Sensible politicians in Saxony
When I look around look at the politics, I wonder what politicians are really for people. What must have felt a Mr. Georg Unland yesterday during the strikes by teachers in Dresden, as this moving demonstratively during his speech. Imagine, you are faced with 17,000 people and will represent your view with a speech. And suddenly all turn on you and whistle. Madness. 17,000 people a false opinion represented. Kind of embarrassing - for the 17000th But what are already 17000th My opinion must be correct. I am of those elected as representatives. At least a part of them. And besides, those are just teachers. Which are anyway always at home at noon. And if I gaze at in the round, go anyway for the most part now in retirement. And the 400 head teachers, who go missing from 2014 anyway me any more. Because I am perhaps the Ministry of Agriculture, or see well again. Are important now for the first time my diet. No, do not count calories. Penunzen! Of course I thought this fictional sucked out of your fingers. Of course the whole matter to the Lord Georg Unland is more like embarrassing if he is up there. OR?
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
What To Wear To The Benedum Center
Soon newspapers back East?
somehow solidifies in my opinion, that I soon get DDR read newspapers. At the very least suggests the content of the newspapers hiin it. Not necessarily at the mere point of stringing together letter- Nein, wenn man, wie man das als gelernter DDR Bürger im Blut aufgenommen hat, zwischen den Zeilen zu lesen versteht. So werde ich den Eindruck nicht los, das die Schreiberlinge der Zeitungen Order erhalten haben im begonnenen Prozess E10 zurückzurudern. So wird in der SZ heute in einem großen Artikel unter anderem erklärt, dass es doch N U R 3 Prozent sind, die den Mehrverbrauch ausmachen.(selbst wenn der E10 den Motor nicht kaputt macht ist es doch eine versteckte Steuererhöhung) Bei zurückhaltender Fahrweise könne man bis 25 Prozent sparen. Die meisten Zeitungsleser müssten eigentlich der Grundschule entwachsen sein. Aber das scheint man außer Acht zu lassen. Oder gab es doch Order von ganz oben? 25 Prozent kann ich auch mit reasonably normal fuel saving driving style. Accordingly, it would be 28 percent without E10. ;-) Furthermore, I
the continuing reports of success, the economy make on, more like puzzled. Oh, and the labor market is also booming. Today I spoke to an unemployed, 50 years, since one and a half years without a job. Qualification Ok, he had written last week's 25 applications. (By mail) On the next day he had 19 cancellations. Well, it is a bit challenging. Temporary work - No, temporary work - No, temporary work - No. And then he wanted to earn so much that it is sufficient for life. In the West it will not because he has a house here. As the elderly. time that a Mr. Kohl said that he do that should. The next of such coal has spoken, has said he will be flexible to work if he wants, and said Schroeder. The development has also made from the dust, the aunt from the Job Center has said that if he does not have time work, it gets deleted a possible disability pension if he is ill. But that is hardly likely to happen. He will also discuss the deal with the traffickers and do in western Germany with 50 as a cheap labor force build help until he falls over at 67 and ................. but I think I've digressed again.
Nevertheless, a nice rest week.
somehow solidifies in my opinion, that I soon get DDR read newspapers. At the very least suggests the content of the newspapers hiin it. Not necessarily at the mere point of stringing together letter- Nein, wenn man, wie man das als gelernter DDR Bürger im Blut aufgenommen hat, zwischen den Zeilen zu lesen versteht. So werde ich den Eindruck nicht los, das die Schreiberlinge der Zeitungen Order erhalten haben im begonnenen Prozess E10 zurückzurudern. So wird in der SZ heute in einem großen Artikel unter anderem erklärt, dass es doch N U R 3 Prozent sind, die den Mehrverbrauch ausmachen.(selbst wenn der E10 den Motor nicht kaputt macht ist es doch eine versteckte Steuererhöhung) Bei zurückhaltender Fahrweise könne man bis 25 Prozent sparen. Die meisten Zeitungsleser müssten eigentlich der Grundschule entwachsen sein. Aber das scheint man außer Acht zu lassen. Oder gab es doch Order von ganz oben? 25 Prozent kann ich auch mit reasonably normal fuel saving driving style. Accordingly, it would be 28 percent without E10. ;-) Furthermore, I
the continuing reports of success, the economy make on, more like puzzled. Oh, and the labor market is also booming. Today I spoke to an unemployed, 50 years, since one and a half years without a job. Qualification Ok, he had written last week's 25 applications. (By mail) On the next day he had 19 cancellations. Well, it is a bit challenging. Temporary work - No, temporary work - No, temporary work - No. And then he wanted to earn so much that it is sufficient for life. In the West it will not because he has a house here. As the elderly. time that a Mr. Kohl said that he do that should. The next of such coal has spoken, has said he will be flexible to work if he wants, and said Schroeder. The development has also made from the dust, the aunt from the Job Center has said that if he does not have time work, it gets deleted a possible disability pension if he is ill. But that is hardly likely to happen. He will also discuss the deal with the traffickers and do in western Germany with 50 as a cheap labor force build help until he falls over at 67 and ................. but I think I've digressed again.
