Selbstanalyse: Fangen Sie nichts Neues an - ehe Sie nicht das Alte bis zur Neige ausgekostet haben
Wir können nicht zufrieden sein, ehe wir keine Vorstellung davon haben, was Glück für uns bedeutet. Deshalb sollten wir nie aufhören, immer daran zu denken und die Vorstellung davon immer mehr in unsere Einstellung zum Leben zu vertiefen.
Wenn Sie von heute an jeden Morgen aufwachen and your first thought is: "I am satisfied," will sink this idea from day to day deeper into your subconscious. It becomes a part of your life setting. It becomes a habit, such as the placement of the water for the coffee, the handle for shaving in the mirror.
The self-analysis and daily thoughts of happiness is a matter of course. They practice it consciously until it becomes unconscious for granted, which you will soon need to stop thinking. So simple and of course that may sound, most people do not.
What do they? You wake up in the morning and immediately think of nothing else but the current problem, which she has occupied the day before, or what you expect. Leave the problems to achieve on the other people to them to determine their thinking. Instead to determine for themselves what to do to want to spend the day.
you think, "Man, that's going to be a day" or "Actually, today I have no desire to get up." Happiness is an attitude to life and not a chance or fate.
If this setting is long enough for daily training, need not constantly search for new impulses. You know the drill:
I'm looking forward to my new car.
Or: The Happiest Will be the day of my life when I sit down and rest. Or: Oh, how happy I was when I had no more depression.
And what are all the formulas with which we make our satisfaction of conditions which determine the other people or chance.
But what happens when we sit in the new car, begin to retire, or if the depression subside? What happens to us? We can immediately check for new happiness pulses. Always looking for moderns, from which we expect, which is just temporary. to make
Instead of satisfaction to a matter of course. To the familiar, to which we do not always search from scratch. In the ongoing uncertainty as to whether, when and how we will find it.
Do not forget: The art of life satisfaction is also then be happy when we really should be unhappy.
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