Saturday, December 25, 2010

Dark Brown Loose Stool

A Christmas Carol

von Peter Hähnel

Endlich ist es wieder einmal so weit! Fest eingemummelt stapfe ich durch den tief verschneiten Winterwald meiner sächsischen Bergheimat. Das Laufen fällt mir mit den Jahren schwerer und schwerer, besonders wenn es bergauf geht fehlt mir die Luft. Langsam und bedächtig schreite ich aus – längst nicht mehr der junge Springinsfeld vergangener Jahre. Als einer der Baumverantwortlichen beim Bergsteigerbund, bin ich unterwegs um „den Bergsport gefährdende Bäume“ anzusehen und requesting, where appropriate, their precipitation in the forest. "You have not the goat to catch a thief" I think - and remember with a smile of long ago of a story.

It was a winter as it appears in the book. For weeks, the ridge of the Ore Mountains were under a snow cover, which had pushed in recent days to the lowlands. Now, were the hills and valleys of the Saxon Switzerland, and snowed shone in winter splendor. What was so delightful than to spend the Christmas holiday in a mountain hut in this fairy tale land? In short, I had decided that a reality and was driven with the kids at the cabin. More specifically, said to my wife and the twins - and because it could not be avoided, and the law.

latter had certainly also be good, but the children were still at the crawling age and heavier than a bag to keep fleas. The question with the answer "The law - which is superfluous," "What is more fluid than liquid?" Was not for us. The children well fed, I could me so in the afternoon that "Christmas Eve" safely make their way to a Christmas tree to get. It was clear that I had not bought in town, now when I practically lived in the forest. Already some two hundred yards from the hut I looked carefully around for a little tree, but I was already aware of the offense, which I wanted to commit. However, I thought it was at that time for a minor offense and not put me the question of how it would be like if everyone would do so.

was at last reached the object of my desire. Discreetly I took a fox tail from a backpack and a man-sawn spruce from just above the ground. After I had packed the saw again, I placed the tree checking to myself, wondering how I could carry him. At that moment a man came in felt boots and loden jacket from behind a bush and shouted at me: "Well Listen, how it works well? "Throw away the tree, the remark" You know what you can run away "and was one.
earliest after ten minutes I stopped the first time, behind me the infinite silence of the forest. But my lonely lane I could probably tell. I finally came to a crossroads to other imprints of boots or high mountain shoes. Carefully, I placed myself exactly into these taps and ran a few steps backward. Then I jumped on the side of a mountain slope and climbed up without any displacement. The snow muffled my steps to the silence and my breathing was not listening anymore.

Unnoticed I ran back to the oblique eines großen Steinblockes hoch, um erschrocken an seiner Abbruchkante zu verharren. Im Schutz dieser Kante, direkt unter mir und keine zwei Meter entfernt, stand ein mächtiger Hirsch. Keine Ahnung wer mehr erschrocken war von uns beiden, aber ich glaube schon ich. Der Zwölfender jedenfalls verschwand ruhig im Unterholz, während ich mich vor Schreck fast hingesetzt hätte. Nach diesem Erlebnis beschloss ich spontan meine Flucht zu beenden und kehrte in großem Bogen als harmloser Spaziergänger zum Ort meines Frevels zurück. Allerdings - leicht frierend - nur im Pullover. Den Anorak hatte ich vorsichtshalber im Rucksack verstaut, um mir ein anderes Outfit zu geben. In Höhe der „Sägestelle“ trat ich dann kurz herunter vom Weg, um an einen Baum zu pinkeln, beziehungsweise so zu tun. Aus den Augenwinkeln beobachtete ich das Gelände und sah zu meiner Freude, dass mein Weihnachtsbäumchen noch da lag.
Außer meinen Spuren, führten die Abdrücke von Filzstiefeln hin, die aber dort endeten. Das hieß, der Mann hatte gar nicht versucht mir zu folgen.

Beruhigt ging ich zur Hütte zurück, um den Einbruch der Dunkelheit abzuwarten und meine Schwiegermutter als Träger anzuwerben. Der kurze Waldweg und das Stückchen Straße würden kein Problem darstellen. Dann hieße es schnell noch den Baum zu schmücken und die Bescherung konnte beginnen.
Schon wenig später war es soweit. Der Abend begann sich to lay over the white linen of the snow, the wind was emerging across the street. Conditions as provided for us. With the exception of a man at the bus stop, which turned to the side as we passed, no one was in sight. Half an hour and we were back. The action was completed Christmas tree. Proud I was with him in the hut and froze ... we had a visit. It was the man from the bus stop. In the green sweater he was sitting at the table, jacket and hat hanging on the wardrobe.
"Santa Claus" mumbled the children to their mouths with chocolate besmearing that he had given them. "Well," I said a little uncertain, "you see more like a forester look as like Santa Claus. "
"Mr Haehnel," he said gravely, "I am the Forester. I felt sick and I had to sit down. "If I remember correctly," he added, "They said to me - you know what you can ... that would surely mean ... come visit in the evening? I have accepted the invitation. " "As you have just found me?" I stammered. "Oh, you know that was easy," he smiled. "It's like hunting, you can only wait. If you have scared away the game, it will often not take long and it comes back into the clearing. Then you had I follow only the glass where they were going to wait and finally the transport - and now I have you. " "Well," he said, "I asked your wife already in the tree account. Their children's sake and because it is Christmas, I will refrain from display. But God's grace to you if I catch you again. The next time that would be an expensive Christmas! Well no offense, now you can not spoil the Christmas Eve and have a Merry Christmas! "
During the last words he had the jacket tightened and placed the hat. Then he opened the door and stamped out - the children still being held for Santa Claus. Erst da wurde mir klar, dass ich einer war.
Frohes Fest!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Headache Trample Fetish

Why .... for Christmas!

