Friday, August 27, 2010
Tv Production Sample Proposal
Most women want a well-formed, her character right and therefore not conspicuous chest. You want to take because of a breast augmentation a few days off and not feel any unnecessary pain. You expect after breast augmentation with no physical disabilities or with strange phenomena in her breast in certain arm movements. The operation should be subject to as few risks as possible. They expect an undisturbed wound healing and accept only subtle scars (if any). You want to simply rely on an optimal and friendly manner. have
In Medical Clinic Dresden Well we developed an approach with which each of these can we take for granted claims are met. Let us in turn before:
- the investigation and interrogation of the patient, and the trial of different loading Brustimmitate is evidence for both patient and surgeon, that the appropriate implants can be selected. If the time of surgery additionally neighboring sizes are available (at least six implants per patient), there is always the best intraoperatively for patient selection. Most of us used implants have a size 240-280 ml The situation of the implant between the breast and large breast muscle allows the surgeon complete freedom of positioning for a well-formed and natural-looking breasts. The larger the implant, the shorter the experience of beautiful form.
- if it is possible to keep the operation is always associated with a violation of the patient as low as possible, are the subsequent pain so weak that simple painkillers usually sufficient for one to two days. 15% of our patients are already working again the next day. This is only possible if surgery is very gentle, the large pectoral muscle not of the rib and partially detached from the sternum , the implant is so great between breast and chest muscle to lie. Here, nature has provided an almost natural subject, which can be expanded with the trick of tumescent local anesthesia in a simple way to receive the implant. It must not be structured to be injured, causing severe pain would be later. This modern local anesthesia during the operation due to the lack of bleeding. And it prevents the occurring immediately after the operation pain. It also reduces the subsequent levels of pain and it makes general anesthesia unnecessary. Bacteria did not feel comfortable in their environment.
- If the implant is (partly) be placed under the pectoral muscle is to the removal of the large chest muscle (pectoralis major) of the rib and part of the sternum is required. This always causes severe pain for days that make it impossible to start work within days. Furthermore, this approach with a loss of strength and a limitation is associated fine motor coordination of both arms. In many such patients operated it comes to a curvature (bulging) of the upper outer Brustpols for at least the first few months after the operation. Only when the implant years later entered deeper and lost contact with the breast muscle has - under which it was once set - does the breast better. One wonders then why the injury had to be large during the operation. We have a series of photographs with which one can understand these allegations.
is added the peculiar double bubble (double bubble), which occurs when the contracts of the remaining, intact remainder of the pectoralis major muscle and - with the self-thickening - the implant down (towards the feet) is displaced and this springs.
The bellows is not caused by lying on the breast implant muscle (Snoopy nose deformity) attractive.
We understand why patients do not expect such phenomena and create unnecessary pain and therefore routinely the implants under the gland and gently to the large chest muscle. Very few justified exceptions prove the rule. If it was a few years ago in Germany, only about 20% of the operations were performed in this manner, it is now perhaps 50%. The trend we are right.
- the risks can be reduced through various measures. Sorry, there are still the most breast augmentations performed in general anesthesia. A special local anesthetic for this operation is connected to our experience with more advantages and fewer disadvantages than the general anesthesia. Some of these advantages have already mentioned above. It is Remarkably, patients enter for this operation, the risk of a world of general anesthesia should not.
to infections must not happen. Special intraoperative antiseptic measures make infections almost impossible. At the same time, will be reached in the Medical Clinic Dresden Well a (proven by scientific studies) to speed wound healing. The scarring is reduced. Since the inception of the Clinic (2002), there has never been a postoperative wound infection. Visiting doctors are impressed by the charmless wounds after all operations.
- the typical course of a breast augmentation with treatment in our house looks like this:
> Mondays OR Tuesdays
> dismissal with tape and BH (about 15% of our patients back to work after 1 post-op. day)
> remove Wednesdays drainage, shower Association, pleasant specialty sports bra in exchange for 2 months
> Thursday have been working about 30% of our patients
> Friday film dressing suitable for showers (rarely needed another appointment Association)
> Monday, after a week, about 95% of our patients back at work
> Monday, after 2 weeks, removing the threads as well as delivery and explanation of the silicone tapes
> After three months of initial check
> second check after six months
> after a year of third control
> after two years fourth control
Since the inception of the Medical Clinic Well Dresden (July 2002) no postoperative infection. (My Dr. King, the chief doctor of the clinic, had post-operative since the beginning of its independence as a surgeon in October 1993 no infection.)
