Bernard Madoff erfüllte die Kategorie I auf der hohen Ebene: Vertrauen, Ausstrahlung, sah fast aus wie J.W. von Goethe, siehe die Ähnlichkeit der Köpfe, übergehe die unterschiedliche Durchblutung. Unsere Zeit ist Krebs-verseucht, fast sieht man es. Sogar ein Professoren-Titel kann hinsichtlich der Integrität täuschen und die Kategorie I unterstützen.
Der finanziell-wirtschaftliche Betrug auf niederer, mittlerer und hoher Ebene hat ein Schema, das sich in sieben Kategorien aufteilen lässt:
- I Vertrauen gewinnen, an eine seriöse Umgebung anlehnen oder eine altbewährte Vertrauens-Struktur nutzen/missbrauchen, mögliche Mittäter selektieren, Wissen splitten, Gewinne in Aussicht stellen, relativ beteiligen.
- II einen Vorteil des/der Opfer vortäuschen, mit kleinen Gewinnen in Sicherheit wiegen, ködern
- III Absichten verschleiern, lügen, gute Blend-Arbeit, aber schlechte Arbeit im Verborgenen, Scheinarbeit, Projekte, Geschäftigkeit vorschieben, Details verunklären, "Fach-Latein" vorschieben, Kompetenz vortäuschen oder missbrauchen, mögliche Angestellte an Geheimhaltung Bind bribe useful partner.
- IV wait for opportunities or they provoke, without conscience, without scruples, but with feverish expectation of material success and the associated power. Feverish anticipation and criminal are two different things. The latter refers to an unscrupulous step over victims, deceived wards or even friends, deceived customers or confidants.
- V weaknesses in a system or weaknesses of partners and take advantage of victims who use bad security systems.
- VI take what comes, the real fraud, often suddenly and rapidly fall victim out of the clouds. Unnoticed continuous fraud is also possible until the bubble bursts or fraud launches sent "expires", very gradually dissolves.
- VII abwimmeln disappear, cover up, deny, change, falsify identity.
I want the methods using examples describe low-level, some Links and lift the corners of the methods. In particular, the category III is designed to detect criminal intent early on. This must begin in the enlightened "labor" victims located investigate, just search and then draw the consequences and try to draw its values from the thing out. It is often just ignored this point because the bait-profits make a formal blind and the greed for more will be larger. Turn out to fraudsters build on human weakness, and later as a tough, absolutely ruthless, unrepentant, selfish, cold and destructive - it is too late. Only one larva is left out sucked, the victim who can fight hard afterwards. Rarely are values back to the original owner betrayed, not by criminal ads also very restricted by civil processes. Other winners, those who are on the Cannibalize have specialized, are on the train, the victim gets nothing.
The issue seems to be very current , as I now realize the 20/Oktober/10 reading SPON.
continued today at the haunt 28/November/2010
rescue screen and € crash today by the news. In free fall is the € not. He has with countries like Thailand lost 25 percent to 30 percent. He remains at this level but somewhat stable. There are currently no alternative to Europe for €. Somehow, the Europeans must agree who is responsible for carelessness and calculated fraud Member countries are liable to pay and must. The fraud in local banks, supported by power politics, can guess at the above Scheme and affect virtually all countries of the EU.
Oskar Lafontaine became abusive on a talk show two days ago: cheaters, etc. were his words. Easy to say when no one has to call directly. There are too many. So it remains in public protest affecting outbreaks. Power is good. A proposal in the round was that the euro is divided into a northern and a southern good bad. France should belong to this scheme to the south. Countries that are not in the EU, to the north. Confusing as it gets. The confusion is in the same head that discussion with other heads. Also, where chaos is in the head. Infantil it breaks out: cheaters - the others that everyone, in business or in the banks, it is not as well known. Unfortunately
have not looked at those in charge of the Internet desk. Looking to expand here warned. I had to scroll back themselves. How far out than the German parliament economy and thus debt packages decided, rather than as proposed here, to make vacation in the Seychelles and once thought?