  • Why do all politicians a "JANEIN" speech errors (you can not answer YES or NO)?
  • Why are not Hartz IV recipients counted as unemployed? Why lie
  • Politicians before the election, more than usual? Why do people believe
  • the politicians before the election, their lies again and again?
  • Why is a lawyer an hourly wage of more than 300 €
  • Why the interest of Wessi Ossi not?
  • Why does a hairdresser a merit of 4.50 €?
  • Why is the media, if any, of the new federal states (almost) reported only negative?
  • Why should hold the Ossi the Westerner as arrogant and overbearing?
  • Why is it intentional that there are over 20 years Easterners and Westerners?
  • Why is it After twenty years, is still new federal states?
  • Why does (after the end of the GDR) in Germany vibrated reinforced at the festivals of democracy?
  • have to answer why people do not relate to time, questions that your substantial life?
Why ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....?

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Tattoos With Wings And Footprints

Merry X-Mas

Alle die noch nicht so recht wissen was es mit dem Mann in rot jedes Jahr auf sich hat - aufgepasst...!

39 Degrees North: Christmas Card 2010 from 39 Degrees North on Vimeo .

Frohe Weihnachten!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Floxacillin Chest Infection

search ad: Gift ideas for Christmas

find an honest politician who is willing to give me my questions ONLY with the word " Yes or" No " zu beantworten.
Menschen, die aus Ihrem Sprachwortschatz die Worte Ja und nein gestrichen haben, können sich trotz ihres eventuell enormen Wissens nicht ehrlich artikulieren.  Kennen Sie Leute mit diesem Sprachfehler?
Einfach mal bewusst Nachrichten hören oder Zeitung lesen.
Haben Sie im wahren   Leben schon einmal einen Bäckermeister erlebt, der eine Autowerkstatt leitet.
Solch ein "geworschdl" geht auch nur   in der Politik.
Innerminister wird Finanzminister, Westlicher Schwimmmeister wird Außenminister. usw.

 Wenn Sie wissen wollen, how it really is to Germany, you need only turn over any daily newspaper. No reading, no line by line. Between the lines. Worked in 1989. And the first signs are still similar. It's just a few people too well.
An example from real life:
was recently unfortunately necessary that I had to seek advice from an attorney.
Young dynamic (not unfriendly) lawyer.
After the usual "necessary small talk" and the recitation of my request, I was at 27 minutes a noncommittal answer to my questions.
net price 160 € + 20 € fee f. expenses (3Kopien) = € 214.20 inkl. Märchensteuer.
Soweit so gut.   Aber wo liegen denn hier die Relationen?
Ein Stundenlohn von über 300 €. Und die Rechtsanwältin macht auch nur ihre Arbeit. Ob gut, kann ich bei 214,20 € leider noch nicht einschätzen.

Um mit dem großen deutschen Dichter Heinrich Heine zu antworten:
“Denk ich an Deutschland in der Nacht, bin ich um den Schlaf gebracht.“
Ein besinnliches warmes und nachdenkliches Weihnachtsfest

Vidios De Niñas Follando

sun, mountains and Berber whiskey ...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sitting On Her Stomach

on ZDF television film "Family Cheerful" Our democracy

Gestern lief im ZDF die Komödie „Familie Fröhlich“, (hier nochmals zu sehen ) die eigentlich keine Komödie ist. Diese Produktion ist   eine gutgemachte dramatische Dokumentation mit sarkastischen Dialogen. Die beim Arbeitsamt, Entschuldigung JOBCENTER dargestellten Dialoge entsprechen dermaßen der Realität, dass man der Meinung sein könnte, die dort agierenden FALLMANAGER arbeiten nach Drehbuch. Man fragt sich, wie diese Angestellten schon im Vorab an das Drehbuch des Films gekommen sind .Und wer schon einmal mit dieser Institution und den dort beschäftigten Menschen zu tun haben musste, weiß wovon ich rede. Von der Realität des deutschen Alltags entfernt this film from the last quarter. But that's only natural, since the "public service" to his so-called order (and this includes not actually criticism of the system) needs to be. And besides, it was supposed to be a comedy.
Speaking "public service" . Try renaming to define this word creation. Why Public? What then are the private ones? And Legally. What is even legal? What rights are as represented in a democracy? The of the people? Hardly. The parties. It seemed more likely. The lobbyists of nuclear energy? The pharmaceutical industry? The order
the private sectors? Profit! With this the dumbing down slowly should be halted. For the currently prevailing level of privacy is truly arrived hopefully already on the bottom. If you can still speak of levels. Actually helps because more often back off and just talk with each another. A beautiful
weekly television


Sunday, December 12, 2010

Cat Without Incisor Teeth

I recently read in a Blog an article about the danger of the Lobbyists for the existence of democracy form. Now I seriously wonder what democracy is meant for. Since there are several forms of the definition of democracy, I ask myself the question must be whether, in Germany supposedly oh-so-great democracy, really represents the "people power".
meets According to the definitions of indirect democracy on us. What this means for Germany, a representative democracy. The representatives should be elected and then for a period of time to the best of my knowledge and belief (in this can be a politicians who make it this far?) The fortunes of the state . Lead
Let's get to the intrusive question, "What is a representative "?
It is a person who is authorized to political action on behalf of a political entity.
We have further learned above, that a democracy is the power of the people, should represent a representative of this, his political unit. Now please take a look once in your closed doors of our politicians at this point. Certainly include managers of the nuclear industry and the people. But not exclusively. And we are a people the pharmaceutical industrialist? Welcome our children by his first name really all Mc? I know nicht so richtig aber irgendwie darf man über das, was in diesem Lande geschieht nicht nachdenken. Sollte man aber.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

What Is The Best Soap Olay Or Dove



Friday, November 26, 2010

Terrarium Lighting For Iguana's Toronto

idea of \u200b\u200ba p. Glowacz on current developments in mountain climbing ... vadis-alpinismus/9716 /

Syphilis Chancre Or Ingrown Hair?


Da mor nich ega nur rummäggern gann un weils Lähm ja o scheene Schdundn mid sich bringd, habsch ma ä gleenes Gedichd ibor mei Liebsdes geschriem. ( Also gud es zweedliebsde. Glei nach meiner Gudsdn)


Weiß wie Schnee, de Blume leichdet
Goldgelb drundr, weil feichded it.
How berld un quietly zischd
when dr's mid Dulbe michd.