Nevertheless, a nice rest week.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Alpha Kappa Alpha 2.47
Something different. The text is a quote, the music of Linkin Park and the photos of me. Too bad the video quality here is not optimal, in large it's much nicer! ;-)
Monday, February 14, 2011
Birthday Verses For 18 Yr Old
thoughts on the start of the week ......... The third eye
Look, look at. One recent study estimated that it is up to der Angst den Arbeitsplatz zu verlieren, sowie an der finanziellen Unsicherheit, dass die Geburtenrate in Deutschland dort liegt, wo sie liegt. Ja liebes politisches Klientel, woran soll es denn sonst liegen. Denken Frau Merkel und der Herr Westerwelle vielleicht, die Menschen in diesem Land wissen nicht mehr wie es geht? Ein Großteil der Menschen im Lande weiß, wie es gemacht wird. Und nicht nur dasKindermachen! Jetzt könnt Ihr nur hoffen, sehr geehrte Politiker, die Menschen in diesem Lande behalten Ihr Wissen noch eine Weile für sich, trotz das die „Blühenden Landschaften“ stark mit einem dunkelgrauen Schleier überzogen are. A fact that no whiteners. Perhaps a white giant. But who has a clean slate in this trade?
Oh, and how that was more with the 5 € for Hartz IV is yes, since then the financial security given. At least the planning. For those who have already floated into the social network. And all the rest there. To your work, these people need so do not worry. In statistics, they appear anyway not as unemployed. Why. They want anyway all not work when they have once entangled in the soft mesh of the social network. Children ... Children ... ... ... ... ... ... ..
Oh, and how that was more with the 5 € for Hartz IV is yes, since then the financial security given. At least the planning. For those who have already floated into the social network. And all the rest there. To your work, these people need so do not worry. In statistics, they appear anyway not as unemployed. Why. They want anyway all not work when they have once entangled in the soft mesh of the social network. Children ... Children ... ... ... ... ... ... ..
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Heavy White Discharge 39 Weeks
The media are the mirror of time. In particular, the newspapers a reflection of the true state of our society. And it is not difficult to gain an overview. I have a third eye, to read between the lines. This is my grown over time. However, such a gift has a serious side effect. You get every now and then a thick neck. The more this gift is designed to o thick neck. But everyone must decide for themselves. You can also close the eye or even just put on rose-colored glasses. Is the swelling still not always return hilft nur noch eine Radikalkur. Die sogenannte 24-Stundenkur. Fernseher an und 24 Stunden Pro7+RTL2. Bei vielen Menschen geht die Schwellung dann wieder zurück.(Bei mir isses abor noch schlimmor gewordn. Da habsch vorsichdshalbor widdor ausgemachd)
Allerdings ändert das nichts am Ist-Zustand in unserem wunderschönen d e m o k r a t i s c h e n - s o z i a l e n - m a r k t w i r t s c h a f t l i c h e n- R e c h t s s t a a t e s. Oder?
Allerdings ändert das nichts am Ist-Zustand in unserem wunderschönen d e m o k r a t i s c h e n - s o z i a l e n - m a r k t w i r t s c h a f t l i c h e n- R e c h t s s t a a t e s. Oder?
Hier einige Überschriften der SZ(Sächsische Zeitung) vom 11.1.2011 als Zitat und ohne Kommentar. Die positiv/negativ-Bewertung überlasse ich Ihnen.
