Sunday, April 1, 2007

How To Tape The Cricket Bat

If you do not talk today with your children, the children will one day not to talk to you

Our society is full of educators, moralists, authorities and know-alls. All of them will not tire of telling us a lifetime to teach about what is right and wrong and how we should behave.

The teachings are so constantly among us, and it is no wonder that many of us once they get a chance to behave exactly as they were brought up: as a smug, authoritarian, never erring parents, teachers and supervisors.

There are always two possibilities, experiences, suggestions and requests to pass: under threat or by persuasion. Knowledge is to teach someone by threatening to go to a position of authority, from one of the hierarchical top-down exercise of power, without giving the parties a real chance to develop their own, perhaps better views.

requires this method of influencing, that one has power and is replaced. To get them to the practitioner may not show any weakness. For as soon as the person behind the external authority detects the internal weaknesses, the authority is lost.

means that people in authority should not tolerate any criticism of their decisions and opposition by threats or punishment possible to suppress the very beginning.

This strategy of influence is the foundation of classical education, how it is handled today still in many schools, families and companies. Parents teach their children by force with the formula: Tu, was wir dir sagen. Eines Tages wirst du erkennen, dass wir nur dein Bestes wollten.

Vorgesetzte unterbinden nicht selten Einwände und Ideen der Untergebenen mit dem Argument: Ich habe das schon so gemacht, da haben Sie noch in den Windeln gelegen. Hören Sie also auf mit Ihren verrückten Ideen.

Es mag schon sein, dass Kinder tatsächlich später im Leben erkennen, dass ihre Eltern in manchen Dingen recht gehabt haben. Manche Eltern allerdings bedauern, dass sie ihren Kindern früher nicht öfter die Chance gegeben haben, auch recht zu haben. Oder, um es anders zu betrachten: Wenn Sie heute nicht mit Ihren Kindern reden, werden die Children do not talk to you if you later long time afterwards.

Hierarchical, authoritarian or conviction partnership principle, which are the two basic forms for people dealing with each other. That means a one-sided information, the other communications in both directions.

Linked to the tension that is necessary for any kind of creativity. Whoever lets only his own opinion and experience, has ceased to learn.

The constant search for happiness but always requires a new impetus, from which we can learn to solve problems better and better, to us in such circumstances.


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