Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Is Indian Govt Supplying Mirena Iud

Old Warrior ...

Hier mal was filmisches...

Zwei sehr kreative Alpinisten wiederholen die jüngste Kreation, von einem der in einer Reihe steht mit Buhl, Cassin, Bonatti...
(Ich meine schaut ihn euch an - wie sieht er aus wenn nicht wie ein "Alter Krieger" !?)

Solo per Vecchi Guerrieri from Damiano Levati on Vimeo .

Solo per Vecchi Guerrieri from Damiano Levati on Vimeo .

Monday, July 19, 2010

Brazilian Waxing Steps For Men

climbing and commerce

A subject to the written almost everything already and was told - you might say. So why even more chatter about it? Now, for the simple reason that current events of this topic again and again alive and begged for a comment, whatsoever, cry ... Imagine the following scenario: A 19 year old young professional - made famous by visits of the most difficult routes already in recent years, as well as term success in international competitions - and all this in combination with a well-functioning public relations machinery, is looking for a new project ... But not just any project, a real cracker it should be. Something back to him with a blow to the memory of the hysteria, but also ignorance prone, international circus climbing calls back. Because that's the point here - as we have recently seen so beautiful even with the football World Cup - the show itself, shining with a few good actions, they become a bit of good PR and you've got it increased its market value or, at least for a conserved two years and may nibble a bit of the pie ... I do not think different - though in other dimensions - it is known professionally for mountain sports. We are not talking more so from a marginal or niche sport - the cloak of innocence is thrown off the mountain climbing in all its facets a long time. Meanwhile, we'll come around not to speak of a mass sport. And so that is obviously good to make money - the outdoor industry has for years, in comparison to other sports industries, the most consistent with the growth. And all of these increases would hardly be possible were it not for the appropriate audience, welches natürlich nicht nur in den gleichen – möglichst an irgendeiner Stelle mit den Buchstaben e-x-t-r-e-m bestickten – Gore-Tex Jacken wie ihre heroes glänzen möchte jeden Sonntag, sondern auch von eben jenen – ihren Helden weiterhin bespielt werden möchte... Man verleiht dadurch nicht nur den eigenen Bemühungen im Hobby-Alltag etwas mehr Glanz – wenn schon nicht Patagonien, dann zumindest die Jacke in die Alex Huber in Patagonien rein gepupst hat... Man hat damit auch ein Schnäppchen im doppelten Sinne gemacht – das elitäre Gefühl für´s Wochenende gibt’s auf der einen Seite und dazu noch einen Platz in der Jury zu entscheiden wer oder was dazugehört – zur Elite (denn only its sponsor emblazoned on my chest ...), on the other hand .... It's like the old age, you want to protect themselves, but give the issue of the decision not entirely out of hand - et voila, the insurance mentality works for mountain sports. - If only the avalanche report would be only as secure as well, but someone will have to sue on ... 'Sorry, I schwuf from ... Back to our young professional, who has indeed not so easy. He is internationally known, already has several podium - with some national and international competitions down, but at some point it was not so correctly, the output stagnated - albeit at a very high level ... In first place were second, third and fourth, from visits at the highest levels of difficulty inspections were in very high levels of difficulty - no big difference, but a difference ... It was dance music while others who graced the front pages. And this is exactly where the perversion of this whole carousel appears as obvious as anywhere else nowadays are no good and excellent performance being recognized and acknowledged they will, albeit from a smaller - more specialized audience, they are only no longer receive homage from the mob, and thus something not so well paid that there may be a life davon reicht. Dem Mob dürstet nach Extremem – Brot und Spiele... Was also tun um seinen Platz in der Hale of Fame zu sichern!? Ausweichen in Bereiche in denen noch Lorbeeren zu verdienen sind, Bereiche die von denen die besser sind noch nicht so beackert wurden – irgend was alpines machen – man liest diese Phrase ziemlich oft mittlerweile... Und was liegt da näher als eine der bekanntesten Routen an einem der bekanntesten Berge der Welt erstmals komplett frei zu klettern? - Das wäre zweifelsohne ein Meilenstein. Doch wie das ganze angehen – der Stein der Vermarktung will natürlich schon vorher ins Rollen gebracht werden – heißt also langfristig angelegte Werbekampagnen, Internetseiten die ins Leben gerufen werden, Interviews will be conducted, Sayings want to be tapped, and of course to all be captured on celluloid. Said and done, a film crew accompanied our young hero's adventure land, porters and guides to do their ... The question is - how far you are, once clamped in such a machine - even master of himself? What decisions can be taken in its knowledge and belief, and which are removed one and how you have no control? I have been and will never be in such a situation, so that is all speculative ... But either way, I hope that even as a young (and in certain situations, safe yet inexperienced young rider) are common sense not at the gates to the National Park delivers! Who if not the protagonist of the whole event can the over-reaching influence on everything that happens in his name and on behalf of its sponsors influence? And that's what he should have done. As one whose job it is to climb, but he should know this - if not recorded on paper - there are a few rules in alpinism! Because that in it he looked so with flags and trumpets the success ... And he promptly commits (although not personally) one of the worst "rule" violations that one could imagine. There are new bolts (sixty of them!), In and around an existing route from world-renowned (though questionable ...), set ... And he and his team not sweep back to - it will hang 700m fixed rope left. With the terse justification, they would return next season and all clean ... Imagine, just once, someone hung the American Direct on the Dru, the fish of the Marmolada and the Hasse-Brandler at the Grand Peak abound with fixed ropes and let it run append an entire season. - Unimaginable, sacrilege! How much can you disqualify yourself and how you can actually other climbers and locals to offend? - Seemingly limitless ... The question why the present and of course, have done nothing in the responsibility of guides and even have forced even the decisions in this (wrong) direction - they should know exactly but as a guide to the seriousness of this breach - probably forever remain unanswered ...

