Impressionen - der gestresste Planet (Projekt Erzählungen) Reflecting realities, stage actors with terrace and Aquarium
Who is on the scale, center left, is reflected themselves and the reality: too heavy, too fat, too flabby? Who takes the stage and shows himself, as he is? My fish have become quite bold!
Tuesday and Friday are market days in the middle of Pattaya, and in the tropical rainy season. Two awnings shield before showers and thunderstorms. On hot days they keep out the sun. Between market days, they are rarely removed. One can of empty days between the poles and wires go through, take shortcuts and avoid the looped narrow road full of traffic.
The space under the tent roof is by far not the market is overflowing. The stands next to protect themselves temporarily. Today it rains on the vulnerable, slightly muddy paths and market it drips from the edges of the tarpaulins.
blocked immediately in front of me the way an Austrian. In two spoken sentences, he reveals himself accidentally. His naked wobbly back directly in front of me now blocked the road. He skidded down his pants ggibt free fleshy gap tablet. A comedy on stage, the market is before me. I will only pass to laugh does not make sense. Too many are walking around in the city. Thai people they hardly notice. They care not about half-naked tourists still around black burqa-veiled Muslim women.
The Austrian stands there and leaves his lady looking for a cheap bra. Since shaking my wet folding screen, and even makes the Wabbel colossus two steps to the side.
I would not have to sprinkle. The drops from the side brought misfortune for my fish that I wanted to go shopping for my aquarium, "Cleaning fishes" I had in mind, fish that clean the aquarium by itself and eat mini-algae, which with time the glass walls set and cloud the water. Yesterday I had replaced all the water and the glass walls to scrub. The clean-Quabben will now help to prolong the intervals of this work. Sie sehen aus wie hellbraune Kaulquappen, sind nur etwas größer und als Fische zu erkennen. Vier sollten reichen, sagte die Fische-Frau, und hob sie in eine Plastik-Tüte mit Wasser, die sie prall verschloss. Dann wollte ich noch einen Zierfisch aus einem Glas. Die wunderschönen bizarren Formen und einzigartigen Blautöne hatten mich animiert; sie empfahl, nur einen einzigen zu nehmen. Auf dem Weg nach Hause, mit meinem aufgespannten Geschenk-Schirm von Western Union, erfuhr ich zufällig: es ist ein Kampf-Fisch, klein, schön, aber gefährlich. Er wird den anderen Fischen das Leben zur Hölle machen, dachte ich, und kehrte um. Das "Unglück" für den blauen Wunder-Fisch mit unbekanntem aggressiven Potential war, not to be bought and its time to continue to spend alone in a narrow glass need. My way back to the fish-woman, I do not count, I currently like to go and enjoy it, to possess no more moped.
instead of 20 baht for the Blue, of which two males would fight each other constantly, as I heard, seems same-sex friendships among them do not give, I invested another 20 baht and got four little cuddle-fish with red back and silver side. Another plastic bag was filled with enough water and sealed with a rubber. And again I got a bag for transport, I was right back. I wanted to put the fish in the pages of my sports-bag-nets, the smart network for the first time to use it. The nine-year-old boy in the fish-wife helped with the insertion of the transparent water-bags.
Such water-bags have a life of its own. Physical laws can be networked, but not locked up. After about four hundred meters to the rear bulging bag of red-back had simply disappeared. Concerned about the fish, I went back the way thought of my helpless creatures and looked in my imagination in any puddle fight for their lives. In buying the story stand out of the bag was immediately geschwuppsten die Runde und belustigte zwei Frauen der gegenüberliegenden Pflanzen-Stände. Wie ein begossener Pudel, ähnlich dem Österreicher, der noch mehr Unglück bringen sollte, zog ich mit der vorderen Prall-Tüte des Weges und schaffte etwa einen Kilometer bis zum nächsten physikalischen Ereignis, als ich mich nämlich nach einem Sandstein bückte. Ich sah, dass diese angeblichen Sandsteine, mit denen in Pattaya Gehwege gepflastert werden, nur Sandstein-beschichtet sind.
Solch einen Stein, der herumlag, wollte ich zuhause haben. Sandstein, auch als Oberflächen-Schicht, tut gute Dienste beim Reinigen von Fußsohlen. Meine werden gelegentlich dreckig, drängt es mich einzuflechten. Barfuß to walk on uneven cobblestone pavement along Beach Road, is part of my leisure and health-training without loss of time. Walking you go anyway. In addition done in this way even more. Feet, joints, even the entire skeleton will own bone to such a head-stone alone by the body weight over a self-massage, trained and moved. Feet as members to remain agile. The position varies from step to step.
