Monday, August 23, 2010

Evinrude 4hp Model 4806e

Bioelektrische Impedanzanalyse (BIA)

Using bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) be measured, a line resistance and capacitive resistance in the body. Here, the measuring current is so weak that it is not felt. The measurement is similar to an ECG. Taking into account the height, weight and sex can be obtained with the measured values, with the aid of an algorithm, estimate individual body compartments.

it made the measurement of the phase angle alpha is scientifically validated.
The phase angle is a variable with which the phase shift is described, which is observed when an alternating current flows through a capacitor. In the biological cell structure, its value depends on the number of cells (series-connected "capacitors") and their membrane potential and the intra-and extracellular water content.

The phase angle is low in poor nutritional states, chronic and debilitating diseases, chronic infections such as HIV or tuberculosis, and for example in autoimmune diseases and chronic renal disease, because the number and potential of the cells and the water balance are affected.
in patient population of the cosmetic surgeons are those states to the affected patients do not know! He keeps his weakness for the normal state. Or, he suspects a problem, but will be without certainty and does not go after the idea. Here there is the responsibility and obligation of cosmetic medicine for non-profit behavior, for health education and prevention.

The phase angle is high at well composed and the level of physical activity calorically appropriate diet, with the right combination of cardio with weight training, with sufficient sleep and in the absence of disease. The genetic determination determines the customization possible fluctuation range.
A high phase angle is associated with a higher cell viability
and vice versa, a low correlation Phase angle with a shortened life expectancy.

The phase angle as a global marker of health .
for us is the regular observation of the phase angle alpha (and other parameters such as the ECM / BCM index) during the complex gastric balloon therapy is essential. Only with increasing phase angle, also increases the life expectancy of a "healthy fat ones" when it decreases. Who declines and not pay attention to the qualitative development of its body composition is in danger with his weight and years of life to lose!

In Well Medical Clinic of Dresden are carried out operations of more than 1.5 hours duration, as liposuction, abdominoplasty , breast operations and facelifts only when the phase angle in women is at least 5 ° and 5.5 ° at least in men.
If these values are not achieved, which is always a subject of systematic research into the causes, also with the collaboration of other hospitals and physicians.
= Abstract

After 15 years of gain in knowledge about nutrition and body composition (more than 9,000 measurements), we can increase with the simple and not burdensome BIA method, the safety of our patients for a planned aesthetic surgery.

comments and examples:
Well Medical Clinic in Dresden, the method of multi-frequency bioelectrical impedance analysis (MF-BIA) is used. This can be even better than the single-frequency BIA (SF-BIA) distinguish between intra-and extracellular water. In our routine, we can use it to evaluate an imminent or existing metabolic syndrome better. Also, cardiologists, nephrologists, and oncologists base their diagnostic work and treatment planning, increasingly, to the BIA.

The BIA also individual organs or body segments can be assessed. In heart transplantation a drop in the phase angle alpha shows earlier than other laboratory tests or a threat of rejection crisis a disorder of the heart tissue at, as occurs with sudden deterioration of the blood supply to the heart muscle or the onset of infection.

For very sick people (z: as HIV-infected or cancer patients in advanced stages), by several investigations of the phase angle alpha - before other laboratory parameters - the most accurate predictive value for survival.

The BIA can be used to verify the quality of each biological cell assembly can be used. We obtain the measurement of a rotten apple, a very low, that of a fresh apple, a very high phase angle. With the proceeds of timber sales increases with increasing phase angle alpha. There would be many examples.

Knowing this information, we can the meaning of the BIA and phase angle for therapeutic measures, such as a push cosmetic surgery or a medical nutrition intervention, that a "loss" program evaluate better. It is possible for motivated patients and optimization of the desired food selbst unter starker Kalorienreduktion mit rascher Gewichtsabnahme den Phasenwinkel zu erhöhen. Das sind unsere schönsten Momente, die gelegentliche Mißerfolge mehr als aufwiegen.

Das EKG hat ca. 50 Jahre benötigt, um sich in den 1950er Jahren durchzusetzen. Wir werden in den nächsten 10 Jahren einen Siegeszug der bioelektrischen Impedanzanalyse auf vielen medizinischen Gebieten erleben. Ohne schädliche Strahlung sind damit sogar bildgebende Verfahren und Tomographien denkbar, neben den Funktionsuntersuchungen einzelner Organe und biologischer Systeme.
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Dr. Meinking

Copyright Dr. M. Meinking


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