Is it any wonder that our patients and we have great fun in the results . Satisfied patients and lack of complications are a good basis for good humor and constant motivation.
Stay online
My Dr. King
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Sachs Snowmobile Engines For Sale
Das kommt dabei raus wenn man besoffen Riss klettert - und wie schön sich all die tollen Sprüche bewahrheiten zum Thema - wunderbar...
Boogie 'til You Poop from Cedar Wright on Vimeo .
Monday, August 23, 2010
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Using bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) be measured, a line resistance and capacitive resistance in the body. Here, the measuring current is so weak that it is not felt. The measurement is similar to an ECG. Taking into account the height, weight and sex can be obtained with the measured values, with the aid of an algorithm, estimate individual body compartments.
it made the measurement of the phase angle alpha is scientifically validated.
The phase angle is a variable with which the phase shift is described, which is observed when an alternating current flows through a capacitor. In the biological cell structure, its value depends on the number of cells (series-connected "capacitors") and their membrane potential and the intra-and extracellular water content.
The phase angle is low in poor nutritional states, chronic and debilitating diseases, chronic infections such as HIV or tuberculosis, and for example in autoimmune diseases and chronic renal disease, because the number and potential of the cells and the water balance are affected.
The phase angle is high at well composed and the level of physical activity calorically appropriate diet, with the right combination of cardio with weight training, with sufficient sleep and in the absence of disease. The genetic determination determines the customization possible fluctuation range.
A high phase angle is associated with a higher cell viability
and vice versa, a low correlation Phase angle with a shortened life expectancy.
The phase angle as a global marker of health .
for us is the regular observation of the phase angle alpha (and other parameters such as the ECM / BCM index) during the complex gastric balloon therapy is essential. Only with increasing phase angle, also increases the life expectancy of a "healthy fat ones" when it decreases. Who declines and not pay attention to the qualitative development of its body composition is in danger with his weight and years of life to lose!
In Well Medical Clinic of Dresden are carried out operations of more than 1.5 hours duration, as liposuction, abdominoplasty , breast operations and facelifts only when the phase angle in women is at least 5 ° and 5.5 ° at least in men.
After 15 years of gain in knowledge about nutrition and body composition (more than 9,000 measurements), we can increase with the simple and not burdensome BIA method, the safety of our patients for a planned aesthetic surgery.
comments and examples:
Well Medical Clinic in Dresden, the method of multi-frequency bioelectrical impedance analysis (MF-BIA) is used. This can be even better than the single-frequency BIA (SF-BIA) distinguish between intra-and extracellular water. In our routine, we can use it to evaluate an imminent or existing metabolic syndrome better. Also, cardiologists, nephrologists, and oncologists base their diagnostic work and treatment planning, increasingly, to the BIA.
The BIA also individual organs or body segments can be assessed. In heart transplantation a drop in the phase angle alpha shows earlier than other laboratory tests or a threat of rejection crisis a disorder of the heart tissue at, as occurs with sudden deterioration of the blood supply to the heart muscle or the onset of infection.
For very sick people (z: as HIV-infected or cancer patients in advanced stages), by several investigations of the phase angle alpha - before other laboratory parameters - the most accurate predictive value for survival.
The BIA can be used to verify the quality of each biological cell assembly can be used. We obtain the measurement of a rotten apple, a very low, that of a fresh apple, a very high phase angle. With the proceeds of timber sales increases with increasing phase angle alpha. There would be many examples.
Knowing this information, we can the meaning of the BIA and phase angle for therapeutic measures, such as a push cosmetic surgery or a medical nutrition intervention, that a "loss" program evaluate better. It is possible for motivated patients and optimization of the desired food selbst unter starker Kalorienreduktion mit rascher Gewichtsabnahme den Phasenwinkel zu erhöhen. Das sind unsere schönsten Momente, die gelegentliche Mißerfolge mehr als aufwiegen.