If European countries lose part of their identity by being patronized gradually, then blooms of fraud thrown away in Europe. Europe still has no identity, not even a consistently accepted constitution. Europe has become a monster of a skyscraper, only the back door is open. Forward, no one may enter. Through the back entrance, the representatives of European political parties come up with their heavy luggage with corruption, fraud and benefit withdrawals, with all the baggage of claims, which relate to their caste, which let the public in general and on the left. But to pay the claims, the luxury accommodation, the whole apparatus, the need of the citizens. He has to feed the parasites, parasites with great experience, how to cheat and can fool the public, parasites, which in turn feed their people in the media to make the illusion perfect.
course, there is a way out of the Euro-crisis from the fraud secret from parasitism. Europe needs to get its culture, making proudly countries, who have this culture. Second, a financial compensation already in employment policies are decided. Countries whose industry is booming, must give work to provoke training, but go back a portion of the profits in such urban areas must be connected to the peripheral areas. A Portuguese man who finds a good job, for example, in Holland, would carry a small balance control for his country. This money must be in the social security systems Flowing though not in a corrupt state apparatus. Furthermore
is here considered urgently needed: activity-based short-training, which is the constantly changing requirements. Training may not be too sedate, why not comprehensive, because then applications will be sent to the winds. Training must be targeted, come from the employers. An introduction or a short guide would be sufficient in many cases. The employee must have the ability to learn a few work-flows. There
Another very good system it already, say job placement of professionals. These can offer vacancies , Watch out looking for something suitable. They are freelancers, independent, flexible, and they fill gaps in businesses, hospitals, etc. in exchange firms, often based on the idea of \u200b\u200ba resourceful person shall receive percentages are not dependent on government subsidies. What was bad was the massive subsidies in recent years, mediation companies without clever idea from the floor could shoot. They stressed the state-fund significantly. What was bad was the often inhumane treatment of work-seekers, the degrading one-euro jobs, and more.
self-placement companies that generate self-employment and start to the needs, not on the state subsidy, which sich finanziell selbst tragen, sind das Beste, das dem Arbeit-Markt passieren konnte. Nun fehlt noch das Zusammenspiel von solchen Vermittlungen und Bedarf-orientierter Kurz-Ausbildung durch die Firmen/Arbeitgeber selbst, denn für beschränkte Arbeit-Abläufe ist sehr oft keine hohe Qualifikation erforderlich. An der Praxis kann dann noch ausgesiebt werden, weil sich nicht alle Bewerber für beschränkte Arbeit-Abläufe eignen. Diese Art der Beschäftigung-Politik kann alle Menschen in Europa erfassen, auch diejenigen, die in ihren eigenen Rand-Ländern keine Arbeit finden. Auch hier: eine geringe Abgabe für ihr Land, das hoch verschuldet sein kann, muss sein.
Die sozialen Absicherung-Systeme sind die Grundlage für regional culture that has to do with the identity of a country. Europe promotes these local cultures through a system of social protection and the described flexible work placement with short training, then Europe is gaining its own identity. Europe then that is clamped to a well thought out protective shield his values. The rescue screen for € and banks, however again only feeds corruption and fraud - the devil is then expelled by Beelzebub, the fire is extinguished with the hidden oil greed.
Europe is the sum of its historic cultures of all its countries, the common currency, the flexibility of science, education, work and Entrepreneurship is concentrated power of his best forces within wide limits - not when everything is ruined by fat parasites in power, take no account of other countries, such as the governance in Ireland, as well as regional banks bonded politicians in Germany, further Examples would go beyond the frame.
note in everything is expressed in this topic, we are constantly the seven points of the fraud scheme above.
The issue seems to be very current , as I now realize the 20/Oktober/10 reading SPON.
continued today at the haunt 28/November/2010
rescue screen and € crash today by the news. In free fall is the € not. He has with countries like Thailand lost 25 percent to 30 percent. He remains at this level but somewhat stable. There are currently no alternative to Europe for €. Somehow, the Europeans must agree who is responsible for carelessness and calculated fraud Member countries are liable to pay and must. The fraud in local banks, supported by power politics, can guess at the above Scheme and affect virtually all countries of the EU.
