The book of your life!
Worldwide novelty: thousands of years old, some secret knowledge has now been made available to the general public! The book of your life know about the hidden aspects of your personality! This book is the adventure of finding your true self.
Who am I? Where did I come? Where do I go? Personality, character, talents, career, love und Sexualleben, Stärken und Schwächen, Veranlagungen, Begabungen, Fähigkeiten - das Buch Ihres Lebens weiß alles über Sie!
10 Persönlichkeits-Analysen, aus den verschiedensten Kulturkreisen der Welt, werden Ihnen helfen, Ihre wahren Fähigkeiten und Stärken zu erkennen. So können Sie in allen Bereichen erfolgreicher werden!
Astrologische Persönlichkeits-Analyse mit Zodiak (ca. 30 Seiten)
Kabbalistische Namensanalyse
(ca. 20 Seiten)
Chinesisches Horoskop (ca. 11 Seiten)
Indianisches Horoskop (ca. 8 Seiten)
Karma-Horoskop (ca. 10 Seiten)
Indisches Horoskop (ca. 5 Seiten)
Astrologische Berufsanalyse (ca. 6 Seiten)
Atlantic horoscope (approx. 4 pages)
health horoscope (approx. 6 pages)
flirt and erotic horoscope (about 7 pages)
Each life is an individual - is calculated and created - according to your specified in the order data. They are addressed in the text with your name. Size about 100 pages! Fast delivery by e-mail as a printable PDF file!
Choose among 5 possible creation languages: German, English, French, Italian, English.
also ideal as a personal gift!
please specify when ordering a dedication that appears right at the beginning of the book of life! Kann es ein persönlicheres Geschenk geben? Denken Sie daran: Die große Persönlichkeits-Analyse existiert in 5 Sprachen! Die 10 Analysen im Überblick:
Astrologische Geburts-Analyse
Was sind Ihre dominanten Charakterzüge? Was macht Sie einzigartig? Kennen Sie Ihre Bestimmung? Ihr Schicksal? Wie wirken Sie auf andere Menschen? Wo liegen Ihre Stärken und Schwächen? Haben Sie verborgene Talente? Ihr Horoskop betrifft Sie persönlich und ist deshalb einzigartig. Aus vielen hundert einzelnen Elementen werden die paar Dutzend Deutungsmerkmale herangezogen, welche for you is key.
Kabbalistic name analysis
secure you will be amazed at the striking interpretations. What impact has your name on your life? Why do artists and many others with a different name much more success? Your name analysis is divided into many different areas and identifies your lucky numbers, your destiny number, power number and much more. The accuracy of the interpretations may surprise you!
Chinese Horoscope
millennia old traditions of the Chinese Astrology will show your true self, your inner feelings, your real investments with all their inherent abilities and talents. The five-fold path to the lofty understanding will lead you into the depths of your soul, shows you a different path with every part of your psyche.
Indian Horoscope
The Indian way of thinking is fundamentally based on a dominant idea: the whole of human existence is moving in a cycle. Here, the date of birth determines the exact point where the person in question enters the circle. The corresponding phase can be set to one of the twelve moon. Ancient traditions interpret your personality to nature!
Karma Horoscope
If you open the insights of the karmic horoscope, you'll see the red thread that your current Leben prägt und der Sie zu dem Menschen gemacht hat, der Sie heute sind. Das Gesetz des Karmas stellt eine eindrucksvolle Verbindung zwischen Ihrer Vergangenheit, Ihrer Gegenwart und Zukunft her. Werden Sie Ihrer wahren Bestimmung gerecht!
Indisches Horoskop
Im Gegensatz zur westlichen Astrologie, die sich am Sonnenstand orientiert, setzt sich die indische Astrologie mit dem dunklen, unbewussten, geistigen, also mondhaften Teil unserer Existenz auseinander. Die Konstellation des Mondes zur Zeit Ihrer Geburt gibt Auskunft darüber, wie Sie die Welt erleben, wie Sie auf sie reagieren. Anhand der 27 Frauen des Mondes werden physisch und mental Ihre charakteristischen Eigenschaften und Zustände des Empfindens aufgezeigt.
Astrological Vocational Analysis
If you decide to engage in any activity that matches your character, your skills and talents, you will get a professional point of success and results, of which you have previously dreamed at best. The professional horoscope gives you the ability to be your true destiny meet. In this way you will not only pursue a particular profession, but to your actual destination match.
Atlantic Horoscope
The Atlantic horoscope, which goes back to its origins in long-lost traditions, has its roots in the distant shores of many legends island of Atlantis. One of the basic principles This chart is based on the finding that the individual character of each man finds his counterpart in nature. This chart next to your date of birth are still playing the color of your eyes and your hair is crucial.
health horoscope horoscope
This illuminates the connections between your date of birth and physical disposition and constitution. By learning more about your physical strengths and weaknesses, by knowing what is expected in areas with certain vulnerabilities, you can improve your well-being and prevent disease.
flirt and erotic horoscope
This chart will be new and unexpected Insight into your love life and your sexual preferences and open systems. It shows you what sexual preferences and inner strength in you sleep and what sensory feelings and emotions influence your sex life and essentially determine. You will also learn which partner is best for you.
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Personalization - your name is included on each page in the text
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We know of many customers that" the book of your life " has enabled them to identify hidden skills and talents. The analysis of personality is therefore more than just dealing with a very interesting topic.
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The white book of your life to the most hidden areas of your personality.
The book of your life is the adventure of the discovery of the real own ego!