time or newspaper-clouds in the sky-line
It is, as always, about money. Newspaper publishers have gone online. The advertising revenues are lean, they say. Only newspapers on the street or at a kiosk selling not as good as before. Street or the internet, no more patent leather shoes, profits must be fought barefoot, barefoot or shoe polish, the question is decided. The news publishers is that to the kidneys. The Internet site allegedly throwing off enough and a lot of work. They are now in debt. It goes downhill.
Nun bedient sich zu allem noch Google. Neidisch beäugt man die Gewinne von Google. Wie machen sie es? Sie suchen nach den Perlen, die Zeitung-Verlage täglich herausbringen, um Leser einzufangen. Diese Perlen kopieren die von Google einfach und listen die Online-Medien anhand ihrer Headlines auf. Jeder kann aber sehen, wenn er Goole-News auffächert, dass Überschriften inflationär geworden sind.
Früher waren die Titel, und besonders der Titel des Titelblattes, etwas Besonderes. Sie waren der Blickfang. Auf sie fiel das Auge des potentiellen Kunden zuerst. Dann griff er in seine Geldbörse. Der Titel hatte ihn verführt. Der Aufhänger einer Zeitung war enorm wichtig.
Bei Google-News kommen die spektakulären Titel-Versuche, die Kunden-Fänger, zu Hunderten untereinander. Und dann auch noch von der ganzen Konkurrenz. Kein Wunder: die Nachrichten-Verlage haben den Teufel vor Augen, wenn sie durch die G OO G-Brille schauen und sich selbst unter ferner-liefen ganz hinten entdecken, wenn überhaupt. Dafür soll Google zahlen? Aber warum?
Google zitiert bloß. Der Link führt zum Verlag-Erzeugnis. Wäre doch eigentlich ideal, oder? Aber nein, überlegt man in den Verlagen, wie kann man Geld daraus machen? Flugs wird ein ordentliches Zitat, das auch noch Reklame macht, zur Copyright-Verletzung. Denn der Titel, der Kunden-Fänger, werde von Google "verwertet", meint man. Nun gut, sagt Google, dann nehme ich den betreffenden Verlag raus, gibt ja genug, auch international, global, wie Sand am Meer.
Nein, nein, bloß das nicht, schreit der betroffene Verlag voller Entsetzen, tut uns bitte bitte wieder rein in euer Google, wir wollen auch ganz artig sein. In dieser artigen Haltung werden selbst Verleger empfänglich für Argumente. Sind das Abschreiben von Meldungen aus dpa etc und das reißerische Verkaufen eigentlich Copyright-würdig? Die Sensation im Titel reißt das Geld. Sind aber alle diese reißerischen Spekulationen eine geistige Leistung im Sinne überlegter Kommentierung? Nein!
at Google is to get nothing. The whole thing was a non-starter, with the copyright. The publishers say, shame we have thought only us, the authors of the editorial, especially the commentators were not even there. No, the vast majority of publishers do not say it, not ashamed. They think about where the money will come from. They sit on the red.
Since there are the GEZ. It drives so nice, all the money for the public TV's. Could not we? But also because there are still the VG-word, the GEMA etc, everything "is money-from-heaven" shortcut. They see no longer even the newspapers in the clouds, above the picture, they see nothing but money that floats down from the clouds and come directly to the publisher's cash registers. How? Somehow, floating or falling, with wind or not, sunny or wet and cold, cloudy or rain showers, no matter the main thing it finds its way, as sure as the closed and protected monthly billing for an official finds its way, as if it had by Noah been so.
How nice it would be if there were a GEZ-for our publishing efforts and sacrifice, then would all of a sudden all the worries away. Those who pay but do?? Yes, who should pay? The citizens? Is not Google? Is more useful, provider? But what do the contents of the Seiten zu tun? Außer vielleicht in Falle von indizierten Seiten? Gar nichts. Und Provider gibt es auch in anderen Ländern. Dann gehen die Nutzer einfach weg, dahin, wo die Zitronen blühen. Weg sind sie, und der Provider verarmt mit seinen Abgaben an die Verlage. Geht also nicht.