Das EKG hat ca. 50 Jahre benötigt, um sich in den 1950er Jahren durchzusetzen. Wir werden in den nächsten 10 Jahren einen Siegeszug der bioelektrischen Impedanzanalyse auf vielen medizinischen Gebieten erleben. Ohne schädliche Strahlung sind damit sogar bildgebende Verfahren und Tomographien denkbar, neben den Funktionsuntersuchungen einzelner Organe und biologischer Systeme.
Dr. Meinking
Copyright Dr. M. Meinking
Thursday, August 19, 2010
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Recently I was visited by a consultant for products of cosmetic surgery. Although she couldn´t convince me of her offer, we got to talking about developments in cosmetic surgery. Her information was interesting, "who makes where what and how”, what products were worth an exchange of views.
By the way she told of her abdominoplasty and gave me so that keyword for the method of SALDANHA´s lipoabdominoplasty, I perform here at the clinic since 2005. Incredulous, she registered the fact of obtaining the feeling on the stomach and the rapid return to work after an average of one week. She made sure whether it really constitutes a full tummy tuck with moving the navel, I affirmed. Why the patients stayed only one night; who then watch out for them; how can the feeling be obtained; can they really go back to work so early - the questions turned over.
The next patient was reported and it happened by coincidence, she came to remove the stitches after an abdominoplasty. She agreed to the interview and the investigation by the third person and now it will be exciting and tragic:
As the consultant saw the tight, flat abdomen with a pale, inconspicuous scar - only two weeks after the operation - it drove tears in her eyes. Later we learned why.
Distracted by the third person in the room I forgot the warning of the cold antiseptic spray and our patient was frightened a bit and complained, I could have said something. Then spontaneously, and almost indignant, the counselor: she could be happy that she realizes something, and - as in rage - she showed us the mountains and valleys of her belly constituted by defects of the subcutaneous fat and deposits of excess fat. In the lower abdomen a flat, palm-sized scar attracted attention, in addition to the poorly healed, widened surgical scar.
She told all her suffering: About six weeks she was in pain after surgery, three weeks the drainage had to lie, the Op-wound healed only delayed for weeks. As she bent over the breakfast table a few months after the operation, she did not feel like her shirt became impregnated with hot coffee and not as it then scalded her skin. All the sensory nerves had been severed at the standard abdominoplasty (a famous plastic surgeon had operated on her because she (the counselor) thought herself know about in the scene of the cosmetic surgery).
She calmed down only slowly, we consoled. Her correction-Op with us is booked. She congratulated the success of our patient and said something that drove me a slight blush, because it actually belonged to Dr. SALDANHA in Brazil.
Despite all the tragedy for the Consultant, more sustainable confirmation of her decision our patient couldn´t receive.
The Medical Clinic Well Dresden has been conducted since 2005, only the gentle and safe method of abdominoplasty introduced by Dr. SALDANHA. The patients remain hospitalized for one night, the drain is drawn on the very next day, then can be showered. Sutures are removed after two weeks (totally painless). Able to work normally after a week. Since the existence of the clinic no postoperative infection or scar dehiscence (separation of the Op-scar) was recorded. The hospital's own wound care approach helps prevent infections and contributes to reliable accelerated wound healing (activation of stem cells).
These statements – by experience - are to impress operating medical colleagues even deeper than patients prior to their decision doing abdominoplasty.
Stay online
My Dr. King
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a situation of conflicting emotions - joy, sorrow, and compassion to each other
Recently I visited a consultant for the products of cosmetic surgery. Although you could not convince myself of their offer, but we got to talking about developments in cosmetic surgery. Their information was interesting, "what where how who" makes, new products were worth an exchange of views. She told
of their abdominal plastic and gave me so that the keyword for the method of Saldanha's Lipoabdominoplastik, performed by me since 2005 here in the clinic. Incredulous, she registered to obtain the feeling on the stomach and the rapid return to work after an average of one week. They made sure whether this was actually constitutes a full tummy tuck with moving the navel, which I answered yes. Why the patients only stayed one night, who then take care of them, like the feeling can be obtained, can they really so early return to work - the questions came thick.
