self-analysis filter, please, please, if you will really benefit
What really matters is not what you're told, but what you make of what you see for yourself to be right.
information and communication are the key ideas of our time. All inform us, in newspapers and books, on television and from billboards on the roadside. But how do they inform us? They give us the information that they have prepared for us.
And they do it with the intention that we believe their information as truth and act accordingly. This applies to parents and teachers as well as for politicians and the media.
What we do with this information depends on how we filter them according to the standards that are useful to us. The filter that makes it possible for us are our own standards and values \u200b\u200bthat we hold in our opinion, for us.
According to the principle: "I do not know what I can and should, but what makes me free and happier." to filter information according to this principle implies, that we question every piece of information. The filter question is "Why?" Why should I believe
what they tell me? Why should I do what I was trying to suggest? Why should it make me happy? Why should this Information be accurate and not another, or the opposite?
we not fool ourselves: Sixty percent of the ability to communicate to other people is not the information but he disinformation. This is true for ourselves as well as for all others:
Any excuse is a misinformation. People talk a lot, instead of information about the cause of failure.
Each advertising message is disinformation. The advantage is emphasized as impressive to hide that each product has its drawbacks. Every promise is disinformation.
We should believe in something from which we do not know whether a promise that it makes us, is actually observed. Authority is based on misinformation. If someone says: "I know what is right for you.
do it, otherwise you will have drawbacks, "it is nothing but an attempt to convince us, we might not know themselves what is right. And election promises of the politicians? Well, it everyone can already form his own opinion
With all this "information" and many others - we are confronted daily in two ways. Either we use pure it to others, or others use it against us What can. We conclude from this? We can conclude that information is no truth.
And what can we think of truth, it was already mentioned. Think a little about it. You may recognize it better, how do you assess information in the future.
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