that is hardly likely to happen. He will also discuss the deal with the traffickers and do in western Germany with 50 as a cheap labor force build help until he falls over at 67 and ................. but I think I've digressed again.
Nevertheless, a nice rest week.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Alpha Kappa Alpha 2.47


Something different. The text is a quote, the music of Linkin Park and the photos of me. Too bad the video quality here is not optimal, in large it's much nicer! ;-)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Birthday Verses For 18 Yr Old

thoughts on the start of the week ......... The third eye

Look, look at. One recent study estimated that it is up to der Angst den Arbeitsplatz zu verlieren, sowie an der finanziellen Unsicherheit, dass die Geburtenrate in Deutschland dort liegt, wo sie liegt. Ja liebes politisches Klientel, woran soll es denn sonst liegen. Denken Frau Merkel und der Herr Westerwelle vielleicht, die Menschen in diesem Land wissen nicht mehr wie es geht? Ein Großteil der Menschen im Lande weiß, wie es gemacht wird. Und nicht nur dasKindermachen!     Jetzt könnt Ihr nur hoffen, sehr geehrte Politiker, die Menschen in diesem Lande behalten Ihr Wissen noch eine Weile für sich, trotz das die „Blühenden Landschaften“ stark mit einem dunkelgrauen Schleier überzogen are. A fact that no whiteners. Perhaps a white giant. But who has a clean slate in this trade?
Oh, and how that was more with the 5 € for Hartz IV is yes, since then the financial security given. At least the planning. For those who have already floated into the social network. And all the rest there. To your work, these people need so do not worry. In statistics, they appear anyway not as unemployed. Why. They want anyway all not work when they have once entangled in the soft mesh of the social network. Children ... Children ... ... ... ... ... ... ..