Geddlich erlaam is up to you
Himmlich as dei Dufd gewäbd
Finally andn Libbn Haam
If you gomme geschwäbd to me.

Nennch you at last my widdr,
To finally be with me
non Frach me, you WEEST my will!
Finally I dringk up you Gihl Pilzs.
Lu Breed is van Berg

For those of the beautiful Saxon language are not powerful but are interested in the content of this little poem Here is the translation into German.

Since you do not always curse and can only be because life also brings with it quality time I've written a little poem. A poem about me after my most beloved wife.


Weiß wie Schnee die Blume leuchtet 
goldgelb drunter, weil es feuchtet.
Wie es perlt und leise zischt
wenn sich’s mit Tulpe mischt. 

Divine refreshment is up to you
Himmlich how your scent woven
have at last on the lips
If you come to me floated

Rated up at last mein
Um schließlich doch bei mir zu sein.
Frag mich nicht, du weißt ich will’s
Endlich trink ich dich, du kühles PILS
                      Lu Van Berg Breed

Thursday, November 25, 2010

P90x Online Stream Free

staff in the East deserves too much work

If the ma nischd iss.
The wages of employees in the public O tDienst s already for over twenty years, almost equal to the western level. To the east is the almost same money (only) worked one hour per week longer.
resourceful politicians are now the glorious FDP believes that public Ostdienstangestellten Because of the oh-so-low rents in the East, for the same money, too much, d, h. can afford more than a west colleague. And that should not and can not be easy. Although we should not merge.
disregards the FDP all conditions, that in the East, the cost of garbage fee Water and sewage, and electricity are often considerably more expensive. And who has to answer that?
Recently, a prospective high school graduate said to me: "If we play our role as politicians, we are creating the school not even on the folk high school". Since
have chosen accidentally but hopefully in the last election not one FDP?

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Flu With Tingling In Arms


expected ..... 100 000 East jobber
OFFN From May gommenden year is not gonna be just Bolnes. Ne then makes vermudlich OFFN everything for everyone. Welcome willgomm ALLN Gliggsriddorn. The expectant non-only lots lohndriggende unhemlich arbeidswilliche Osdeurobäer hergeloggd, sondern och jede Mänge junge dinamische Schlibbsdrächer, die hier ihre brolledarischen Versuchsgannienschen schdudiern wolln. Nich das ich was geschn Auslänor habbe. Ich meene jedz de Osdeurobäer, nich de Männädscher. Abor sollde de Bolidigg, die so ene Menge Geld für ihre eischne Exisdenzberechtschung   un andern Unsinn ausgibbd, sich nich erschdema   um dän jahrelang versäumdn Bildungsoffdrach gimmern. Ich globe das wäre billscher. Abbor was wees denn ich schon.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Authentic Fake Ids Ontario


MATRIX RELOADED - climbing movie full version from BERNARTWOOD on Vimeo .

Monday, November 15, 2010

Mens Eterna Challenger Wacth

revival never goes out of style

Warning: loud!

interpreterbar content is free, enjoy the view.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Does Ibuprofengive Heart Burn

Schemata des Betruges (Projekt Recht und Gesellschaft in Europa)

Bernard Madoff erfüllte die Kategorie I auf der hohen Ebene: Vertrauen, Ausstrahlung, sah fast aus wie J.W. von Goethe, siehe die Ähnlichkeit der Köpfe, übergehe die unterschiedliche Durchblutung. Unsere Zeit ist Krebs-verseucht, fast sieht man es.  Sogar ein Professoren-Titel kann hinsichtlich der Integrität täuschen und  die Kategorie I unterstützen.

Der finanziell-wirtschaftliche Betrug auf niederer, mittlerer und hoher Ebene hat ein Schema, das sich in sieben Kategorien aufteilen lässt:
  • I Vertrauen gewinnen, an eine seriöse Umgebung anlehnen oder eine altbewährte Vertrauens-Struktur nutzen/missbrauchen, mögliche Mittäter selektieren, Wissen splitten, Gewinne in Aussicht stellen, relativ beteiligen.
  • II einen Vorteil des/der Opfer vortäuschen, mit kleinen Gewinnen in Sicherheit wiegen, ködern
  • III Absichten verschleiern, lügen, gute Blend-Arbeit, aber schlechte Arbeit im Verborgenen, Scheinarbeit, Projekte, Geschäftigkeit vorschieben, Details verunklären, "Fach-Latein" vorschieben, Kompetenz vortäuschen oder missbrauchen, mögliche Angestellte an Geheimhaltung Bind bribe useful partner.
  • IV wait for opportunities or they provoke, without conscience, without scruples, but with feverish expectation of material success and the associated power. Feverish anticipation and criminal are two different things. The latter refers to an unscrupulous step over victims, deceived wards or even friends, deceived customers or confidants.
  • V weaknesses in a system or weaknesses of partners and take advantage of victims who use bad security systems.
  • VI take what comes, the real fraud, often suddenly and rapidly fall victim out of the clouds. Unnoticed continuous fraud is also possible until the bubble bursts or fraud launches sent "expires", very gradually dissolves.
  • VII abwimmeln disappear, cover up, deny, change, falsify identity.
Aufgund this scheme have changed values \u200b\u200bto their owners illegally. The result is always the same, the methods are always the same.

I want the methods using examples describe low-level, some Links and lift the corners of the methods. In particular, the category III is designed to detect criminal intent early on. This must begin in the enlightened "labor" victims located investigate, just search and then draw the consequences and try to draw its values from the thing out. It is often just ignored this point because the bait-profits make a formal blind and the greed for more will be larger. Turn out to fraudsters build on human weakness, and later as a tough, absolutely ruthless, unrepentant, selfish, cold and destructive - it is too late. Only one larva is left out sucked, the victim who can fight hard afterwards. Rarely are values back to the original owner betrayed, not by criminal ads also very restricted by civil processes. Other winners, those who are on the Cannibalize have specialized, are on the train, the victim gets nothing.