Bleibt eigentlich nur eine allgemeine Kultur-Abgabe aus Steuermitteln, damit gute Autoren, die im Internet präsent sind und bisher umsonst geschuftet haben, auch mal einen Cent sehen und nicht immer nur die großen Verlage, die online sind, scheffeln - und an den Werbe-Einnahmen gar nicht so schlecht verdienen. Das ist es! Sie haben nämlich gelogen. Sie verdienen üppiger, je bekannter sie sind, je mehr auf sie geklickt is. A selection will take place there. Yes, but selection was not the power of the customers? Niches were not customer-trap? note1 The publishers must strive, therefore, look for niches, special offer, they also have receipts. The TV stations swim off the advertising revenue, online magazines and online news publishers to flow increased. Assuming that they break away from the tradition that a heading at the kiosk opens the sky money and nothing else.
Künast woman from the Greens called for a culture flat rate for content distributed on the Internet, to be organized like the royalty-fee Song. The proceeds would accrue to the authors whose work could be funded by free offerings.
Let us examine this idea! Then that is the Internet desk would vRhein who for so long, has over ten years, worked patriotic and independent commentary, a chance for all the copyright infringement on the part of policy-Klau high up to be fairly rewarded. What would be the justice? It would be that compensation for copyright infringement is established. If that is cited, then awareness and advertising revenues skyrocket. Is recovered from high places and not cited mental performance is then included in an impoverished ghetto, as once Jewish doctors, professors, journalists, publishers, writers, cultural workers, artists, musicians, all of which did not help anything. Others who benefited violent predator, until the process has made them Note 1. At this time the robbed have been murdered. Then it was too late.
The "niche" of the Internet desk was vRhein
- Pionierarbeit. Er begann 1998, stellte die Vorteile und Chancen instantaner Ereignis-Kommentierung heraus, legte seine politischen und gesellschaftlichen Kolumnen in ein Online-Gerüst mit unveränderbaren Datierungen, wendete dieses Mittel Blog-artig an und nahm in Kauf, dass heimliche Korrekturen, ein späteres Hinbiegen von einmal Geschriebenem, nachhaltige redaktionelle Bearbeitung, Manipulation von Dritten und weitere Beeinflussung nicht mehr möglich war. Die Kolumnen waren genau und analytisch, alles andere als persönliche Meinung-Wiedergabe, weil immer ein gemeldetes Ereignis des Tages-Geschehens zugrunde lag, auf das sich die Kolumne bezog, und entwaffnend ehrlich, weil die Schreibwerkstatt öffentlich, frei und unabhängig war.
- offered several years, the Internet's fastest desktop vRhein neutral and objective, logical event commentary in Germany. Comments by newspaper publishers was followed later in the usually ten to twenty hours. Consultant staffs working for the government reacted naturally as slow or slower. The general policy is required but a fast-day orientation. That was the niche. Whether an instant column all the arguments that are possible, includes, it is a first indication of more rapid reasoning and quick decisions that must be taken every day in politics.
- vRhein The Internet Desk was recovered almost excessively robbing, never been cited legally correct. The authorship was concealed. Rather, the energy-consuming work of the think tank as recognized, of course, without a thank you, without any financial compensation for the hasty recovery. The niche has been used by exploiters, who were selfish, power-hungry and ruthless, existentially-rich get their financial bases by taxes, while the niche of the Internet desk vRhein from private funds maintained.
- Often there was a "shadow boxing" over the media, when arguments of the Internet desk vRhein uncited half-hearted, half-understood have been implemented and will be "answered" had. These operations are there, can be found in the texts. Often there was even a curious decision-void, if the Internet desk vRhein an exception, paused, if the "first night review" once forthcoming. These extra niche at first I was stressed. Theater Presentations have their professional criticism in the newspapers the next day, which is then literally ripped from his hands. Politicians had such criticism before, even though political action almost always has Premieres character, depending on the day-events, the adjusted new decisions challenging.
- Another niche was filled by the Internet Desk vRhein by non-decision-direction even an ethical orientation was delivered. It developed in comparison with Hoffmann von Fallersleben and the creative origins in the 19th Century. Fallersleben was one of the standards. A correct interpretation of his song-Germany, the enumerations of the misinterpretations of misguided German politics and an expansion of the Germany-song to a nation anthem with seven stanzas , which acts as a state constitution, were added. So that the Internet has created even writing a policy in a country which is still provisional and not a real constitution, no peace agreement with the former war opponents and only one has blurred legal basis. Here, too, was a niche that would have taken no other Internet medium even comes close in a similar manner.
