A D S - A ufmerksamkeits- D efizit- S yndrom
A D H S - A ufmerksamkeits- D efizit- H yperaktivitäts - S yndrom
Allein bei den Begriffen kann eimem schon die Luft weg bleiben.....
Faßt everyone has at some point .... somewhere .... schonmal .... . heard anything .....
But what lies just behind eigendlich
-? Addition to the various rumors and stories that are told so?
In ASD / ADHD Summarizing a group of symptoms which stakeholders great difficulties prepare their actions and their behavior to control and organize .
are the most affected regions of brain that the areas attention , are design and execution, concentration and perception responsible
This results in the three basic pillars of this disease:
- difficulties with the concentration and sustained attention
- hyperactivity
- impulsivity
- the dreamer type
major problems in the areas attention and concentration little problems with hyperactivity
- the hyperactive type (Zappelphillipp)
major problems with the hyperactivity , fewer problems with attention and concentration
- the mixed type
major problems with the attention and hyperactivity ;
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