The issue seems to be very current , as I now realize the 20/Oktober/10 reading SPON.

continued today at the haunt 28/November/2010

rescue screen and crash today by the news. In free fall is the € not. He has with countries like Thailand lost 25 percent to 30 percent. He remains at this level but somewhat stable. There are currently no alternative to Europe for €. Somehow, the Europeans must agree who is responsible for carelessness and calculated fraud Member countries are liable to pay and must. The fraud in local banks, supported by power politics, can guess at the above Scheme and affect virtually all countries of the EU.

Oskar Lafontaine became abusive on a talk show two days ago: cheaters, etc. were his words. Easy to say when no one has to call directly. There are too many. So it remains in public protest affecting outbreaks. Power is good. A proposal in the round was that the euro is divided into a northern and a southern good bad. France should belong to this scheme to the south. Countries that are not in the EU, to the north. Confusing as it gets. The confusion is in the same head that discussion with other heads. Also, where chaos is in the head. Infantil it breaks out: cheaters - the others that everyone, in business or in the banks, it is not as well known. Unfortunately

have not looked at those in charge of the Internet desk. Looking to expand here warned. I had to scroll back themselves. How far out than the German parliament economy and thus debt packages decided, rather than as proposed here, to make vacation in the Seychelles and once thought?

If European countries lose part of their identity by being patronized gradually, then blooms of fraud thrown away in Europe. Europe still has no identity, not even a consistently accepted constitution. Europe has become a monster of a skyscraper, only the back door is open. Forward, no one may enter. Through the back entrance, the representatives of European political parties come up with their heavy luggage with corruption, fraud and benefit withdrawals, with all the baggage of claims, which relate to their caste, which let the public in general and on the left. But to pay the claims, the luxury accommodation, the whole apparatus, the need of the citizens. He has to feed the parasites, parasites with great experience, how to cheat and can fool the public, parasites, which in turn feed their people in the media to make the illusion perfect.

course, there is a way out of the Euro-crisis from the fraud secret from parasitism. Europe needs to get its culture, making proudly countries, who have this culture. Second, a financial compensation already in employment policies are decided. Countries whose industry is booming, must give work to provoke training, but go back a portion of the profits in such urban areas must be connected to the peripheral areas. A Portuguese man who finds a good job, for example, in Holland, would carry a small balance control for his country. This money must be in the social security systems Flowing though not in a corrupt state apparatus. Furthermore

is here considered urgently needed: activity-based short-training, which is the constantly changing requirements. Training may not be too sedate, why not comprehensive, because then applications will be sent to the winds. Training must be targeted, come from the employers. An introduction or a short guide would be sufficient in many cases. The employee must have the ability to learn a few work-flows. There

Another very good system it already, say job placement of professionals. These can offer vacancies , Watch out looking for something suitable. They are freelancers, independent, flexible, and they fill gaps in businesses, hospitals, etc. in exchange firms, often based on the idea of \u200b\u200ba resourceful person shall receive percentages are not dependent on government subsidies. What was bad was the massive subsidies in recent years, mediation companies without clever idea from the floor could shoot. They stressed the state-fund significantly. What was bad was the often inhumane treatment of work-seekers, the degrading one-euro jobs, and more.

self-placement companies that generate self-employment and start to the needs, not on the state subsidy, which sich finanziell selbst tragen, sind das Beste, das dem Arbeit-Markt passieren konnte. Nun fehlt noch das Zusammenspiel von solchen Vermittlungen und Bedarf-orientierter Kurz-Ausbildung durch die Firmen/Arbeitgeber selbst, denn für beschränkte Arbeit-Abläufe ist sehr oft keine hohe Qualifikation erforderlich. An der Praxis kann dann noch ausgesiebt werden, weil sich nicht alle Bewerber für beschränkte Arbeit-Abläufe eignen. Diese Art der Beschäftigung-Politik kann alle Menschen in Europa erfassen, auch diejenigen, die in ihren eigenen Rand-Ländern keine Arbeit finden. Auch hier: eine geringe Abgabe für ihr Land, das hoch verschuldet sein kann, muss sein.

Die sozialen Absicherung-Systeme sind die Grundlage für regional culture that has to do with the identity of a country. Europe promotes these local cultures through a system of social protection and the described flexible work placement with short training, then Europe is gaining its own identity. Europe then that is clamped to a well thought out protective shield his values. The rescue screen for € and banks, however again only feeds corruption and fraud - the devil is then expelled by Beelzebub, the fire is extinguished with the hidden oil greed.

Europe is the sum of its historic cultures of all its countries, the common currency, the flexibility of science, education, work and Entrepreneurship is concentrated power of his best forces within wide limits - not when everything is ruined by fat parasites in power, take no account of other countries, such as the governance in Ireland, as well as regional banks bonded politicians in Germany, further Examples would go beyond the frame.

note in everything is expressed in this topic, we are constantly the seven points of the fraud scheme above.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Sprint Pain Back Of Knee

Tannheimer Short Story

when slow Autumn, and the emperor remains are already on the snow and all the thirsty soul more like sunny side, then a trip to the mountains Tannheimer is exactly the right choice. It usually wait moderate (with brains) restored classic, not too long, can be enjoyed thoroughly. Given a fine, small hut with gscheitn landlord :-) and you have a worthwhile trip. Even when, as with us the other day, the sun is even coming ...

Strictly Comfort Shoes

Impressionen - der gestresste Planet (Projekt Erzählungen)

Reflecting realities, stage actors with terrace and Aquarium

Who is on the scale, center left, is reflected themselves and the reality: too heavy, too fat, too flabby? Who takes the stage and shows himself, as he is? My fish have become quite bold!

Tuesday and Friday are market days in the middle of Pattaya, and in the tropical rainy season. Two awnings shield before showers and thunderstorms. On hot days they keep out the sun. Between market days, they are rarely removed. One can of empty days between the poles and wires go through, take shortcuts and avoid the looped narrow road full of traffic.

