Friday, February 4, 2011

Panasonic Sd253 Instructions

Woman wants sex

The new sexual revolution

Behind the image of a mystery, the female mystery of exclusivity. The request is addressed solely to her own husband, also depends on trust-worthiness from a female perspective. But the notion of a natural woman stands in the "original position". Their feeling is an entirely different position than that of the natural man in the "original position". How is nevertheless achieved an agreement? By the man familiar. The original position of women is something of a cosmic primal force of life in the universe. No laws, no religion can be more reliable to put life and love. A society can and should trust, not only the chosen man, this overlooks his sexual desires, which are spread like shards of a broken bottle on the floor. The woman, if she is really liked is the ability to pick up the pieces one after another and drawing the male sexuality is -. If you follow the man in the exclusive

Where then lies the secret of the exclusivity ? The woman does not collect just one. They defeated the fluttering male desires by their much better alternative. You win, because in the exclusive love relationship feel strongly developed and more sensitive still in mutual sexual behavior. Other hand, comes after a while no other woman on more. The history of mutual awareness between two people is an asset against which the assets of a Berlusconi which slides continuously from sheer deficits in prostitution, almost nothing.

Will a woman sex, they can also simply want to have "fun" can use the man she liked visually, as an object. The longing for their own man, if he does not yet exist, there remains, however, because even a severe short satisfaction, the roller coaster with all kinds of short-lived practice erotic Equipment, even if it is repeated, the development of their own personality with all the wealth of emotions can not replace. Lasting Wellness with the beloved man may own the goal of all women are in the original position, but I do not know how many of them are still there, since the free choice is limited worldwide so religions leap out to determine decisions, constitutions and basic laws of State citizens in a corset Court squeeze, the madness Stressed people overheated economy growth, consumption will determine the life, sexism, prostitution and porn industry pretend wrong priorities and the betrayal of human values becomes the norm.

It rightly says that love can not buy. Perhaps 90 percent of the pop industry revolves around love, longing, separation, pain or rejected love. Love is ... I say once again produce a prelude to the nature, the butterflies in your stomach can. But this love, this love-being which anything can be suddenly seem insignificant, which plunges into deep despair and exultant happiness-feelings, one pink, then black, then gray appears, with all due respect to natural youthfulness not the essence .

The focal point of heterosexual relationship is the female orgasm (and not the man), because in him the ability to Leben zu gebären mit einer Prüfung des Mannes verbindet. Die Prüfung besteht für ihn darin, auf seine Partnerin in altruistischer Weise einzugehen. Nur so kann der Orgasmus zunächst erahnt werden. Wenn er dann vielleicht zufällig passiert, kann er zu einer kontinuierlich wachsenden Einheit führen, deshalb wachsend, weil neue Entdeckungen ungeahnter Gefühle ständig hinzu kommen. Bis dahin können gut Wochen oder Monate vergehen.

Hat die gegenseitige Sensibilisierung der Berührungs-Gefühle in weiteren Monaten höhere Werte erreicht, kann es mehr und mehr zu einem überraschenden weiblichen Feuerwerk im Gefühl-Zentrum kommen. Der "Feuerwerk"-Orgasmus aber wird jedesmal anders experienced. The man has not nearly the same bandwidth. His sensitized adult woman can boot up in virtually any situation, such as when he stimulated her breasts. You can do about very little, is the mercy of their feelings. In the breasts are more feminine traits are of new life. On the other hand, these properties are transformed into desire for sex. The man also sensitized learn in exciting for him practice the most sensitive, softest and yet most effective detail to know that nature has provided at the beginning of survival. He learns to be careful and can worship his wife. Rules of etiquette of high society behavior and write transfer before, against violators generally be cautious and act chivalrous.

The willingness of new life is naturally created constant, hence then the willingness to indirectly to feel like it. The dual-body system is made up of women ever-present double features. One half is the new life, the other of the sensory prepare the way there. This dual system develops only in heterosexual couples. All remain opportunities for new life respected. Unlike them, remain the opportunities for new life in homosexual couples blocked. Participation in the Creation is simply not possible, so beautiful and such a noble Connections may be.

created a common history of emotions that can connect through death. Women love can be boundless, if they could develop. It ranges quite sure until the death of the man out, if this be altruistic behavior such as in a disease-case could prove to his wife.

Nature has well set up so that the male prince a thorn bush is not fast and can not overcome so simple, even not when he is physically fit, healthy and attractive, holds a loose neatness radiates through his clothes. In the modern consumer and industrial society the man is seduced into to circumvent the arduous altruistic way to fast-Sex how to buy fast food. Women with minds and feelings to see them slip away as the men. They "catch" the man in the act, even if they work in the sex industry, to somehow make money. A man who has lost there is, for the true feelings of women no longer under consideration. He is out. It can be checked off. He can get the desired female might actually feel that it may appear in the background like a paradise, no more.

unfortunately have to be "checked off" Too many of the Western world, are eligible for the above-described long way not considered. The fight Gender is fueled because of the frustration of many women in the Western world, because their feelings are suppressed at the beginning. Imagine a Mercedes in front of the S-Class, which is only driven in first gear and then stalled. That is the way many women here, their incipient feelings are choked. That is a societal problem that neither church nor state are able to solve. Western society is stuck. Islam has reasons to feel depravity of the West, because added to the problem described the full range of male substitute satisfactions come, including for example, the excesses in the financial market .

turning cornerstone of a well functioning and free society, the female orgasm and a sufficient number of men who are a match for him and not run away, looking for the quick sex addiction. Of these pairs that is going out of practices in which even healthy an entire society can. The mixing of the defense systems of such pairs in the flow of their lavish love ability to flow in their silent seclusion, as where for them, "milk and honey," it strengthens itself to strengthen in many ways also a society of common children or an altruistic behavior to the outside. The drug-Men on the fast aimless and meaningless Gleisen schleudern Unsummen in die eigene Befriedigung, haben dann aber nicht einen einzigen Cent für Arme übrig. Der altruistische Mann aus einer glücklichen Verbindung ist gerade das Gegenteil.

Fortsetzung folgt, da ich auf die Auflösung des autoritären, oft despotischen Gesellschaft-Systems hinaus will, fast allein durch die Beobachtung fundamentaler natürlicher Axiome im Bild des einheitlichen Menschen aus einem  weiblichen und männlichen Teil.


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