Thursday, January 13, 2011

Where To Buy Kerastase Singapore

employment office - no - thank you!

Earlier today Labour Office Employment Agency or Job Centre, but that does not previously unemployed customer today, is how common are so fond of politics. Because I would let me use in any business. There I would have been the longest time customer. Yesterday I
had a long conversation with an unemployed mechanic. His problem, 50 years and from the east. Sorry, after twenty years still, "from the new federal states. This Man wanted to work. But he also wanted so much money that it's not enough just for the fuel to get to work. Still a problem. This man was due to its three problems in spite of numerous applications for one and a half years at home. The labor department, no job center, he was still registered as unemployed. When I asked him whether he had ever tried it on the website of the Labour Office to Darkener a face.
He showed me the practice to
entry into the job search:
were now displayed twenty pages. On page five: A mechanic was there. 3 layers ok.
employment: limited, Once better than nothing. Salary: 6.20 €. Without comment.
provider: Private Employment Agencies - hopeless, since recruitment voucher necessary. (Or 2000 € in words TWO THOUSAND of private employment agencies)
on all twenty pages of three tenders, which were not offered by private employment agencies. As the man after one year is entitled to no more coupon exchange, his already limited chances for a job through this murky source get zero.
Other offers: slave labor (time) or jobs with a payment for which takes in western Germany not his leg out of bed.
Other offer: work in western Germany, for a lower wage than the local workers. Or work abroad.
We now turn to politics. On the one hand, should the employee be flexible and go behind the work. On the other hand, for the age, be made provisions for residential property. (Or was not meant for the East?)
I like to analyze problems with questions that occurred to me many questions. Here are some of them
: Why do we need
  • Job Center when the work is awarded for the most part only on private placement?
  • If the private employment agencies can offer more work than the employment office, where is the rationale of the so-called Job Center?
  • How does the state have the right, in spite of a Job Centre / Employment Agency to require a lot of money for the provision of work?
  • Why should people be clouded with distortion of the name (Job Centre / Employment Agency) senses.
  • Why build in the new Länder are more and more frustration?
  • Why are the politicians do not realize that they are working towards a new turn. (In the GDR, the politicians have also ruled by the people)
While this will certainly take some time. I can only say: "Keep it up dear politicians. Your creates the "
Meanwhile, I'm so my thoughts? I hope, dear people, you soon begins to ask questions to.


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