Source: http://www.alpinist.com/media/ALP10/cerrotorre.jpg
No. 1 Maestris controversial route

Monday, July 12, 2010

Shotacon Pon Dujinshi

of sacred mountains and holy dollar ...

There's been a long time - to be exact since since this winter, the winter in weclhem David Lama and his team wanted to shower to rid cocky notice the compressor route on Cerro Torre - a rather interesting, albeit sad debate about the relationship between mountaineering (mountain or sports in general) and commerce ...

Only times briefly the facts: DL compressor route was to climb the first time free, effervescent film producer wanted to DL it, so shower manufacturer, the fixed shower manufacturer 700m fixed ropes and sets the route (!!!) 60 new bolts. The whole does not work, DL & shower manufacturer to go home, 700m fixed rope & 60 bolts remain in place ...

A small article about will not be bad ... (Later)

Here are just a short another - brilliant - Statement of the Russian climbers Pavel Shabalin to commerce in the mountains in general:
"Alpinism was exceptional and sacred because it was closed to the masses. And now it finds itself in the same historical situation as is love. When love was poetry, it was exceptional and sacred. When in mass media put love TV and magazines, it became pornography "

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Ashirwad Nepali Movies

From ostrich

" Completely Lost Illusion. "- That was the poetic name of the first route that we should climb that day. The unexpected serenity enjoying the trains, I still get nothing of what may be announced only the foresight of that very route with her prophetic name ... We climbed throughout the day, two other routes, before I with increased heart rate, in a mixture of trepidation and anticipation of my still-cherished project for this should go day - a route that actually narrow strip of wall between "Private" and "West Edge. The key features were to me from a previous "with rope-from-above-attempt" not unheard of - not really Saxon, no, but still at least two years earlier this attempt ... Whether those knowledge, I figured even with pain, but only in my left middle or ring finger, which is imposed here, a really stupid through with fingers shaped hole. My plan was on full, hurt fingers or put a short time a sensory his services in the form of numbness, but I have it in my „erstmal-den-Überblick-gewinnen-Pause“ am Ring kurze Zeit später wieder zum mitmachen animieren… Die Griffe stellten sich zu meinem Erfreuen als besser als in meiner verstaubten Erinnerung behalten dar. Und schnell waren Versuch 1, 2, 3 …7, 8 gemacht, doch wollte sich mir die richtige Lösung noch nicht offenbaren… Mit jedem gescheiterten Versuch wuchs allerdings auch mein Ehrgeiz den wirklich nicht mehr fernen Zielgriff endlich auch festzuhalten; die Tatsache, dass es für meine Sicherungsfrau an dieser Stelle nicht wirklich leicht war mich vernünftig zu sichern, vollkommen ignorierend… Natürlich hatte Fortuna die ganze Zeit auf diese günstigste sich darbietende Gelegenheit gewartet, und so kam that as it ... etc. - I was to have the opinion the solution that could handle still hold but fell again and hit his right ankle so stupid to the rock that I could still hear this very ugly noise before the stabbing pain manifested itself did . - It's all over, lost all illusion ... at this point could end this little comment, but he should not. The preliminary diagnosis is "suspected of talus fractures - if that is confirmed to show up for me ... But the important thing about that day was that by this but not really annoying but more dramatic mishap, my Kopf recht abrupt und plötzlich aus dem so angenehmen Sand gezogen wurde. Denn das ist das Klettern irgendwie auch immer wieder gewesen – eine Fluchtmöglichkeit, eine Fluchtmöglichkeit vor dem Alltag, den Wirren des Lebens und Allem was unangenehm ist. Dass dies natürlich nicht dauerhaft der status quo sein kann, hat sich an dieser Stelle recht barsch gezeigt. Und doch bin ich froh darüber dass an dieser Stelle diese – meine Illusion verloren gegangen ist. Weder das Klettern, noch alles andere was das Leben lebenswert macht, haben es verdient nicht mit 100%iger Aufmerkamsamkeit behandelt zu werden. Und es klingt doch gut – in allen Lebensbereichen mit der nötigen Präsenz zu gegen zu sein, keine Flucht mehr, nur noch Freude im Hier und Jetzt – auf das auch was einem lieb und teuer ist noch mehr an Qualität gewinnt!