not neglect the really important
Apply for everything just so much time and energy on what it is worth to you. Time and energy, which is the raw material from which we can shape our lives.
We can shape it like a sculptor, a figure of stone. According to their own ideas and their own initiative, but only within the limits that meet our opportunities and abilities. to live
His life means to own ideas to create the things our own standard of value. The value that we attach to an action shall determine, including time and energy we spend on this wollen.
Sehr oft vergeuden wir für unwichtige Dinge Zeit und Energie, die uns später fehlen, wenn wir alle Kraft auf das wirklich Wichtige konzentrieren sollten.
Zwei Hinweise können Ihnen dabei helfen, diesen Fehler zu vermeiden:
I. Teilen Sie Ihre Vorhaben nach der Wichtigkeit für Sie ein und erledigen Sie das Wichtigste zuerst.
2. Bedenken Sie bei allen Vorhaben den Vier-Punkte Ablauf:
Definieren Sie Ihr Ziel ganz konkret und legen Sie die Zeit fest, wie lange Sie sich damit beschäftigen wollen oder können.
Check to see when the time is right for the project. For one thing too early or too late to attack can cost an additional expenditure of energy and often leads only to an unsatisfactory result.
Set the amount of effort, perhaps to be money that you want to contribute.
Decide what you do without consciously or what you want to move to a later date in order to concentrate all energy on what you appear to be important.
Such considerations prevent targeted very often that we miss the most important things in life because we have backed the wrong horse, and often continue to persist, although we have recognized our mistake long ago. The reason is the lack of concentration with which we have started a project:
We do not know exactly what we want. "Somehow I get the point already," is the most common phrase of self-esteem.
We have only a vague idea of \u200b\u200bthe effort that requires the matter because it is only the first steps of the procedure to check and hope that it would then go on somehow.
We begin the plan hasty and underestimated in the initial over-enthusiasm of our own forces. It often happens that we soon lose interest, if not the success fast enough to be visible.
Do not forget that every day of our lives we have only a certain amount of time and energy. It is only about ourselves, whether we spend most of it for what makes us really happy.
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