Auf dem Hosenboden die Marmalada runtergerutscht,
Flucht vor einem Unwetter
Flucht vor einem Unwetter
Schüler können schon mal leichtsinnig sein. Das waren wir. Eine Spiegel-Dokumentation über The Nuremberg War Crimes Trials (Goering, Speer, posing as a would-be resistance fighters, "which we would not trust" - Goering remained untouched by the horror) note1 the post-war history was once again alive.
Baldur von Schirach (1907-1974) turned out consistently all other youth movements. From the "hikers" or the "Bund Youth" were only forms and traditions, flags, uniforms, hiking, campfire. After the war, formed the protest, the old Bund and took the insignia of their migratory bird movement regain possession.
I was even during the last years of my school years "German boys'." My mother made me go along on vacation. So I saw Lapland, the Vosges, the Marmalada in the Alps, Corsica and many areas in Germany. We hitchhiked separately, met at the destination and then emigrated. Each had a "monkey" on his back, the square "backpack" of World War II, one of which could raise many more. For the night we set up our Kohte, a cloth tent in the middle of the warming fire. The necessary KOHTE trees we chopped down the forest. We often covered the floor around with fir branches and tarpaulins around the fireplace. One held Guard, had a cook. Stockings by the fire were frowned upon. leaving civilization shit in the woods or in the mountains was only frowned upon legally. Usually we had guitars here, sang his own songs, just not by Baldur von Schirach, of course, but songs from the bird of movement.
Because it could happen that we sometimes in the ditch "absolutely dog," never went to a hostel, we had the feeling of young heroes who stood out from the Boy Scouts. Our walks with luggage were wide by 25 kilometers. Cherry trees in the Vosges diarrhea already made in the trees, a sea-rock was before Livorno us jumping into the water to practice, which was continued in Corsica, in Lapland we rained one week one long, at the Marmalada we were surprised by a storm, so we slid on our leather pants rock slopes down in the snow, was heard to our horn and rescue came. Since we were already exhausted on a solid path.
I came today to the project newspaper witnesses 1933-45. It is too closely associated with Nazism. Since comments do not help much. The papers of the Weimar Republic are missing. Even further back thought would be even better.
Not even the judgments of the Nuremberg war crimes trials have been recognized by the FRG, although internationally renowned judge denied a collective German guilt. And now a flood of Nazi newspapers? The FRG has covered itself legally in terms of Nuremberg, which I interpret as a failure. The selective collection of action articulated through Germany on his ailing identity. Better identity Tucholsky in 1929: "Yes, We Love This Land" - part of the German nation anthem .
German should be taking the old insignia of their better identity, as once the short end of the world des "1000jährigen Reiches" trotzend, Jungenschaft und Wandervögel taten.