Oskar Lafontaine became abusive on a talk show two days ago: cheaters, etc. were his words. Easy to say when no one has to call directly. There are too many. So it remains in public protest affecting outbreaks. Power is good. A proposal in the round was that the euro is divided into a northern and a southern good bad. France should belong to this scheme to the south. Countries that are not in the EU, to the north. Confusing as it gets. The confusion is in the same head that discussion with other heads. Also, where chaos is in the head. Infantil it breaks out: cheaters - the others that everyone, in business or in the banks, it is not as well known. Unfortunately
have not looked at those in charge of the Internet desk. Looking to expand here warned. I had to scroll back themselves. How far out than the German parliament economy and thus debt packages decided, rather than as proposed here, to make vacation in the Seychelles and once thought?
If European countries lose part of their identity by being patronized gradually, then blooms of fraud thrown away in Europe. Europe still has no identity, not even a consistently accepted constitution. Europe has become a monster of a skyscraper, only the back door is open. Forward, no one may enter. Through the back entrance, the representatives of European political parties come up with their heavy luggage with corruption, fraud and benefit withdrawals, with all the baggage of claims, which relate to their caste, which let the public in general and on the left. But to pay the claims, the luxury accommodation, the whole apparatus, the need of the citizens. He has to feed the parasites, parasites with great experience, how to cheat and can fool the public, parasites, which in turn feed their people in the media to make the illusion perfect.
course, there is a way out of the Euro-crisis from the fraud secret from parasitism. Europe needs to get its culture, making proudly countries, who have this culture. Second, a financial compensation already in employment policies are decided. Countries whose industry is booming, must give work to provoke training, but go back a portion of the profits in such urban areas must be connected to the peripheral areas. A Portuguese man who finds a good job, for example, in Holland, would carry a small balance control for his country. This money must be in the social security systems Flowing though not in a corrupt state apparatus. Furthermore
is here considered urgently needed: activity-based short-training, which is the constantly changing requirements. Training may not be too sedate, why not comprehensive, because then applications will be sent to the winds. Training must be targeted, come from the employers. An introduction or a short guide would be sufficient in many cases. The employee must have the ability to learn a few work-flows. There
Another very good system it already, say job placement of professionals. These can offer vacancies , Watch out looking for something suitable. They are freelancers, independent, flexible, and they fill gaps in businesses, hospitals, etc. in exchange firms, often based on the idea of \u200b\u200ba resourceful person shall receive percentages are not dependent on government subsidies. What was bad was the massive subsidies in recent years, mediation companies without clever idea from the floor could shoot. They stressed the state-fund significantly. What was bad was the often inhumane treatment of work-seekers, the degrading one-euro jobs, and more.
self-placement companies that generate self-employment and start to the needs, not on the state subsidy, which sich finanziell selbst tragen, sind das Beste, das dem Arbeit-Markt passieren konnte. Nun fehlt noch das Zusammenspiel von solchen Vermittlungen und Bedarf-orientierter Kurz-Ausbildung durch die Firmen/Arbeitgeber selbst, denn für beschränkte Arbeit-Abläufe ist sehr oft keine hohe Qualifikation erforderlich. An der Praxis kann dann noch ausgesiebt werden, weil sich nicht alle Bewerber für beschränkte Arbeit-Abläufe eignen. Diese Art der Beschäftigung-Politik kann alle Menschen in Europa erfassen, auch diejenigen, die in ihren eigenen Rand-Ländern keine Arbeit finden. Auch hier: eine geringe Abgabe für ihr Land, das hoch verschuldet sein kann, muss sein.
Die sozialen Absicherung-Systeme sind die Grundlage für regional culture that has to do with the identity of a country. Europe promotes these local cultures through a system of social protection and the described flexible work placement with short training, then Europe is gaining its own identity. Europe then that is clamped to a well thought out protective shield his values. The rescue screen for € and banks, however again only feeds corruption and fraud - the devil is then expelled by Beelzebub, the fire is extinguished with the hidden oil greed.
Europe is the sum of its historic cultures of all its countries, the common currency, the flexibility of science, education, work and Entrepreneurship is concentrated power of his best forces within wide limits - not when everything is ruined by fat parasites in power, take no account of other countries, such as the governance in Ireland, as well as regional banks bonded politicians in Germany, further Examples would go beyond the frame.
note in everything is expressed in this topic, we are constantly the seven points of the fraud scheme above.