Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Notre Dame Iphone Background

Wem hilft Botoliss?

One of several methods, skin wrinkles (usually temporarily decrease) represents the application of botulinum toxin dar. This is for a certain period of time (about three and a half months), the signal transmission of nerve endings (synapses) was suspended in muscle cells (where the facial muscles). Given the drug botulinum toxin has on the targets and the facial muscles are brought. The active substance is a hochwirkames medicine that strictly may be spent only controls on pharmacies to physicians. The practitioner should be completed several training courses for doctors to use and a longer period the application of botulinum toxin are carried out under supervision before they work independently with it. Properly applied, it is a low-risk method, which was perhaps carried out worldwide for more than 20 million times successfully.

fell at my Internet searches on the search term Botoliss because of its frequency. There is a designated as a wrinkle cream product. There seems to be a hit with online stores and teleshopping to be. The name is apparently associate the word Botox or botulinum toxin. Botulinum toxin with the active ingredient has to do nothing. In addition will be made no statement on the website. The names of association seems to work, see:, 28.388498 / who-done-with-experience-Botoliss.html

addition to critical and good faith contributions Here's a border post (with capital letters and three exclamation points after almost every sentence) in the forum, such as exceptionally well this is Botoliss. I, the draftsman had otherwise never given a posting in the forum and signed up only on the same day for this one post. You sense what is going on here.

the following link:

takes Dr. Muggenthaler, a prominent facial surgeon, whom I respect very much critical to Botoliss position. Mostly found here the voices of disappointed users.


I come to a company in Liechtenstein without naming a manager in the imprint. When I type the name of the company here said "easy walker Europe AG" on Google, I get on a horse portal where farriers can register the same. The

link provided: The converted into , which produces a dead page.

Please make yourself your own experience. (Check all Internet searches on 28 April 2010) Back to

critical review of the Botoliss: The skin is an important barrier to protect against the entry of toxic or other potentially harmful substances for us dar. Large molecules can not penetrate, so to as heparin-creams for the treatment of hematomas make little sense. They help the manufacturers and the little patient. An effective part, the impact on the signal transmission at the motor has end plate of the facial muscles would be a prescription. It is not possible for a non-prescription drug passes all skin layers, deep penetration and even exactly meets the desired target structure of stimulus transmission. The path to the destination is only possible via a pharmacologically calculated way as drugs. In the case of botulinum toxin A may be the only injection. was used to interrogate Botoliss, I find there only in their hope frustrated users whose credulity -

If I have a known health portal - .

The initial question can not be answered because

a) the majority of users of the cream not sure of the effect, and

b) managing the manufacturing and selling organization in the firm imprint of the website can not be found.

I advise to use the critical mind before an expensive so-called wrinkle cream is purchased over the Internet.

Stay online

My Dr. King

Friday, April 23, 2010

Quotes About Babies And Butterflies

Was ist schön? - Sonderausstellung im Deutschen Hygiene-Museum Dresden

A special exhibition at the German Hygiene Museum in Dresden on 27 March 2010 to the 2nd January 2011

The exhibition attempts to give an answer to many people. For subject areas are selected that determine our social, cultural and spiritual experience. One can discover beauty, where they were previously not suspected. The exhibition enables the visitor to perceive themselves in "Makelbehaftetem" aesthetic and beautiful. Gets under the skin.

At the invitation of the curator of the exhibition provided the Medical Clinic Dresden Well its contribution, which was documented as a moulage (detailed facial impression) before and after treatment of wrinkles. Modern surgical treatment options do not face the silhouette and the wrinkle treatment should be presented. The selection of the patient and the treatment concept were not predetermined. This was the uniqueness found any aesthetic treatment and the individual agreement between the attending physician and a voluntarily participating patient left.
aim of this treatment is unobtrusive as possible age-appropriate "rejuvenation" is a senile 68 year old was looking, feeling, happy to be female. To your wishes should the available methods, such as botulinum toxin injections, fat transfer and self-lining with hyaluronic acid are not exploited to the limit of its possibilities, but applied discreetly. Also, the patient clear objectives: the lips were not altered by contouring, laugh lines around the eyes should remain visible. It should age characteristic folds remain decisive.
the cheeks, side of the "frown lines" and slack in the old temples and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe mouth, we were allowed to "make" free.
The lot below the cheek bone was self-adipose tissue increased slightly and the deep wrinkles in the cheeks and sides of the mouth carefully balanced in addition to hyaluronic acid. The forehead and eye area was botulinum toxin used.
Messrs. Merz, Darmstadt, supplied free of charge, the material was taken from the patient's own fat with a very gentle method (maintenance of the vitality of the cells). The Well
Medical Clinic Dresden follows a guideline, health and good looks when looking at require. Accordingly, advanced concepts for a healthy lifestyle and internationally accepted methods of aesthetic plastic surgery offered.

