No issue in recent days, climbing abstinent tempers heated so much as the buzzwords - Castle Rock and Hohnstein ... It's the presumption near the heat of the debate is not only misdirected energy reserves from steeled forearms in under-served brain may have to do, but that since it was definitely a topic being discussed that could have revolutionary impact (deliberately I write in this context not only for sports) to the further development of the climbing tradition have in our mountains ... what is it exactly? (And even if I'm not on that momentous night in person vor Ort war, bin ich glaube ich ansatzweise informiert.) Die Stadt Hohnstein möchte, wie auch schon seit vielen Jahren von Bernd Arnold geplant, in Zusammenarbeit mit eben jenem, den Burgfelsen zum Klettern freigeben und dafür erschließen. Diese Erschließung soll nun allerdings nicht im Rahmen der Regeln des Sächsischen Kletterns stattfinden, sondern eine sportklettermäßige Erschließung zulassen. An dieser Stelle nun schon einmal zwei große Diskussionspunkte – zum einen das Klettern an Massiven und zum anderen vollkommen unsächsisches Sportklettern (obwohl, unsächsisch…!?). Dazu braucht es natürlich einer (oder mehrerer) Ausnahmeregelungen. Diese (sowie das ganze Projekt) sind nur in Zusammenarbeit accessible by all interested parties to. And that certainly includes not only the city Hohnstein and "AG - Competition Climbing in Saxony, but of course, and first for the SBB, and the DAV as a large umbrella organization and not the least to Nationalparkverwaltung.Und exactly at this point - the dividing line between so- many and various interest groups - should understand the whole thing as a great opportunity rather than contracting the mandatory and (without even thinking about short resulting opportunities to have) to crush disaster. At this point, perhaps the short side question - why in fact the whole thing? - Well, certainly has the Hohnstein noticed looking into your own cash that it's not quite as much from the large and delicious cake of the tourism benefits as the two leading Rathen and Bad Schandau (I am the developments that I get to see there quite critical of ...) and instead opted for something . do The part of this project a kind of mountain sports - museum will be built within the castle, has been something almost ironic, as it was the great Messner which attested to the dawn of the anchors to the death of mountaineering (which is so even arrived not quite ... ). Certainly in this context not only see the city Hohnstein the possibility to make profit but also many others which at this Center have a point of, if only they vermieten.Diejenigen a room which no commercial harbor in the project, but still have an interest in its implementation are certainly those who climb the Saxon critical of his ethics and its conventions are facing (or maybe not even that), but simply those who (rightly) note that the potential of opening up slowly but surely worthy Neutouren tends to a close. Many people have tried the argument - residents mountaineers to climb the local approach can lead to (perhaps later this shortly ...) ... Well, the first point - who the Saxon Climbing with his own species does not like does not need to climb here - there's something in it. BUT since there is now even has long been tensions between the different camps and interest groups are - sadly, the best documented in the crazy ring drawing first horse to care at this point may be the opportunity some room for relaxation. Possibly, both camps exist side by side ... sure to come sooner or later the question of other massifs on. And of course you get this gift is not easy, but - as already installed in the discussions - could or should it be a case for swaps - a few minor peaks (yes yes, everything is relative ...) is here, against a solid wall there ... I would not mind, but that's just my very personal view - I do not collect peaks and can on-green-heap fawning not get anything ... Others see the other, for other makes even an appeal from the Saxon climbing. But that should not continue to be subject ... The things with the slowly closing window for new developments, I think the more important argument ... It may be objected here that prevails in a mountain range with about 20 000 cycles a virtually unlimited potential and can not Neutouren (especially radical development needs). - Sure it's a big if in this context totally unreal number whom please stand for open all these routes, many Eleven and Twelve candidates, or the many average climbers, who with great pleasure that all two-climbing and three chimneys of the Mountains or all those break-resistant mountain friends who are able to change a route to ignore (as sandstone) over the years ... In the light of those facts, we're getting closer I think ... Of course, there are still plenty of tours, only go climb a lot more people than they did ten or fifteen years ... What are the routes without being noticed, of course not pass. But I consider crucial for the possibility and the potential (or not) a mountain "alive" to get by is accessed by HAPPY is developed by the creative and good climbers continue to deal with the rock and open up new territory ... In Saxony was it always so many times it was felt the "table was cleared" ... And each came once new creative people and have taught the reactionaries a lesson ... It would be nice if it continues could be so ... The argument area newcomers by this sport climbing moderately safe sandstone tours to the traditional Saxon introduce climbing to, I find that utterly preposterous ... - This will probably not work. But for a first tentative contact (also in heavier routes) it might be a possibility? You could certainly write tirades ... It would be nice if this really the possibility of a chance would be used - because it is!
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