The space under the tent roof is by far not the market is overflowing. The stands next to protect themselves temporarily. Today it rains on the vulnerable, slightly muddy paths and market it drips from the edges of the tarpaulins.

blocked immediately in front of me the way an Austrian. In two spoken sentences, he reveals himself accidentally. His naked wobbly back directly in front of me now blocked the road. He skidded down his pants ggibt free fleshy gap tablet. A comedy on stage, the market is before me. I will only pass to laugh does not make sense. Too many are walking around in the city. Thai people they hardly notice. They care not about half-naked tourists still around black burqa-veiled Muslim women.

The Austrian stands there and leaves his lady looking for a cheap bra. Since shaking my wet folding screen, and even makes the Wabbel colossus two steps to the side.

I would not have to sprinkle. The drops from the side brought misfortune for my fish that I wanted to go shopping for my aquarium, "Cleaning fishes" I had in mind, fish that clean the aquarium by itself and eat mini-algae, which with time the glass walls set and cloud the water. Yesterday I had replaced all the water and the glass walls to scrub. The clean-Quabben will now help to prolong the intervals of this work. Sie sehen aus wie hellbraune Kaulquappen, sind nur etwas größer und als Fische zu erkennen. Vier sollten reichen, sagte die Fische-Frau, und hob sie in eine Plastik-Tüte mit Wasser, die sie prall verschloss. Dann wollte ich noch einen Zierfisch aus einem Glas. Die wunderschönen bizarren Formen und einzigartigen Blautöne hatten mich animiert; sie empfahl, nur einen einzigen zu nehmen. Auf dem Weg nach Hause, mit meinem aufgespannten Geschenk-Schirm von Western Union, erfuhr ich zufällig: es ist ein Kampf-Fisch, klein, schön, aber gefährlich. Er wird den anderen Fischen das Leben zur Hölle machen, dachte ich, und kehrte um. Das "Unglück" für den blauen Wunder-Fisch mit unbekanntem aggressiven Potential war, not to be bought and its time to continue to spend alone in a narrow glass need. My way back to the fish-woman, I do not count, I currently like to go and enjoy it, to possess no more moped.

instead of 20 baht for the Blue, of which two males would fight each other constantly, as I heard, seems same-sex friendships among them do not give, I invested another 20 baht and got four little cuddle-fish with red back and silver side. Another plastic bag was filled with enough water and sealed with a rubber. And again I got a bag for transport, I was right back. I wanted to put the fish in the pages of my sports-bag-nets, the smart network for the first time to use it. The nine-year-old boy in the fish-wife helped with the insertion of the transparent water-bags.

Such water-bags have a life of its own. Physical laws can be networked, but not locked up. After about four hundred meters to the rear bulging bag of red-back had simply disappeared. Concerned about the fish, I went back the way thought of my helpless creatures and looked in my imagination in any puddle fight for their lives. In buying the story stand out of the bag was immediately geschwuppsten die Runde und belustigte zwei Frauen der gegenüberliegenden Pflanzen-Stände. Wie ein begossener Pudel, ähnlich dem Österreicher, der noch mehr Unglück bringen sollte, zog ich mit der vorderen Prall-Tüte des Weges und schaffte etwa einen Kilometer bis zum nächsten physikalischen Ereignis, als ich mich nämlich nach einem Sandstein bückte. Ich sah, dass diese angeblichen Sandsteine, mit denen in Pattaya Gehwege gepflastert werden, nur Sandstein-beschichtet sind.

Solch einen Stein, der herumlag, wollte ich zuhause haben.  Sandstein, auch als Oberflächen-Schicht, tut gute Dienste beim Reinigen von Fußsohlen. Meine werden gelegentlich dreckig, drängt es mich einzuflechten. Barfuß to walk on uneven cobblestone pavement along Beach Road, is part of my leisure and health-training without loss of time. Walking you go anyway. In addition done in this way even more. Feet, joints, even the entire skeleton will own bone to such a head-stone alone by the body weight over a self-massage, trained and moved. Feet as members to remain agile. The position varies from step to step.

Such rational walks with priceless side effects and a thoroughly flowing feeling of absolute freedom, the earth itself subject as shoe soles, shoes in hand or left on moped You can not describe, you have to experience. Usually accompanied me to my recently deceased friend Franz AIDS from a breakfast buffet at the Apex Hotel, but he in sturdy shoes. So we led different base-oriented, different training-oriented, side by side, philosophical discussions, and left us the summer sea breeze underscore the nose. A quick, one wants to tell me before I continued with the bending down to the sand-stone, the logical consequence of barefoot walking was indeed the dusty-dirty coating on the soles, and that it was necessary to wash, and then again only in the shoes to slip. This is a rite had formed. I parked my bike at full Intention on the side of a Starbucks coffee shop, because there was always about this time a cleaning bucket Feudel and water. So I was a particular sandstone of the side road that was already quite light water with cleanliness, and scrape on my feet, a wash cycle again with the rational used body weight, without even having to lift one leg only. So here's my attention to a sandstone, albeit coated, the lying about free.

bent after this one sandstone myself, I'm going away now, but at the same time was also the second bulging bag of fish-cleaning out of the network side of the sports bag. She fell and exploded on the ground. I quickly picked up the wriggling little Fish, and left them in the residual water plop the bag that I kept to hand. The stressed fish could barely move their gills. I thought of a larger water-bag with a little more water, because I had to go another half mile. Such a bag I got in a small shop on the road without problems, for the first time Thais are very helpful. The fish were swimming in it but still not as ordenlich, as I had expected.

arrived home was my only thought, purely with them into the aquarium and do it now. In addition I tipped the contents along with the water through the sliding-top opening. Again appeared to stress was for the fish, because they allowed themselves to fall to the ground as if dead. Two, I saw how the two remaining were not present. That could not be. There were four. . I was looking for the aquarium from the outside, put on my glasses that were not there two, disappeared

Later, I was then clear: they had hidden in the Christmas tree. What? Yes, an artificial fir trees in the aquarium, a Christmas tree with soft plastic needles, I had bought three years ago in a department store, and it was very cheap. Since then, the tree was all those years in the room and made the Buddhist altars competition. Actually not really, because I am not a Christian more, rather DEHist. Nevertheless, I sometimes thought back to my time of being Christian and was happy about that Christmas was not confined to a few days. After all the work, the aquarium with fresh water supply, I was then suddenly got the idea to give this tree-Christians to now the gold and silver fishes, to enrich their living room. I had, a bad conscience.

