Saturday, December 25, 2010

Dark Brown Loose Stool

A Christmas Carol

von Peter Hähnel

Endlich ist es wieder einmal so weit! Fest eingemummelt stapfe ich durch den tief verschneiten Winterwald meiner sächsischen Bergheimat. Das Laufen fällt mir mit den Jahren schwerer und schwerer, besonders wenn es bergauf geht fehlt mir die Luft. Langsam und bedächtig schreite ich aus – längst nicht mehr der junge Springinsfeld vergangener Jahre. Als einer der Baumverantwortlichen beim Bergsteigerbund, bin ich unterwegs um „den Bergsport gefährdende Bäume“ anzusehen und requesting, where appropriate, their precipitation in the forest. "You have not the goat to catch a thief" I think - and remember with a smile of long ago of a story.

It was a winter as it appears in the book. For weeks, the ridge of the Ore Mountains were under a snow cover, which had pushed in recent days to the lowlands. Now, were the hills and valleys of the Saxon Switzerland, and snowed shone in winter splendor. What was so delightful than to spend the Christmas holiday in a mountain hut in this fairy tale land? In short, I had decided that a reality and was driven with the kids at the cabin. More specifically, said to my wife and the twins - and because it could not be avoided, and the law.

latter had certainly also be good, but the children were still at the crawling age and heavier than a bag to keep fleas. The question with the answer "The law - which is superfluous," "What is more fluid than liquid?" Was not for us. The children well fed, I could me so in the afternoon that "Christmas Eve" safely make their way to a Christmas tree to get. It was clear that I had not bought in town, now when I practically lived in the forest. Already some two hundred yards from the hut I looked carefully around for a little tree, but I was already aware of the offense, which I wanted to commit. However, I thought it was at that time for a minor offense and not put me the question of how it would be like if everyone would do so.

was at last reached the object of my desire. Discreetly I took a fox tail from a backpack and a man-sawn spruce from just above the ground. After I had packed the saw again, I placed the tree checking to myself, wondering how I could carry him. At that moment a man came in felt boots and loden jacket from behind a bush and shouted at me: "Well Listen, how it works well? "Throw away the tree, the remark" You know what you can run away "and was one.
earliest after ten minutes I stopped the first time, behind me the infinite silence of the forest. But my lonely lane I could probably tell. I finally came to a crossroads to other imprints of boots or high mountain shoes. Carefully, I placed myself exactly into these taps and ran a few steps backward. Then I jumped on the side of a mountain slope and climbed up without any displacement. The snow muffled my steps to the silence and my breathing was not listening anymore.

Unnoticed I ran back to the oblique eines großen Steinblockes hoch, um erschrocken an seiner Abbruchkante zu verharren. Im Schutz dieser Kante, direkt unter mir und keine zwei Meter entfernt, stand ein mächtiger Hirsch. Keine Ahnung wer mehr erschrocken war von uns beiden, aber ich glaube schon ich. Der Zwölfender jedenfalls verschwand ruhig im Unterholz, während ich mich vor Schreck fast hingesetzt hätte. Nach diesem Erlebnis beschloss ich spontan meine Flucht zu beenden und kehrte in großem Bogen als harmloser Spaziergänger zum Ort meines Frevels zurück. Allerdings - leicht frierend - nur im Pullover. Den Anorak hatte ich vorsichtshalber im Rucksack verstaut, um mir ein anderes Outfit zu geben. In Höhe der „Sägestelle“ trat ich dann kurz herunter vom Weg, um an einen Baum zu pinkeln, beziehungsweise so zu tun. Aus den Augenwinkeln beobachtete ich das Gelände und sah zu meiner Freude, dass mein Weihnachtsbäumchen noch da lag.
Außer meinen Spuren, führten die Abdrücke von Filzstiefeln hin, die aber dort endeten. Das hieß, der Mann hatte gar nicht versucht mir zu folgen.

Beruhigt ging ich zur Hütte zurück, um den Einbruch der Dunkelheit abzuwarten und meine Schwiegermutter als Träger anzuwerben. Der kurze Waldweg und das Stückchen Straße würden kein Problem darstellen. Dann hieße es schnell noch den Baum zu schmücken und die Bescherung konnte beginnen.
Schon wenig später war es soweit. Der Abend begann sich to lay over the white linen of the snow, the wind was emerging across the street. Conditions as provided for us. With the exception of a man at the bus stop, which turned to the side as we passed, no one was in sight. Half an hour and we were back. The action was completed Christmas tree. Proud I was with him in the hut and froze ... we had a visit. It was the man from the bus stop. In the green sweater he was sitting at the table, jacket and hat hanging on the wardrobe.
"Santa Claus" mumbled the children to their mouths with chocolate besmearing that he had given them. "Well," I said a little uncertain, "you see more like a forester look as like Santa Claus. "
"Mr Haehnel," he said gravely, "I am the Forester. I felt sick and I had to sit down. "If I remember correctly," he added, "They said to me - you know what you can ... that would surely mean ... come visit in the evening? I have accepted the invitation. " "As you have just found me?" I stammered. "Oh, you know that was easy," he smiled. "It's like hunting, you can only wait. If you have scared away the game, it will often not take long and it comes back into the clearing. Then you had I follow only the glass where they were going to wait and finally the transport - and now I have you. " "Well," he said, "I asked your wife already in the tree account. Their children's sake and because it is Christmas, I will refrain from display. But God's grace to you if I catch you again. The next time that would be an expensive Christmas! Well no offense, now you can not spoil the Christmas Eve and have a Merry Christmas! "
During the last words he had the jacket tightened and placed the hat. Then he opened the door and stamped out - the children still being held for Santa Claus. Erst da wurde mir klar, dass ich einer war.
Frohes Fest!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Headache Trample Fetish

Why .... for Christmas!

