Sunday, March 25, 2007

What Patches Does The Top Gun Flight Suit Have

not neglect the really important

Apply for everything just so much time and energy on what it is worth to you. Time and energy, which is the raw material from which we can shape our lives.

We can shape it like a sculptor, a figure of stone. According to their own ideas and their own initiative, but only within the limits that meet our opportunities and abilities. to live

His life means to own ideas to create the things our own standard of value. The value that we attach to an action shall determine, including time and energy we spend on this wollen.

Sehr oft vergeuden wir für unwichtige Dinge Zeit und Energie, die uns später fehlen, wenn wir alle Kraft auf das wirklich Wichtige konzentrieren sollten.

Zwei Hinweise können Ihnen dabei helfen, diesen Fehler zu vermeiden:

I. Teilen Sie Ihre Vorhaben nach der Wichtigkeit für Sie ein und erledigen Sie das Wichtigste zuerst.

2. Bedenken Sie bei allen Vorhaben den Vier-Punkte Ablauf:

Definieren Sie Ihr Ziel ganz konkret und legen Sie die Zeit fest, wie lange Sie sich damit beschäftigen wollen oder können.

Check to see when the time is right for the project. For one thing too early or too late to attack can cost an additional expenditure of energy and often leads only to an unsatisfactory result.

Set the amount of effort, perhaps to be money that you want to contribute.

Decide what you do without consciously or what you want to move to a later date in order to concentrate all energy on what you appear to be important.

Such considerations prevent targeted very often that we miss the most important things in life because we have backed the wrong horse, and often continue to persist, although we have recognized our mistake long ago. The reason is the lack of concentration with which we have started a project:

We do not know exactly what we want. "Somehow I get the point already," is the most common phrase of self-esteem.

We have only a vague idea of \u200b\u200bthe effort that requires the matter because it is only the first steps of the procedure to check and hope that it would then go on somehow.

We begin the plan hasty and underestimated in the initial over-enthusiasm of our own forces. It often happens that we soon lose interest, if not the success fast enough to be visible.

Do not forget that every day of our lives we have only a certain amount of time and energy. It is only about ourselves, whether we spend most of it for what makes us really happy.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

ключ для Mount&blade Native

is your life from becoming, grow and pass away.

Tomorrow it may be too late. Join in the hope of closing, you just were spared from disease and death.

Hoping that somehow, someday, someone will make sure that something in your life will change for the better is probably the most disastrous Excuses to solve his own problems, here and now. The much-vaunted "principle of hope" is a principle of self-denial.

It means: I am not able to determine my own life, so I leave it to other people, fate or chance.

It is a principle of escape from the reality of life. A reality that we can not escape. This reality is that everything, even our lives, in three recurring phases takes place: If, growth and decay.

This is the Framework in which we can shape our lives. We can change what is possible. But we have to respect what is not changing.

We can not change the fact that we are born and die one day be inevitable. It does not help us when our lives or the period in which we were born to complain.

And it is no use for a lifetime of living in constant fear of illness and death. All we can do with all the energy is: In the time available to us to grow to the man that we want to be.

The reality with which we are confronted, is full of obstacles and resistance, we can not avoid. What we can do, is to train our survival skills tirelessly to help us meet these resistors always better.

The fear of illness and death, we can not overcome the fact that we replace it, or hope that we will stay as long spared. We can only prepare to respond to them properly when the time of the confrontation has come with it.

live happy, that means saying the anchor-happy to be in us so deeply that we in the moment of death can be happy.

What should stop us? Finally, the last day of our lives - whenever it comes - even one day in our life where we do everything we can to be happy.

And as for the disease: If we do every day on their own all we can to avoid them, the chance to stay healthy, is much greater than if we contribute nothing more to it than to hope that someone else can repair the damage to us that we would even be avoided.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

How To Build Automatic Water For Rabbits

self-analysis filter, please, please, if you will really benefit

What really matters is not what you're told, but what you make of what you see for yourself to be right.

information and communication are the key ideas of our time. All inform us, in newspapers and books, on television and from billboards on the roadside. But how do they inform us? They give us the information that they have prepared for us.

And they do it with the intention that we believe their information as truth and act accordingly. This applies to parents and teachers as well as for politicians and the media.

What we do with this information depends on how we filter them according to the standards that are useful to us. The filter that makes it possible for us are our own standards and values \u200b\u200bthat we hold in our opinion, for us.