The water discharge per tube, I had been exaggerated and the fish unfortunately forgot while I was in the room the computer was sitting, until they in fear of death and all lying on the side of trying, with the last remaining water to get along that was less and less. Instantly I had forgot to run after new water, but then again, sitting at the computer screen, the parking, so I suddenly heard an overflowing waterfall. I quickly corrected this damage, but had to accept a power-Stross. The overflowing water had taken over the electrics. The fish saw their homes under power, without prejudice, however, not grounded, not only because I got off the screen again. My conscience was thus justified. The trees should save the deadlock.

The good fish that otherwise always cheerful and always hungry herumschwommen in their entire living area, moved in fear auf die eine Seite, weit weg vom Christ-Baum, sobald ich ihn hineingestellt hatte, trotz seiner hübschen Schleifchen und sonstigem Baum-Schmuck, silbernen Tannen-Zapfen zum Beispiel, passend zu den drei silbernen Fischlein unter den goldenen. Das perspektivisch aus ihrer Sicht dunkle Ungetüm machte ihnen Angst, so etwa wie harmlose muslimische Familien vor den islamistischen Einpeitschern , den Salafisten, die aus Fernost oder sonst woher nach Deutschland kommen, wie vor einer dunklen unbekannten Macht Angst haben. Von Pattaya aus, das sei nebenbei bemerkt,  kümmere ich mich stets auch etwas um Deutschland , also auch um Muslime, die zu Deutschland gehören, wie der Bundespräsident meinte, ganz im Sinne seiner Kanzlerin , die sich nun aber, das füge ich heute, am 16/Oktober/10, berichtend ein, völlig verwandelt  auf die Seite gelegt hat, ähnlich wie die Fische im Restwasser, denen das Wasser abgeht.

Das dunkle künstliche Tannen-Weihnachts-Bäumchen entpuppte sich für die Fische innerhalb von Stunden allerdings als sehr harmlos, als nicht salafistisch. Die Nadeln waren weich, stellten sie wohl fest. Und ab einer gewissen Zeit wurde das Bäumchen der bevorzugte Spiel-Platz für sie.

Keine Angst vorm Tannenbaum - As true Christians Children

The two clean-fish had disappeared, the dark trees in their tense situation after I had shaken from the Plasik bag into the aquarium water at once to their hiding place and made it remained motionless. After all of them caused me stress they began after another two hours to swim and look for clean-up objects to the glass interior walls and floor with the many round stones, similar to the cobblestone pavement of the narrow strip of coconut palms the Beach Road.

Any one creature must indeed go to things on the ground, use them and even live it. The wildlife, recently enriched with new knowledge of numerous previously unknown species , apparently wants the inquisitive, but also survive destructive man who has turned the entire planet Earth into a stress.

the "preferred playground of aquarium fish to the small Christmas trees in the water around, I have today, 20/Oktober/2010, later still included. The images can be enlarged with a click in order to see everything exactly, including the shrewd eye on the people, above.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

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I've seen the morning in the mountains of Alaska I've seen the sunset
in the east and the west in
And I'm far, far away
With my head up in the clouds
And I'm far, far away

This is probably one of the evergreens that of Kurt just with the Wolfgang, John Bachar, Jonny Copp, Micah Dash, the old Ricardo, Kristina and all the others, the fire - with a bottle in his hand Heldbräu - blares in front of him ...

There are times that are blacker than black, times as you wish yourself, you would have met all these wonderful people never, not even remotely ... And yet you may know them - not personally - but somehow it has always felt a bit like, you felt connected, they did share the same passion, have the same obsession - have just one goal as oneself ... It was good to know somehow - of Kurt, who is, who makes his thing, which does not take life so seriously - has just enjoy the people, cultures, landscapes and in the movement. Who did not give Kurt a pod of the best ... Legendary his lectures - I never have such enthusiasm at someone for what he shows here and experience makes! In the first lecture, which I could attend to him, it has been before the break three times in the dark "pop" and made Kurt's tongue was getting looser ...

Kurt, it was a pleasure! - Off to new shores ...

A very nice portrait of the Kurt found here:

% 20Kurt% 20Albert.htm

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Wet Lotion Like Mucus


There are moments in life when a recognition meets with inexorable force ... - The realization that the project I am working there for 13 months, 24 days and 17 hours, probably just not quite my price range, or the knowledge that it Monday, since I is an hour in the office should be and my boss will be built not very sure whether my glorious knowledge, also a classic theory of knowledge is the uplifting moment when I realize soon after getting up, that I have not the slightest idea who the person beside me in bed and I at the attempt to fathom this fact note that, unfortunately, is even more extensive gaps in the great puzzle game that is called as memory, open up for me ... You could certainly extend this list slightly, but should only be done using another example. To this end I have to tighten the bow a little further ado ... The most will be safe even in one or the other larger or smaller specialty store for the slanted "Outdoors" have been, or have made such a little of the Mummy can give. Who has it ever been made the effort his bloodshot eyes briefly from the brand new "Mitmirkommstduüberallhochwunderwaffe" to turn and look around, will know perhaps what I am ... - Yes, right, that there are no mirrors, no, we have gone that have such erratic and adheres to the view, this light show of madness. And not only that, there also have this other species is on the way, because armed with the jackets in the colors of the season, is looking for the latest must-have "for their commission of AlspiX ... And if it's fate then set up so ago that they have the great pleasure of this Species in such a hotbed of desire. help to their happiness to be allowed, then it can happen that one meets with the finding of overwhelming hardship. - The realization that if we are not careful, those who actually get lost in the mountains ... the mountains, that is, where are the right real mountains, where attacks are not colorful, where no seller is present to explain to a for which the whole Kladderadatsch I have since put together now is because actually there ... And you have to admit that this idea, the one that ... - Oh God! For this reason, I soon will launch a petition: "More observation decks for a clean und ruhiges Gebirge!“ – Ich hoffe auf eure Unterstützung!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Buy Tampons Without Your Mom Knowing

Laden Lovers

Wie in den letzten Jahren zur Gewohnheit geworden führte uns auch diesen September eine Klubfahrt ins gelobte Land, ins Zentrum des Alpinkletteruniversums, ins optisch wie haptisch sportkulturelle Paradies eines jeden, Abenteuer wie Ästhetik gleichermaßen verehrenden Liebhabers primär wirkender Felsflächen. In die Dolomiten!

