Always looking for new interesting sites and information that I found yesterday on the web page, which I own for some time past Memories could be monitored. It's
in this extremely interesting and realistic impressions described by a U (n) merziehungslager in Saxony, of which there are not few. Actually, this kind of brainwashing are banned by the European Court of Justice. In this camp-like Un (m) training of the labor office or, as it is often called Job Centers, the remainder, if still present optimism and the last dying hope wiped out in a day 8-hourly for failure to act or senseless activity sessions. Who the film or the book "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest "by Ken Kesey, knows what I mean. Similarities to persons living or actions are purely coincidental. Well, I'm a bit exaggerated, as the so-called teachers in the action too often. Perhaps it should be the unemployed, before being sentenced to these measures, also select a few obvious criteria. would also give it to the appropriate lecturers an excellent use of Word, Excel and Co, since it under the Zwangsverbannten are people whose knowledge at a much higher level is located. Those who really want to know how the German state at a further education measure reintegration and activation approaching the employment office in Saxony should see on the page . I admire that, not losing his sense of humor, intelligent writing, certainly young people. This report is a blog written in diary form and you could almost regret that the action against even the ending.
in this extremely interesting and realistic impressions described by a U (n) merziehungslager in Saxony, of which there are not few. Actually, this kind of brainwashing are banned by the European Court of Justice. In this camp-like Un (m) training of the labor office or, as it is often called Job Centers, the remainder, if still present optimism and the last dying hope wiped out in a day 8-hourly for failure to act or senseless activity sessions. Who the film or the book "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest "by Ken Kesey, knows what I mean. Similarities to persons living or actions are purely coincidental. Well, I'm a bit exaggerated, as the so-called teachers in the action too often. Perhaps it should be the unemployed, before being sentenced to these measures, also select a few obvious criteria. would also give it to the appropriate lecturers an excellent use of Word, Excel and Co, since it under the Zwangsverbannten are people whose knowledge at a much higher level is located. Those who really want to know how the German state at a further education measure reintegration and activation approaching the employment office in Saxony should see on the page . I admire that, not losing his sense of humor, intelligent writing, certainly young people. This report is a blog written in diary form and you could almost regret that the action against even the ending.
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