Such rational walks with priceless side effects and a thoroughly flowing feeling of absolute freedom, the earth itself subject as shoe soles, shoes in hand or left on moped You can not describe, you have to experience. Usually accompanied me to my recently deceased friend Franz AIDS from a breakfast buffet at the Apex Hotel, but he in sturdy shoes. So we led different base-oriented, different training-oriented, side by side, philosophical discussions, and left us the summer sea breeze underscore the nose. A quick, one wants to tell me before I continued with the bending down to the sand-stone, the logical consequence of barefoot walking was indeed the dusty-dirty coating on the soles, and that it was necessary to wash, and then again only in the shoes to slip. This is a rite had formed. I parked my bike at full Intention on the side of a Starbucks coffee shop, because there was always about this time a cleaning bucket Feudel and water. So I was a particular sandstone of the side road that was already quite light water with cleanliness, and scrape on my feet, a wash cycle again with the rational used body weight, without even having to lift one leg only. So here's my attention to a sandstone, albeit coated, the lying about free.
bent after this one sandstone myself, I'm going away now, but at the same time was also the second bulging bag of fish-cleaning out of the network side of the sports bag. She fell and exploded on the ground. I quickly picked up the wriggling little Fish, and left them in the residual water plop the bag that I kept to hand. The stressed fish could barely move their gills. I thought of a larger water-bag with a little more water, because I had to go another half mile. Such a bag I got in a small shop on the road without problems, for the first time Thais are very helpful. The fish were swimming in it but still not as ordenlich, as I had expected.
arrived home was my only thought, purely with them into the aquarium and do it now. In addition I tipped the contents along with the water through the sliding-top opening. Again appeared to stress was for the fish, because they allowed themselves to fall to the ground as if dead. Two, I saw how the two remaining were not present. That could not be. There were four. . I was looking for the aquarium from the outside, put on my glasses that were not there two, disappeared
Later, I was then clear: they had hidden in the Christmas tree. What? Yes, an artificial fir trees in the aquarium, a Christmas tree with soft plastic needles, I had bought three years ago in a department store, and it was very cheap. Since then, the tree was all those years in the room and made the Buddhist altars competition. Actually not really, because I am not a Christian more, rather DEHist. Nevertheless, I sometimes thought back to my time of being Christian and was happy about that Christmas was not confined to a few days. After all the work, the aquarium with fresh water supply, I was then suddenly got the idea to give this tree-Christians to now the gold and silver fishes, to enrich their living room. I had, a bad conscience.
The water discharge per tube, I had been exaggerated and the fish unfortunately forgot while I was in the room the computer was sitting, until they in fear of death and all lying on the side of trying, with the last remaining water to get along that was less and less. Instantly I had forgot to run after new water, but then again, sitting at the computer screen, the parking, so I suddenly heard an overflowing waterfall. I quickly corrected this damage, but had to accept a power-Stross. The overflowing water had taken over the electrics. The fish saw their homes under power, without prejudice, however, not grounded, not only because I got off the screen again. My conscience was thus justified. The trees should save the deadlock.
The good fish that otherwise always cheerful and always hungry herumschwommen in their entire living area, moved in fear auf die eine Seite, weit weg vom Christ-Baum, sobald ich ihn hineingestellt hatte, trotz seiner hübschen Schleifchen und sonstigem Baum-Schmuck, silbernen Tannen-Zapfen zum Beispiel, passend zu den drei silbernen Fischlein unter den goldenen. Das perspektivisch aus ihrer Sicht dunkle Ungetüm machte ihnen Angst, so etwa wie harmlose muslimische Familien vor den
islamistischen Einpeitschern , den Salafisten, die aus Fernost oder sonst woher nach Deutschland kommen, wie vor einer dunklen unbekannten Macht Angst haben. Von Pattaya aus, das sei nebenbei bemerkt,
kümmere ich mich stets auch etwas um Deutschland , also auch um Muslime, die zu Deutschland gehören, wie der Bundespräsident meinte,
ganz im Sinne seiner Kanzlerin , die sich nun aber, das füge ich heute, am 16/Oktober/10, berichtend ein, völlig verwandelt
auf die Seite gelegt hat, ähnlich wie die Fische im Restwasser, denen das Wasser abgeht.
Das dunkle künstliche Tannen-Weihnachts-Bäumchen entpuppte sich für die Fische innerhalb von Stunden allerdings als sehr harmlos, als nicht salafistisch. Die Nadeln waren weich, stellten sie wohl fest. Und ab einer gewissen Zeit wurde das Bäumchen der bevorzugte Spiel-Platz für sie.
Keine Angst vorm Tannenbaum - As true Christians Children
The two clean-fish had disappeared, the dark trees in their tense situation after I had shaken from the Plasik bag into the aquarium water at once to their hiding place and made it remained motionless. After all of them caused me stress they began after another two hours to swim and look for clean-up objects to the glass interior walls and floor with the many round stones, similar to the cobblestone pavement of the narrow strip of coconut palms the Beach Road.
Any one creature must indeed go to things on the ground, use them and even live it. The wildlife, recently enriched with new knowledge of numerous previously unknown species
, apparently wants the inquisitive, but also survive destructive man who has turned the entire planet Earth into a stress.
the "preferred playground of aquarium fish to the small Christmas trees in the water around, I have today, 20/Oktober/2010, later still included. The images can be enlarged with a click in order to see everything exactly, including the shrewd eye on the people, above.