No one is interested in your happiness. Unless it benefits him more than you
Our whole life is a game of lost happiness. It is a game in the tension between winning and losing. If we lose, it triggers the desire to win next time. win
If we do, we want to know if we could do it again. Or take on the challenge of a loser, us to blow the profit.
Do you think this law applies only to winning and losing poker players and casinos? No, it applies to professional and partnership, for the world economy and politics. The law of eternal life game is the law of give and take, to the previously all efforts for a peaceful world where all people could be the same, have failed.
And why? Because in the game of give and take must always be winners and losers. Or do you think there would be Olympic Games, when all could gain?
to the law of give and take the principle of selfless giving is in conflict. If you give someone always, you lose him as a partner in life game from which you could recover a bit. Unless he uses your help to create something that you want to remove him again.
As you see, is the basis of a funktionierenden Lebensspiels das Bekenntnis zum gesunden Egoismus. Oder, um es in einem größeren Rahmen zu sehen, das Bekenntnis zur freien Marktwirtschaft. Warum, denken Sie, "helfen" die reichen Länder der Welt den armen Ländern mit so großem Eifer?
Doch nur, damit die armen Leute reich genug werden, um sich die Produkte kaufen zu können, die die reichen Länder ihnen verkaufen möchten.
Genauso funktioniert das Spiel in jeder Art von Partnerschaft: Wenn Sie glücklich sind, können Sie den Partner glücklich machen, damit er selbst glücklich wird und Ihnen davon wieder etwas abgeben kann.
If the partner accepts only there is nothing you can recover what you need. The law of give and take, expires.
Maybe just that the reason that in our countries, every third marriage is divorced. Maybe. Maybe not. But it might not be so?
How is it possible at all, that everything that you have read here about give and take, or the selfishness and the "selfless help", just pure speculation. But maybe it provokes you to form your own opinion about it.
Instead of all these things only to look at the way you have learned from your trainers of morality and good behavior so far.
To be happy and free means of eventually raising zadelka first, that everything in life has two sides. Only when we both know, we can opt for what we are really on the way to the happiness of use.
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