Tuesday, February 20, 2007

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Zukunft Leben: Über Tabus, Trends und Zufälle

the most popular excuses from responsibility for ourselves, is the responsibility we assume allegedly for others. Especially for people and things that can not defend against this intrusion.

Dazu gehört der beliebte Anspruch, die Natur vor uns Menschen schützen zu wollen. Spielen Sie auch mit diesem Gedanken?

Darüber nachzudenken erscheint vor allem dann sinnvoll, wenn Sie entschlossen sind, Ihr Leben nach eigenen Vorstellungen, aus eigener Kraft und Verantwortlichkeit zu führen.

Das bedeutet schließlich: Sie selbst sind sich das Wichtigste in Ihrem Leben. Zuerst fühlen Sie sich für Ihr eigenes Glück, Ihre Gesundheit und die Harmonie mit sich selbst verantwortlich. Alles andere ergibt sich wenn Sie reif dafür sind ganz von selbst.

Natürlich sind Sie mit dieser Setting constantly exposed to the doubts: "Am I really so I do not really make me a quixotic, egotistical nerd if I have to adapt not it be better and the fossils and what all do?"

The answer can only you give yourself. It is at it again to repeat the decision which determines the course of your life: I live

adapted and let others, society, rules, taboos, trends and determine coincidences of my life?
Or I live my life according to their own ideas, even if I find that any resistance?

Many of these resistors are of Clandestine means to you. About the fact that you are infiltrated with the constant fear, nature would object because you do not care enough about them. By may struggle for the protection of whales, seals, or the rain forest in South America.

If you have only started once, to feel for the "nature" responsible because she is supposedly in such great danger, you will probably never again find time to think about who is in the danger for yourself when you before Foreign responsibility louder forget the responsibility you should take responsibility for themselves.

recently joined member of the Greens, that is a political grouping, which is strength in a particular way of Ecology and Conservation, publicly for the abolition of some technical achievements one, leading to a so-called acid rain which destroys our forests.

None of the people who know this man, found it unusual, however, that the eloquent conservationist smokes 80 cigarettes a day, which endanger his lungs much more than the technology the forest.

Could it not be that this man do for his environment could be much more if he does not care so much about saving the nature and more about the rescue of his own health?


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