According to the principle: "I do not know what I can and should, but what makes me free and happier." to filter information according to this principle implies, that we question every piece of information. The filter question is "Why?" Why should I believe

what they tell me? Why should I do what I was trying to suggest? Why should it make me happy? Why should this Information be accurate and not another, or the opposite?

we not fool ourselves: Sixty percent of the ability to communicate to other people is not the information but he disinformation. This is true for ourselves as well as for all others:

Any excuse is a misinformation. People talk a lot, instead of information about the cause of failure.

Each advertising message is disinformation. The advantage is emphasized as impressive to hide that each product has its drawbacks. Every promise is disinformation.

We should believe in something from which we do not know whether a promise that it makes us, is actually observed. Authority is based on misinformation. If someone says: "I know what is right for you.

do it, otherwise you will have drawbacks, "it is nothing but an attempt to convince us, we might not know themselves what is right. And election promises of the politicians? Well, it everyone can already form his own opinion

With all this "information" and many others - we are confronted daily in two ways. Either we use pure it to others, or others use it against us What can. We conclude from this? We can conclude that information is no truth.

And what can we think of truth, it was already mentioned. Think a little about it. You may recognize it better, how do you assess information in the future.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Nipples Of Yogitabali

your life is an RPG. Run the self-directed?

We are all actors on the stage of life. We play the contemporary world and ourselves from the roles that we have learned. The good father, caring mother, the dynamic manager, the hard-working employees, the defiant teenager and the emancipated woman.

We play our roles in the workplace, in the Society and in bed. We play to gain recognition, reputation or praise. And if there is already no praise, then at least sympathy or consolation.

But who are we when the curtain falls and we are left with us? How do our roles cover our real self, and who actually leads the government in our role play?

This is one of the questions that entscheiden.Führe about our personal freedom and happiness I directed a play that I've chosen for yourself? Or do I let others pull the strings and determine how I think, act, what I believe and what to buy?

all begins with that you become aware of four things:

I. Who are you really?
second Live the way you want to really live?
third If not, why not live like you want to live like you?
4th What can you do to change your life?

sound so easy, they will also, most people who go out of their way. Are you satisfied with what others have left for them. They say: "I'm just the way I am

this I must resign myself.." Or are you telling yourself: "I would change a lot in my life but now it's probably already too late. "You play the role of self-pity and be content.

But is that really all we expect from our lives? A life of second-hand, on as an extra edge of Done, who is so happy to watch how he will be dangled on television the dreams that he can never fulfill itself.

because each of us has the opportunity to live the way he dreamed it. He must The only choice for it and train it every day. This decision is the transition from the foreign education for self-education, from extras to the director and finally to the author, who his role in life writes itself to the body.

And all that begins with the fact that you ask yourself the question: "What I want and what the others want from me?" This is the beginning of independent thought. Consider just this one question again and again and think about it

Do not think: "My own director, I create I'm never depend on so many people and obligations.." The first step in any change is: awareness.

And is aware, never again evade the question: Why do I do something, or why I do not know?

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Can Black Stool Be From Drinking

who lives with confidence, needs to prove anything to anyone

Much of what we do is done only for one reason: We want to impress other people. We want to show them how good we are as industrious and clever. Sometimes we succeed and the other to win respect for us.

The disadvantage of these efforts, however, is that we should never get tired of being just this respect.

If other is once again showing off by looking at our past with the respect and the game starts over. Very often, however, our efforts come to nothing.

Simple because the other is not interested to learn from us that we are better than him. He wants nothing more than to impress us.

Such idle time cost a lot of time and energy. So why should we ever prove something to other people or to justify ourselves before them, when in the end only one thing counts: how do we even think about us?

effort to prove something to others or to justify ourselves is so often nothing else than an attempt to justify ourselves to ourselves.

If you are determined, however, your life according to their own ideas, their own and to own living standards, all these efforts no longer required. You do not need the favor and respect of others vie:

you respect yourself most. You are your own critic, know your weaknesses and your strengths and work every day to tackle your problems better. Through even more praise and recognition of others depend.

And another thing: It is necessary to say that you demonstrate to the outside authority and humiliate others in order to improve themselves and to signal: I'm better than you

It is for They long to be not about being better than anyone else, if you believe that you yourself are as good as you want to be. Or it will be one day.

This setting will benefit mainly themselves but also it creates a whole new relationship with other people. Criticisms, no longer causes anxiety. You do not need to be aggressively to assert itself.

you can respond confidently, because you are your self-assured. This creates a new basis for dialogue.

If someone insulted or offended, it does not hurt your pride because you need more pride, self-protection. You can allowed to reply, "You're right, my friend I have made a mistake I'm sorry Let's be in peace about it...."

gives them this self-conscious behavior to others not much more authority than the constant attempt to pretend, that you are better than you actually are?