  • Why do all politicians a "JANEIN" speech errors (you can not answer YES or NO)?
  • Why are not Hartz IV recipients counted as unemployed? Why lie
  • Politicians before the election, more than usual? Why do people believe
  • the politicians before the election, their lies again and again?
  • Why is a lawyer an hourly wage of more than 300 €
  • Why the interest of Wessi Ossi not?
  • Why does a hairdresser a merit of 4.50 €?
  • Why is the media, if any, of the new federal states (almost) reported only negative?
  • Why should hold the Ossi the Westerner as arrogant and overbearing?
  • Why is it intentional that there are over 20 years Easterners and Westerners?
  • Why is it After twenty years, is still new federal states?
  • Why does (after the end of the GDR) in Germany vibrated reinforced at the festivals of democracy?
  • have to answer why people do not relate to time, questions that your substantial life?
Why ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....?

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Tattoos With Wings And Footprints

Merry X-Mas

Alle die noch nicht so recht wissen was es mit dem Mann in rot jedes Jahr auf sich hat - aufgepasst...!

39 Degrees North: Christmas Card 2010 from 39 Degrees North on Vimeo .

Frohe Weihnachten!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Floxacillin Chest Infection

search ad: Gift ideas for Christmas

find an honest politician who is willing to give me my questions ONLY with the word " Yes or" No " zu beantworten.
Menschen, die aus Ihrem Sprachwortschatz die Worte Ja und nein gestrichen haben, können sich trotz ihres eventuell enormen Wissens nicht ehrlich artikulieren.  Kennen Sie Leute mit diesem Sprachfehler?
Einfach mal bewusst Nachrichten hören oder Zeitung lesen.
Haben Sie im wahren   Leben schon einmal einen Bäckermeister erlebt, der eine Autowerkstatt leitet.
Solch ein "geworschdl" geht auch nur   in der Politik.
Innerminister wird Finanzminister, Westlicher Schwimmmeister wird Außenminister. usw.

 Wenn Sie wissen wollen, how it really is to Germany, you need only turn over any daily newspaper. No reading, no line by line. Between the lines. Worked in 1989. And the first signs are still similar. It's just a few people too well.
An example from real life:
was recently unfortunately necessary that I had to seek advice from an attorney.
Young dynamic (not unfriendly) lawyer.
After the usual "necessary small talk" and the recitation of my request, I was at 27 minutes a noncommittal answer to my questions.
net price 160 € + 20 € fee f. expenses (3Kopien) = € 214.20 inkl. Märchensteuer.
Soweit so gut.   Aber wo liegen denn hier die Relationen?
Ein Stundenlohn von über 300 €. Und die Rechtsanwältin macht auch nur ihre Arbeit. Ob gut, kann ich bei 214,20 € leider noch nicht einschätzen.

Um mit dem großen deutschen Dichter Heinrich Heine zu antworten:
“Denk ich an Deutschland in der Nacht, bin ich um den Schlaf gebracht.“
Ein besinnliches warmes und nachdenkliches Weihnachtsfest

Vidios De Niñas Follando

sun, mountains and Berber whiskey ...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sitting On Her Stomach

on ZDF television film "Family Cheerful" Our democracy

Gestern lief im ZDF die Komödie „Familie Fröhlich“, (hier nochmals zu sehen ) die eigentlich keine Komödie ist. Diese Produktion ist   eine gutgemachte dramatische Dokumentation mit sarkastischen Dialogen. Die beim Arbeitsamt, Entschuldigung JOBCENTER dargestellten Dialoge entsprechen dermaßen der Realität, dass man der Meinung sein könnte, die dort agierenden FALLMANAGER arbeiten nach Drehbuch. Man fragt sich, wie diese Angestellten schon im Vorab an das Drehbuch des Films gekommen sind .Und wer schon einmal mit dieser Institution und den dort beschäftigten Menschen zu tun haben musste, weiß wovon ich rede. Von der Realität des deutschen Alltags entfernt this film from the last quarter. But that's only natural, since the "public service" to his so-called order (and this includes not actually criticism of the system) needs to be. And besides, it was supposed to be a comedy.
Speaking "public service" . Try renaming to define this word creation. Why Public? What then are the private ones? And Legally. What is even legal? What rights are as represented in a democracy? The of the people? Hardly. The parties. It seemed more likely. The lobbyists of nuclear energy? The pharmaceutical industry? The order
the private sectors? Profit! With this the dumbing down slowly should be halted. For the currently prevailing level of privacy is truly arrived hopefully already on the bottom. If you can still speak of levels. Actually helps because more often back off and just talk with each another. A beautiful
weekly television


Sunday, December 12, 2010

Cat Without Incisor Teeth

I recently read in a Blog an article about the danger of the Lobbyists for the existence of democracy form. Now I seriously wonder what democracy is meant for. Since there are several forms of the definition of democracy, I ask myself the question must be whether, in Germany supposedly oh-so-great democracy, really represents the "people power".
meets According to the definitions of indirect democracy on us. What this means for Germany, a representative democracy. The representatives should be elected and then for a period of time to the best of my knowledge and belief (in this can be a politicians who make it this far?) The fortunes of the state . Lead
Let's get to the intrusive question, "What is a representative "?
It is a person who is authorized to political action on behalf of a political entity.
We have further learned above, that a democracy is the power of the people, should represent a representative of this, his political unit. Now please take a look once in your closed doors of our politicians at this point. Certainly include managers of the nuclear industry and the people. But not exclusively. And we are a people the pharmaceutical industrialist? Welcome our children by his first name really all Mc? I know nicht so richtig aber irgendwie darf man über das, was in diesem Lande geschieht nicht nachdenken. Sollte man aber.