Stay online

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

How To Build A Small Quarter Pipe

Meine Bild-Persiflagen stehen wie Initialen historischer Buchmalerei am Anfang (Projekt Schreibwerkstatt/Rheinsverlag)


In the medieval book page "smuggled" a vRhein-picture composition : € tilted in the shoes and the Tramp Spaghetti Meal Scene from "Gold Rush" by Charles Chaplin (1925), and the Tramp eating his shoes from hunger and enjoy the reinterpreted "spaghetti" to shoelaces.

the meantime, the number my screen satires or parodies increased to just over 250th They demand the viewer each cover an image interpretation because they are almost always in a current context. They usually contain something like satirical images - but they are new in nature. The satire-genre is new in two respects. They are initial images, as it has previously given the initials in book illustration. They use digital image editing programs to merge current images to create a parody, a satirical punch lines are based. The recent concerns then as well as the text. The new species was created by me for my extra eleven political and social blogs. A new column almost forces me to use a suitable Persiflage zum Text zu entwerfen. Umgekehrt kann es eine Bild-Idee sein, die eine Text-Kolumne nach sich zieht. Text und satirische Bild-Gestaltung, manchmal auch erläuternde Bilder, liegen in ein und derselben Hand. Die Bilder selbst, anders als zeichnerische Satiren traditioneller Art, enthalten so gut wie nie Text, also auch keine Text-Blasen oder ähnliches.

Satirische Bild-Gestaltung und Texte sind aus einer Hand. Darum gibt es keine "falschen" Entlarvungen. Die Bilder entstehen aus einem durchdachten Text. Dieser kann Irrtümer enthalten. Wenn sich später Fehl-Interpretationen herausstellen, wird öffentlich sichtbar korrigiert. Eigene Fehl-Einschätzungen werden offen gelegt. 

Friday, April 16, 2010

How To Put Pokemon Yellow Save File On Ipod Touch


My name is Michael King and I am happy doctor.
After 27 years of aesthetic and cosmetic surgery and nearly 20 years of aesthetic vein surgery, sustained interest in critical drug therapy since the student years and years of employment with the control of risk factors for heart and circulatory diseases and obesity (also the subject of my doctoral thesis), I feel in me the desire to work with my other Erfahrungen und Gedanken zu diesen Themen zu teilen. Weil mein Beruf mich ausfüllt werde ich die Zeit für diesen Blog von meiner Freizeit abzweigen. Darum werde ich nur selten auf Kommentare eingehen. Ich bin unabhängig von Firmen oder anderen möglichen Geldgebern. Abhängig bin ich nur von meinem Arbeitgeber, der mir alle Freiheiten lässt, meine Meinung unbeeinflusst zu äußern.
Beiträge in diesem Blog werden teilweise spontan geschrieben, wenn die tägliche Routine interessante Zusammenhänge hervor spielt oder auch Ergebnisse einer Recherchearbeit sein. Im letzteren Falle werde ich mich bemühen, wichtige Quellen zu nennen. Auch werde ich mich an Begriffsbestimmungen und Erläuterungen von Zusammenhängen versuchen.
I will try with my statements, to violate any rights of third parties. Precaution to contact me because if my comments should be covered by my right to free speech. In a legitimate case, I'll correct it immediately. Although I
before releasing the texts again controlling reading can creep possibly incomprehensible mistake. I use a speech-to-text system, which brings such disadvantages, but I regularly publish the first place.

Because this blog does not contain any individual issues, but have a continuous character, this is also also the last editorial. About labels you will be able to sort of matching information from the past. For my posts
the copyright solely to me.
Oh yes, I have a remarkable propensity for new developments in the field of hardware and software if I can it detect a benefit. You should therefore be prepared for the acquaintance with some useful tools.

Stay online.
My Dr. King