- This situation was also elected four years ago, the federal president. Unfortunately, there was no tendency for the large German concerns a correction of the botched national anthems-mutilation, on the contrary: a bursting from ignorance Deputy treatment was the answer, despite sending an open nation anthem, with accompanying explanations. Rather, there was, from the first speech after his election to the Bundestag and about with the contents of his first "Berlin speech" a particularly heinous robbing Verwertung des Internet-Schreibtisch vRhein ohne Pflicht-Zitat. In seiner Person spitzte sich die illegale Verwertung ohne Benennung des geistigen Urhebers zu, weil es eine Interessen-Überschneidung gab, um Deutschland voran zu bringen. National-Patriotismus eines etablierten Partei-Karrieristen stand gegen den kulturellen Patriotismus eines Opfer-bereiten Bürgers der kritischen Vernunft vom Rhein mit der Frage "Kann dieser Fluss deutsche Tugenden regenerieren?" Teil-Plagiat stand gegen Originalität, die selbst niemals kopierte. Was ist zu tun? Ich werde dem Bundespräsidenten wohl noch einmal schreiben und ihn an meine schriftliche Ermahnung erinnern, dass ein Ausgleich für heimliches, aber nachweislich beanspruchtes politisches Consulting zwingend is, there was not cited, apparently as usual with Mr. Köhler . If again no response, the Federal President is corrupt at its core. Mr. Keller is probably hoping his historical reputation forget if I have to continue to draw attention to the gaping deficit at the expense at every possible opportunity. The truth about unauthorized self-service, character deficits and false ambition, ultimately, more stocks than a weak, temporary and misleading ministry, which is marked by a retrospective national illusion to unspun German "size" to get back, without better German identity in any way to define. Unfortunately, there is no president-course. The catheter can not be filled. The President hangs about it, not to school, the weather vane is personal, which turns the G20, and begins to teach and to complain. That is why we have what we have. If there is no official guide tolerable, they will be forgotten after the office-supply almost, how can the ex-president Prof. Roman Herzog to be studied sufficiently. This is totally ineffective in its goals on a political blog, because there is no cooperation with the current president, who is cordoned jealous. If it is intolerable under the surface but on the other hand, what is currently the case, remain Characterizations stick, the more accurate they are. The person must give way to their characterizations, such as a picture of the financial bureaucrats Steinbrück between freedom statues of William Tell and Andreas Hofer.
- There is an office instead of the government in Berlin, which systematically - and especially - vRhein the Internet by reforesting desk-to guide for useful ideas to the right policy. The whole thing has the guise of a "press-evaluation". vRhein In the case of the Internet desk is not bought something, then the right to personal recovery, yet he is cited, which he relies to survive existential. It wird einfach illegal unter Miss-achtung aller Copyright-Gesetze der Erde raubend verwertet. Die Stelle ist mir bekannt. So werden Orientierungen für die Große Politik eingeschleust, weitergeleitet, vereinnahmt und genutzt. Beispielsweise ist die merkwürdige Verwandlung der Bund-Kanzlerin wohl darauf zurückzuführen. Sie definierte ihre Politk immer als Politik der Mitte, bis ich die immer schmäler werdende Mitte persiflierte und eine Musterpartei schuf, die nicht mehr auf der Schiene Links-bis-Rechts zu definieren war, sondern in die Tiefe ging, wo auch immer gute Argumente zu finden waren. Tiefe bedeutete Geschichte und Aufklärung, keine Ideologie. Genau dahin schwenkte die Bundeskanzlerin Anmerkung2 . Hingegen schwenkte sie on the line with respect to a fiscal policy out of sheer fear not , collapsed from the threat of "Soviet-tanks" of the System banks and the pre-held national bankruptcy and caused by non-repairable explosion of state debt, the biggest loss of the post-war history in Germany for Mr. Schäuble, the new finance minister, a " shambles " (I mean but to have the day before yesterday read, not only in Solms / FDP, but seems to have disappeared from the media as a source as if by magic Search found today). "Exorbitant large debts, as we find in the history of the republic did not know yet," said Schäuble .
The range of social and green politics to national posturing with a stereotyped National Anthem at campaign events of the CDU. For tactical reasons, it is nevertheless always a position of the "middle" highlighted.