Wetter: suboptimal, Crew: optimal, Routen: Yeahhh!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Fotos De Quinceneras Encueradas

sun and dark black clouds

Elf uhr Fünfzig rufe ich "Stand" zu Uwe und habe damit die Crux pitch behind me. The sun turned a long-awaited and so unprecedented, cozy feeling of happiness on the cheek. Almost a perfect world here in this south wall in the Dolomites, I think.
"ideal world", this incredibly beautiful, strong technical and demanding tour to the tower at the secret Horn, there I was with Kristina and Jules together on a rope, as climbers in Basti, was eleven years ago.
And today? Eleven Fifty clock! It's the same day and the same time, as appears to us a little perfect world and with Kristina, a large, dark shadow over his face sets.
For me it's not the first time and wonder why ich mich, manchmal scheinen Glück und Leid, wenn sie am stärksten sind in der selben Minute aufzutauchen.

Mir zeichnet sich ein wehmütiges, aber dennoch wunderschönes Bild: Eine heile Welt. Bitter und voller Schmerzen, aber heil. Ich sehe Kristina an den winzigen Auflegern oben überm sechsten Ring und ich spüre, dass sie ihen Weg konsequent geht, mit allen Konsequenzen und ich weis, dass das gut ist! Denn es zeugt von Charakter!

Mach´s gut! Du bleibst in fester Erinnerung!

Pattern Lyrical Dress

In loving memory

Eine der herausragenden Persönlichkeiten des Sächsischen Kletterns ist am Samstag bei einem Kletterunfall, in den Pumprissen at the butcher's pillars, divorced from life.

Although I have only met a few times on the rock, so I Kristina's name was of course a term. And most of their mention was in connection with one or the other outstanding tour, and was amazed at the leaves in the summit book one ...

The few times I've met they were, then every time a lesson in terms of motivation, enthusiasm and joy of rock - it was not easy climbing and climbing - they embodied!

Kristina, we will miss you and your motivational summit a comment!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Tv Production Sample Proposal

Brustvergrößerung - was erwarten die Patientinnen?

Most women want a well-formed, her character right and therefore not conspicuous chest. You want to take because of a breast augmentation a few days off and not feel any unnecessary pain. You expect after breast augmentation with no physical disabilities or with strange phenomena in her breast in certain arm movements. The operation should be subject to as few risks as possible. They expect an undisturbed wound healing and accept only subtle scars (if any). You want to simply rely on an optimal and friendly manner. have

In Medical Clinic Dresden Well we developed an approach with which each of these can we take for granted claims are met. Let us in turn before:

- the investigation and interrogation of the patient, and the trial of different loading Brustimmitate is evidence for both patient and surgeon, that the appropriate implants can be selected. If the time of surgery additionally neighboring sizes are available (at least six implants per patient), there is always the best intraoperatively for patient selection. Most of us used implants have a size 240-280 ml The situation of the implant between the breast and large breast muscle allows the surgeon complete freedom of positioning for a well-formed and natural-looking breasts. The larger the implant, the shorter the experience of beautiful form.

- if it is possible to keep the operation is always associated with a violation of the patient as low as possible, are the subsequent pain so weak that simple painkillers usually sufficient for one to two days. 15% of our patients are already working again the next day. This is only possible if surgery is very gentle, the large pectoral muscle not of the rib and partially detached from the sternum , the implant is so great between breast and chest muscle to lie. Here, nature has provided an almost natural subject, which can be expanded with the trick of tumescent local anesthesia in a simple way to receive the implant. It must not be structured to be injured, causing severe pain would be later. This modern local anesthesia during the operation due to the lack of bleeding. And it prevents the occurring immediately after the operation pain. It also reduces the subsequent levels of pain and it makes general anesthesia unnecessary. Bacteria did not feel comfortable in their environment.

- If the implant is (partly) be placed under the pectoral muscle is to the removal of the large chest muscle (pectoralis major) of the rib and part of the sternum is required. This always causes severe pain for days that make it impossible to start work within days. Furthermore, this approach with a loss of strength and a limitation is associated fine motor coordination of both arms. In many such patients operated it comes to a curvature (bulging) of the upper outer Brustpols for at least the first few months after the operation. Only when the implant years later entered deeper and lost contact with the breast muscle has - under which it was once set - does the breast better. One wonders then why the injury had to be large during the operation. We have a series of photographs with which one can understand these allegations.
is added the peculiar double bubble (double bubble), which occurs when the contracts of the remaining, intact remainder of the pectoralis major muscle and - with the self-thickening - the implant down (towards the feet) is displaced and this springs.
The bellows is not caused by lying on the breast implant muscle (Snoopy nose deformity) attractive.
We understand why patients do not expect such phenomena and create unnecessary pain and therefore routinely the implants under the gland and gently to the large chest muscle. Very few justified exceptions prove the rule. If it was a few years ago in Germany, only about 20% of the operations were performed in this manner, it is now perhaps 50%. The trend we are right.

