AOK plus AOK. Most will know that this abbreviation stands for General Local Health Insurance. Now there are for some time the AOK plus. What does the PLUS I could find today. But first things first.
connect Because the annual review of my apparatus for comminution of food first traces of wear and defects to light, I had a long conversation with the responsible engineer. This put her at the end of the insightful and, for me very very profitable for the dentist call a financial plan. This in turn was intended to provide for my health insurance to the golf passion of the dentist must not be financed completely.
said than done.
I went, as the agency of my co-funded for many years G eneral local health insurance, the neighboring village is by car. So I had time to myself to my thoughts.
What does "General"? ALL PUBLIC Somehow reminds me of this notion of ordinary, modest and imperfect. The common people reaching.
How right I was with my invention, gifts, should I be brutally clear.
received first waiting room I am a big man. It could also be the waiting room of the employment office at lunchtime. I sit like to wait until I was at the Range bin.
three clerks who sit at their desks in the room "deal" and your customers. The old lady who is acting on the first desk is, I know now, widowed and involves only a small widow's pension. But must for the drug, whose name I forget, pay at the pharmacy every time 12,50 €. And so on and so on. I could tell much more than the amount of their pensions and their disease. (I of course mean the disease of the old lady)
All the waiting General Local Health Insurance plus members also very interested in pursuing the talks at one of the desks. Each
after his interests.
Irgendwie war ich wie gelähmt und konnte gar nicht alle auf mich einprasselnden Patientendaten auf einmal aufnehmen. Sicherlich gehen die Vorgesetzten der AOK P L U S von eben dieser Annahme aus, dass es nicht zu schaffen ist, die Daten fremder Menschen alle gleichzeitig aufzunehmen. Man rechnet sicherlich mit eben dieser Verwirrung durch die Datenflut.
Aber ehe ich mich versah, hieß es schon: „Der nächste bitte“. Und das war ich. (Wahnsinn, wie die Zeit vergeht, wenn man etwas zu tun hat)
„Guten Tag. Bitte entschuldigen Sie die Wartezeit. Mein Name ist Gerda Müller (Name aus datenschutzrechtlichen Gründen von mir geändert. Ich mag Datenschutz) was kann ich für They do, "whispered the clerk how VIVA presenter with her Quäkstimme.
After I pointed out the lady that I do not agree to provide my patient data available to the whole place, I received the answer that you always get in Germany, where responsibility is required. "Yes I can do anything!" crooned the VIVA presenter. (This was also clear to me. But who in Germany have for anything?)
Once this had worked out my cost plan with the penetrating voice, although I did not almost audible answers, everyone in the hall of my teeth modest.
And now I know even know. At least, what attributes are available for health insurance fund. I'm still somewhat undecided about the importance of the PLUS in the title name AOK PLUS
If you come at the thought of this article to a dead end is not so bad. Because you have at least given some thought. Even though you may not like all it's can .:-))