Brustvergrößerung - was erwarten die Patientinnen?
Most women want a well-formed, her character right and therefore not conspicuous chest. You want to take because of a breast augmentation a few days off and not feel any unnecessary pain. You expect after breast augmentation with no physical disabilities or with strange phenomena in her breast in certain arm movements. The operation should be subject to as few risks as possible. They expect an undisturbed wound healing and accept only subtle scars (if any). You want to simply rely on an optimal and friendly manner. have
In Medical Clinic Dresden Well we developed an approach with which each of these can we take for granted claims are met. Let us in turn before:
- the investigation and interrogation of the patient, and the trial of different loading Brustimmitate is evidence for both patient and surgeon, that the appropriate implants can be selected. If the time of surgery additionally neighboring sizes are available (at least six implants per patient), there is always the best intraoperatively for patient selection. Most of us used implants have a size 240-280 ml The situation of the implant between the breast and large breast muscle allows the surgeon complete freedom of positioning for a well-formed and natural-looking breasts. The larger the implant, the shorter the experience of beautiful form.
- if it is possible to keep the operation is always associated with a violation of the patient as low as possible, are the subsequent pain so weak that simple painkillers usually sufficient for one to two days. 15% of our patients are already working again the next day. This is only possible if surgery is very gentle, the large pectoral muscle not of the rib and partially detached from the sternum , the implant is so great between breast and chest muscle to lie. Here, nature has provided an almost natural subject, which can be expanded with the trick of tumescent local anesthesia in a simple way to receive the implant. It must not be structured to be injured, causing severe pain would be later. This modern local anesthesia during the operation due to the lack of bleeding. And it prevents the occurring immediately after the operation pain. It also reduces the subsequent levels of pain and it makes general anesthesia unnecessary. Bacteria did not feel comfortable in their environment.
- If the implant is (partly) be placed under the pectoral muscle is to the removal of the large chest muscle (pectoralis major) of the rib and part of the sternum is required. This always causes severe pain for days that make it impossible to start work within days. Furthermore, this approach with a loss of strength and a limitation is associated fine motor coordination of both arms. In many such patients operated it comes to a curvature (bulging) of the upper outer Brustpols for at least the first few months after the operation. Only when the implant years later entered deeper and lost contact with the breast muscle has - under which it was once set - does the breast better. One wonders then why the injury had to be large during the operation. We have a series of photographs with which one can understand these allegations.
is added the peculiar double bubble (double bubble), which occurs when the contracts of the remaining, intact remainder of the pectoralis major muscle and - with the self-thickening - the implant down (towards the feet) is displaced and this springs.
The bellows is not caused by lying on the breast implant muscle (Snoopy nose deformity) attractive.
We understand why patients do not expect such phenomena and create unnecessary pain and therefore routinely the implants under the gland and gently to the large chest muscle. Very few justified exceptions prove the rule. If it was a few years ago in Germany, only about 20% of the operations were performed in this manner, it is now perhaps 50%. The trend we are right.
- the risks can be reduced through various measures. Sorry, there are still the most breast augmentations performed in general anesthesia. A special local anesthetic for this operation is connected to our experience with more advantages and fewer disadvantages than the general anesthesia. Some of these advantages have already mentioned above. It is Remarkably, patients enter for this operation, the risk of a world of general anesthesia should not.
to infections must not happen. Special intraoperative antiseptic measures make infections almost impossible. At the same time, will be reached in the Medical Clinic Dresden Well a (proven by scientific studies) to speed wound healing. The scarring is reduced. Since the inception of the Clinic (2002), there has never been a postoperative wound infection. Visiting doctors are impressed by the charmless wounds after all operations.
- the typical course of a breast augmentation with treatment in our house looks like this:
> Mondays OR Tuesdays
> dismissal with tape and BH (about 15% of our patients back to work after 1 post-op. day)
> remove Wednesdays drainage, shower Association, pleasant specialty sports bra in exchange for 2 months
> Thursday have been working about 30% of our patients
> Friday film dressing suitable for showers (rarely needed another appointment Association)
> Monday, after a week, about 95% of our patients back at work
> Monday, after 2 weeks, removing the threads as well as delivery and explanation of the silicone tapes
> After three months of initial check
> second check after six months
> after a year of third control
> after two years fourth control
Since the inception of the Medical Clinic Well Dresden (July 2002) no postoperative infection. (My Dr. King, the chief doctor of the clinic, had post-operative since the beginning of its independence as a surgeon in October 1993 no infection.)
Is it any wonder that our patients and we have great fun in the results . Satisfied patients and lack of complications are a good basis for good humor and constant motivation.
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My Dr. King
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