The next patient was reported and it happened by coincidence, sie kam zur Entfernung der Fäden nach einer Bauchdeckenplastik. Sie willigte dem Gespräch und der Untersuchung zu dritt ein und jetzt wird es spannend und tragisch zugleich:
Als die Beraterin den straffen, ebenen Bauch mit blasser, unauffälliger Narbe sah, - erst zwei Wochen nach der Operation - trieb es ihr die Tränen in die Augen. Später erfahren wir, was sie so rührte.
Abgelenkt von der dritten Person im Raum vergaß ich die Warnung vor dem kühlen antiseptischen Spray und unsere Patientin erschrak leicht und monierte, ich hätte doch etwas sagen können. Darauf spontan und fast ungehalten die Beraterin: sie könne glücklich sein, dass sie etwas merke. Zeitgleich - wie in Rage - zeigte us the mountain and valley of her belly with defects of the subcutaneous fatty tissue and excess fat around next. In the lower abdomen fell on a flat, palm-sized scar, in addition to the poorly healed, wide scar.
She told all her suffering: About 6 weeks she was in pain after surgery, 3 Weeks was forced to lie, the drainage, the surgical wounds healed only delayed for weeks. As she bent a few months after the operation over the breakfast table, she did not feel like her shirt with hot coffee and vollsog not like it then scalded the skin. All were feeling nervous in the Standard abdominoplasty been severed (a known plastic surgeon, she had surgery, because they (the counselor) thought himself in the scene of the cosmetic Chirgie know about).
She calmed down only slowly, we are comforted. Op-your prescription with us is booked. She congratulated the success of our patient and said something that drove me a slight blush, because it actually belonged to Dr. SALDANHA in Brazil. For all the tragedy would have
for product consultant, a more sustainable confirmation for its decision not our patient can receive.
In Medical Clinic Well Dresden since 2005, only the gentle and safe method of abdominoplasty carried out according to Saldanha. Patients remain hospitalized for one night, the drainage is drawn on the very next day, then be showered. Sutures are removed after two weeks (completely painless). Ability to work normally after a week. Since the existence of the clinic no postoperative infection or Narbendehiszenz (separation of the Op-scar) was recorded. The hospital's own wound care approach helps prevent infections and reliably with the accelerated wound healing in (activation of stem cells).
These statements impress operating medical colleagues experience, even lower than patients prior to their decision on tummy tuck.
tummy tuck in the Medical Clinic Dresden Well
Stay online
My Dr. King
Friday, August 13, 2010
What To Cook With Mint Chops
Nicht von mir, sondern Andrew Bisharat - und sehr lesenswert das Ganze...
Cross Posted From Rock & Ice by Andrew Bisharat
Life is an uphill road, punctuated by many happy milestones—moments that make the trip seem worth taking. There are the inevitable, profuse potholes, too—and the deeper ones may make you consider abandoning the ride all together. But if everything were easy, it wouldn’t be “fun”—advice I routinely impart to wobbling sport climbers, cussing themselves and dangling at the ends of their ropes, their sinewy little limbs punching the air in comical frustration. If you’re not willing to fail, you’ll never succeed, especially in climbing. If you don’t “suck,” you’re not doing it right.
Climbing is the greatest sport on earth because this vertical journey holds uncanny parallels to the scope and depth of life itself. Though I will say that a climber’s life can be replete with even greater, more powerful affirmations and traumas. Therefore, climbing must be taken as seriously as life—which is best done when taken not seriously at all.
Here are some watershed experiences that you can expect to encounter upon tying in for the long haul.
First time you call yourself a “real climber.” Many people wonder when they can first call themselves a “real climber.” We live in a material society, where we’ve decided that the things we own say the most about who we are. If you own a harness, belay device and rock shoes, then you’re a climber. Some reports say that there are nearly nine million of us in America alone, though I have trouble believing that number exists, like the bouldering grade of V16. Like deciding your own sexuality, there’s no good formula to this strangely sudden transformation of self-identity. When you decide to call yourself a climber, I suppose you are one.
