Yesterday I received a visit from a former classmate or, as it now says classmate. We had for years not seen. To be more specific not seen since high school. And half an eternity ago. After school, we were indeed in all scattered winds. I knew only from her, that she had emigrated to Australia and had married there. Anyway, you stand at the door unexpectedly. They had learned in Germany by a friend that I am living here in town. Since it was near, they came by. After that follows the usual reunion ceremony, they naturally had a little gift here. And what can I say? It was a small antique amphora with herb that can be transformed after drinking in an oil lamp, the company of my daughter, Terrraschenk Antique-Wine-Design . (siehe Interessantes) Diese hatte Sie in einer Geschenkboutique am Ort gekauft. Sie ist lange geblieben und wir haben über die alten Zeiten geredet. Gesagt habe ich ihr das mit der Amphore und der Firma natürlich nicht. Aber gefreut habe ich mich, das jemand von Australien kommt und unseren Umsatz steigert. Das nenne ich Globalisierung ;-)
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