- Vorerst kein Genmais auf mittelsächsischen Felder
- Viele Bürger keep financial world for incorrigible
- the east are the groups in day nurseries and day care centers nationwide greatest
- Senior Citizens Association does not want a children's noise in residential area
- Saxony needs by 2014 - 500 new principals
- fine for undisciplined MPs
- Hansa Rostock fear severe punishment after riots
- Bayern break sales record
nice weekend
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Damask And Tiffany Room
New! The book of your life
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Wallpaper Robby Steinhardt
labor camp in Saxony
Always looking for new interesting sites and information that I found yesterday on the web page, which I own for some time past Memories could be monitored. It's
in this extremely interesting and realistic impressions described by a U (n) merziehungslager in Saxony, of which there are not few. Actually, this kind of brainwashing are banned by the European Court of Justice. In this camp-like Un (m) training of the labor office or, as it is often called Job Centers, the remainder, if still present optimism and the last dying hope wiped out in a day 8-hourly for failure to act or senseless activity sessions. Who the film or the book "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest "by Ken Kesey, knows what I mean. Similarities to persons living or actions are purely coincidental. Well, I'm a bit exaggerated, as the so-called teachers in the action too often. Perhaps it should be the unemployed, before being sentenced to these measures, also select a few obvious criteria. would also give it to the appropriate lecturers an excellent use of Word, Excel and Co, since it under the Zwangsverbannten are people whose knowledge at a much higher level is located. Those who really want to know how the German state at a further education measure reintegration and activation approaching the employment office in Saxony should see on the page . I admire that, not losing his sense of humor, intelligent writing, certainly young people. This report is a blog written in diary form and you could almost regret that the action against even the ending.
in this extremely interesting and realistic impressions described by a U (n) merziehungslager in Saxony, of which there are not few. Actually, this kind of brainwashing are banned by the European Court of Justice. In this camp-like Un (m) training of the labor office or, as it is often called Job Centers, the remainder, if still present optimism and the last dying hope wiped out in a day 8-hourly for failure to act or senseless activity sessions. Who the film or the book "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest "by Ken Kesey, knows what I mean. Similarities to persons living or actions are purely coincidental. Well, I'm a bit exaggerated, as the so-called teachers in the action too often. Perhaps it should be the unemployed, before being sentenced to these measures, also select a few obvious criteria. would also give it to the appropriate lecturers an excellent use of Word, Excel and Co, since it under the Zwangsverbannten are people whose knowledge at a much higher level is located. Those who really want to know how the German state at a further education measure reintegration and activation approaching the employment office in Saxony should see on the page . I admire that, not losing his sense of humor, intelligent writing, certainly young people. This report is a blog written in diary form and you could almost regret that the action against even the ending.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Responsibilities In Dairy Plant
I think of education in the night, I am deprived of sleep.
In the Saxon newspaper currently a discussion on methods of education and on education generally encouraged. When I look so wie viel Menschen Probleme mit der Erziehung ihres Nachwuchses haben, gibt mir das doch sehr zu denken. Die Kinder, und ich spreche nicht von pubertären Jugendlichen, sondern von Erstklässlern, treten äußerst respektlos gegenüber Erwachsenen auf. Selbst Lehrer sind aus der Sicht der Kinder schon lange keine Respektpersonen mehr. Sie sind nicht gewillt, sich in irgendeiner Hinsicht unterzuordnen. Woher auch. Sie haben es ja auch nicht gelernt. Zu Hause sind sie vielmals als gleichrangige Partner angesehen oder werden teilweise in der Familienhierarchie nach oben gehoben. Und sind damit natürlich vollkommen überfordert. Ich möchte an dieser Stelle betonen, dass ich unter Hierarchie nicht das Böse sehe. Aber in jeder Zelle des Zusammenlebens gibt es eine gewisse Hierarchie. Ob gewollt oder auch nicht. Anders kann ein Zusammenleben nicht funktionieren. So kann es doch in einer intakten Familie nicht sein, dass beim Sonntagsausflug der siebenjährige Spross der Familie im Auto vorn neben dem Vater sitzt, und die Mutter auf der Rückbank. Aus erzieherischer Sicht ist das ja noch nicht verwerflich. Aber auf meine vorsichtige Anfrage erfuhr ich, dass dies immer so gehandhabt wird. Mutter muss hinter. Wie soll der Sohn erkennen, dass die Mutter in der Rangordnung über ihm steht. Er erlebt es ja nicht anders.
