I've seen the morning in the mountains of Alaska I've seen the sunset
in the east and the west in
And I'm far, far away
With my head up in the clouds
And I'm far, far away
This is probably one of the evergreens that of Kurt just with the Wolfgang, John Bachar, Jonny Copp, Micah Dash, the old Ricardo, Kristina and all the others, the fire - with a bottle in his hand Heldbräu - blares in front of him ...
There are times that are blacker than black, times as you wish yourself, you would have met all these wonderful people never, not even remotely ... And yet you may know them - not personally - but somehow it has always felt a bit like, you felt connected, they did share the same passion, have the same obsession - have just one goal as oneself ... It was good to know somehow - of Kurt, who is, who makes his thing, which does not take life so seriously - has just enjoy the people, cultures, landscapes and in the movement. Who did not give Kurt a pod of the best ... Legendary his lectures - I never have such enthusiasm at someone for what he shows here and experience makes! In the first lecture, which I could attend to him, it has been before the break three times in the dark "pop" and made Kurt's tongue was getting looser ...
Kurt, it was a pleasure! - Off to new shores ...
A very nice portrait of the Kurt found here:
% 20Kurt% 20Albert.htm