- the risks can be reduced through various measures. Sorry, there are still the most breast augmentations performed in general anesthesia. A special local anesthetic for this operation is connected to our experience with more advantages and fewer disadvantages than the general anesthesia. Some of these advantages have already mentioned above. It is Remarkably, patients enter for this operation, the risk of a world of general anesthesia should not.
to infections must not happen. Special intraoperative antiseptic measures make infections almost impossible. At the same time, will be reached in the Medical Clinic Dresden Well a (proven by scientific studies) to speed wound healing. The scarring is reduced. Since the inception of the Clinic (2002), there has never been a postoperative wound infection. Visiting doctors are impressed by the charmless wounds after all operations.

- the typical course of a breast augmentation with treatment in our house looks like this:
> Mondays OR Tuesdays
> dismissal with tape and BH (about 15% of our patients back to work after 1 post-op. day)
> remove Wednesdays drainage, shower Association, pleasant specialty sports bra in exchange for 2 months
> Thursday have been working about 30% of our patients
> Friday film dressing suitable for showers (rarely needed another appointment Association)
> Monday, after a week, about 95% of our patients back at work
> Monday, after 2 weeks, removing the threads as well as delivery and explanation of the silicone tapes
> After three months of initial check
> second check after six months
> after a year of third control
> after two years fourth control

Since the inception of the Medical Clinic Well Dresden (July 2002) no postoperative infection. (My Dr. King, the chief doctor of the clinic, had post-operative since the beginning of its independence as a surgeon in October 1993 no infection.)

Is it any wonder that our patients and we have great fun in the results . Satisfied patients and lack of complications are a good basis for good humor and constant motivation.

Stay online
My Dr. King

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sachs Snowmobile Engines For Sale

About drinking and climbing ...

Das kommt dabei raus wenn man besoffen Riss klettert - und wie schön sich all die tollen Sprüche bewahrheiten zum Thema - wunderbar...

Boogie 'til You Poop from Cedar Wright on Vimeo .

Monday, August 23, 2010

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Bioelektrische Impedanzanalyse (BIA)

Using bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) be measured, a line resistance and capacitive resistance in the body. Here, the measuring current is so weak that it is not felt. The measurement is similar to an ECG. Taking into account the height, weight and sex can be obtained with the measured values, with the aid of an algorithm, estimate individual body compartments.

it made the measurement of the phase angle alpha is scientifically validated.
The phase angle is a variable with which the phase shift is described, which is observed when an alternating current flows through a capacitor. In the biological cell structure, its value depends on the number of cells (series-connected "capacitors") and their membrane potential and the intra-and extracellular water content.

The phase angle is low in poor nutritional states, chronic and debilitating diseases, chronic infections such as HIV or tuberculosis, and for example in autoimmune diseases and chronic renal disease, because the number and potential of the cells and the water balance are affected.
in patient population of the cosmetic surgeons are those states to the affected patients do not know! He keeps his weakness for the normal state. Or, he suspects a problem, but will be without certainty and does not go after the idea. Here there is the responsibility and obligation of cosmetic medicine for non-profit behavior, for health education and prevention.

The phase angle is high at well composed and the level of physical activity calorically appropriate diet, with the right combination of cardio with weight training, with sufficient sleep and in the absence of disease. The genetic determination determines the customization possible fluctuation range.
A high phase angle is associated with a higher cell viability
and vice versa, a low correlation Phase angle with a shortened life expectancy.

The phase angle as a global marker of health .
for us is the regular observation of the phase angle alpha (and other parameters such as the ECM / BCM index) during the complex gastric balloon therapy is essential. Only with increasing phase angle, also increases the life expectancy of a "healthy fat ones" when it decreases. Who declines and not pay attention to the qualitative development of its body composition is in danger with his weight and years of life to lose!

In Well Medical Clinic of Dresden are carried out operations of more than 1.5 hours duration, as liposuction, abdominoplasty , breast operations and facelifts only when the phase angle in women is at least 5 ° and 5.5 ° at least in men.
If these values are not achieved, which is always a subject of systematic research into the causes, also with the collaboration of other hospitals and physicians.
= Abstract

After 15 years of gain in knowledge about nutrition and body composition (more than 9,000 measurements), we can increase with the simple and not burdensome BIA method, the safety of our patients for a planned aesthetic surgery.

comments and examples:
Well Medical Clinic in Dresden, the method of multi-frequency bioelectrical impedance analysis (MF-BIA) is used. This can be even better than the single-frequency BIA (SF-BIA) distinguish between intra-and extracellular water. In our routine, we can use it to evaluate an imminent or existing metabolic syndrome better. Also, cardiologists, nephrologists, and oncologists base their diagnostic work and treatment planning, increasingly, to the BIA.

The BIA also individual organs or body segments can be assessed. In heart transplantation a drop in the phase angle alpha shows earlier than other laboratory tests or a threat of rejection crisis a disorder of the heart tissue at, as occurs with sudden deterioration of the blood supply to the heart muscle or the onset of infection.

For very sick people (z: as HIV-infected or cancer patients in advanced stages), by several investigations of the phase angle alpha - before other laboratory parameters - the most accurate predictive value for survival.

The BIA can be used to verify the quality of each biological cell assembly can be used. We obtain the measurement of a rotten apple, a very low, that of a fresh apple, a very high phase angle. With the proceeds of timber sales increases with increasing phase angle alpha. There would be many examples.

Knowing this information, we can the meaning of the BIA and phase angle for therapeutic measures, such as a push cosmetic surgery or a medical nutrition intervention, that a "loss" program evaluate better. It is possible for motivated patients and optimization of the desired food selbst unter starker Kalorienreduktion mit rascher Gewichtsabnahme den Phasenwinkel zu erhöhen. Das sind unsere schönsten Momente, die gelegentliche Mißerfolge mehr als aufwiegen.

Das EKG hat ca. 50 Jahre benötigt, um sich in den 1950er Jahren durchzusetzen. Wir werden in den nächsten 10 Jahren einen Siegeszug der bioelektrischen Impedanzanalyse auf vielen medizinischen Gebieten erleben. Ohne schädliche Strahlung sind damit sogar bildgebende Verfahren und Tomographien denkbar, neben den Funktionsuntersuchungen einzelner Organe und biologischer Systeme.
Stay online
Dr. Meinking

Copyright Dr. M. Meinking