Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Games During 18th Bday

gel (i) Ebtee democracy

gel (i) Ebtee democracy in Germany. As the so-called democracy in the German daily life is lived, an example from the Saxon province. A small Saxon town rises from a surrounding community of a levy. This levy is for Administrative tasks that the city working for the community wants to / must / / may. Here there were differences between city and community. In the Community agreement between the city and community was established that the representatives of amending those who need one single vote. Unanimously on a city side and unanimously at the community page. Now, however, ventured to a city council abstained. (For whatever reason) This was not the decision of the city in force. Now the mayor could show the city what he believed in democracy. He pointed: I quote from the SZ: "All members of the committee must vote on uniform. If this is not obeyed, I am a fine of 100 € fines. Should not effect the show, I make use of my right to exclude the City Council. End of quote. Now if that is not practiced democracy. And that's just Saxon province. When the democratically
as easy going, I wonder again, why is so much babble in the Bundestag. Simply exclude the left. If necessary, the SPD also. Perhaps the CDU and FDP also and and ... .... , and then all politicians are away will save us a lot of damage. Perhaps then begin the real democracy.


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