First time you climb El Cap. This is a right of passage in American climbing, and everyone should do it. The experience of first climbing El Cap, however, is most definitely not about the climbing itself. There is sadly very little to be gained from wallowing in aiders and hauling 80-pound bags up steep, hot granite flanks. Whereas El Cap once represented an unknown frontier at the brink of human perceptions of possibility, it is now used by post-college grads as a means for “finding yourself,” the climber’s version of backpacking solo through Europe, or kicking your father’s ass for the first time. Again, everyone should do these things.
First lead fall. This is a much bigger deal for some than it is for others. Some will never get past the terror of dropping a few feet through the air, and we call these people top-ropers—essentially second-class citizens, the understudies of the climbing world. Just as you can’t love something unless you first hate it, you can’t climb unless you learn to fall.
First 5.11, 5.12, 5.13, 5.14. Reaching a new number grade is a milestone akin to turning a new significant age—18, 21, 30, 50 etc. The day comes that you send the route, and you technically feel no different than you did the day before—yet somehow, you are. How you choose to let this new “persona” affect you—whether privately, with your own internal reconciliation of self-importance; or externally, making others deal with your ego—is what matters most and will ultimately play a small but significant role in determining how far you go up the number scale and how many climbing partners (friends) you manage to keep through your life.
First time you get benighted. Among my favorites, spending an unplanned night on a ledge somewhere hopelessly remote is an amazing experience of handling the unexpected. Your anxieties well up like a sudden fever, but then you must find a way to let them go. It’s in this space that nature looks its most beautiful.
First time you have an opinion about style and ethics. This important formative moment in a climber’s life is when something clicks about the “rules” and definitions that we’ve created, and continue to debate, about our sport. Perhaps it’s something you’ve read, or you become a chameleon to the opinions of the climbers surrounding you. But at some point, something will click, and you’ll “get it.” This is a good thing.
Realizing those opinions will inevitably fall short of reality. Sadly, many climbers never reach this stage, and instead become consumed by their own clichéd zealotry. Climbing’s genealogy of style and ethics is very important to understand—but this sport should never turn into something that can be packaged up neatly. Climbing is a personal journey; you must shed all other conceptions about what it is and ought to be, and discover climbing for yourself—the goal being that doing so will allow you to learn something about yourself. This is what John Gill did when he “invented” bouldering during an era defined by big-wall exploration. However, for you and me, it doesn’t need to be that extraordinary. What are your own tastes? What do you find motivating? How will you choose to summon your biggest weaknesses to the surface in order to conquer them? It’s in the space of this creativity that climbing becomes a private, intimate art form. Do you know what you like? Many people can’t even answer that!
First time you lose a friend. This will happen. If you’re lucky, it won’t be your fault … though many good, competent climbers have made small, dumb errors that have ended in enormous tragedy. The question of whether it’s worth it comes up. This question can only be answered by the individual. However, as painful as it can be, I find reassurance in knowing that life is actually a noun and not just a collection of fluffy adjectives. Life has no opportunity to be anything other than what it is unless you make it your opportunity to be alive. Of course it’s worth it—this is all we have.
First time you get injured. You learn a lot when you’re unable to climb. This is an important experience that just plain sucks. But you don’t have to be moving to make progress. Everyone should learn to be still.
First time you travel somewhere far to go climbing. Anyone who climbs should make traveling a number-one priority. When you travel to climb you immediately go from tourist to crusader. You have purpose on a climbing trip. To travel for climbing is to lead a life fully lived. You realize this on your first trip somewhere new, and will carry that with you on your hundredth.
First time you don’t need to call yourself a climber; you just are one. Eventually, climbing just becomes something you do. You won’t be worried about new goals or reaching next grades or traveling to the next hot spot. It transforms into something that fulfills a specific need to relax and have fun. You do it, because it’s what you do. Climbing is just you, going up.
Monday, August 2, 2010
How To Drain A Washing Machine Outside
Ueli Steck Speed Soloing the Ginat on the Droites from Jonathan Griffith on Vimeo .
Ascent of the Peuterey Integral on the Mont Blanc from Jonathan Griffith on Vimeo .
Croz spur with Slovenian start- Grandes Jorasses from Jonathan Griffith on Vimeo .