Die Lehrerin in der Grundschule schreibt wieder einmal eine Mitteilung an die Eltern eines Kindes. Der Sohn hatte zum wiederholten Mal einen Mitschüler getreten. Mind you in first class. The father says, in the presence of the child to the mother: "What has just again. We were all children once. " The son of the noted such talk is quite normal. From now on, the teacher can talk about what she wants. She has already lost. The boy was unconscious always the safety bonus of the father in mind. In general, children are first taken from the teachers in protection. My child may not have been. My child no longer. But then it requires that the teachers addressed everything. The education, or rather iron out the non-education. For us it was the other way around. As the speech came from my father: "What have you cooked up again." The parents did not come on die Idee, der Lehrer könnte sich den Unsinn, den wir ausgefressen hatten, ausgedacht haben, um uns zu schaden. Die Strafe folgte auf dem Fuß. Einmal vom Lehrer. Einmal von den Eltern. Wir waren vorerst geheilt. Und wir haben keinen psychischen Schaden davon getragen.
Eine verzweifelte Mutter, ist in die Schule bestellt, weil der Sohn zum wiederholten Mal keine Hausaufgaben hatte. (Grundschule zweite Klasse) Es stellt sich heraus, dass der Spross einfach keine Lust hat die Hausaufgaben zu erledigen. Die Mutter wüsste auch nicht, was sie da machen soll. Auf Anraten der Lehrerin, doch konsequent zu sein, und dem Sohn seine Lieblingsbeschäftigung (bei uns war es Fußball spielen – heute sicherlich Computer oder Fernsehen) erst permit if all tasks are completed, the following answer: "Yes, you have studied this. But I can not.
In this case, to see, how the boy deals with 14 years with his mother. And many fathers are not much better. I wonder where will we end it all. Those who have learned how we educate our children. Those who have learned our parents how to educate us. And what about our grandparents. Somehow I feel, the better it is the people, the worse they educate their children. But what do those in such infinite freedom, not educated, oh so self-realized characters, even with their offspring.
Some time ago, was the educational Ralf Hickethier psychologist in town and gave a very interesting day of education. This talk was all parents of pupils have been relevant to his heart. He was also well received by parents. But unfortunately, came the wrong parents. Most of the parents present were confirmed in the way of their education. The parents, for that would have been said of Mr. Hickethier new territory on your way to an education glistened with absence.
Die Lehrerin in der Grundschule schreibt wieder einmal eine Mitteilung an die Eltern eines Kindes. Der Sohn hatte zum wiederholten Mal einen Mitschüler getreten. Mind you in first class. The father says, in the presence of the child to the mother: "What has just again. We were all children once. " The son of the noted such talk is quite normal. From now on, the teacher can talk about what she wants. She has already lost. The boy was unconscious always the safety bonus of the father in mind. In general, children are first taken from the teachers in protection. My child may not have been. My child no longer. But then it requires that the teachers addressed everything. The education, or rather iron out the non-education. For us it was the other way around. As the speech came from my father: "What have you cooked up again." The parents did not come on die Idee, der Lehrer könnte sich den Unsinn, den wir ausgefressen hatten, ausgedacht haben, um uns zu schaden. Die Strafe folgte auf dem Fuß. Einmal vom Lehrer. Einmal von den Eltern. Wir waren vorerst geheilt. Und wir haben keinen psychischen Schaden davon getragen.
Eine verzweifelte Mutter, ist in die Schule bestellt, weil der Sohn zum wiederholten Mal keine Hausaufgaben hatte. (Grundschule zweite Klasse) Es stellt sich heraus, dass der Spross einfach keine Lust hat die Hausaufgaben zu erledigen. Die Mutter wüsste auch nicht, was sie da machen soll. Auf Anraten der Lehrerin, doch konsequent zu sein, und dem Sohn seine Lieblingsbeschäftigung (bei uns war es Fußball spielen – heute sicherlich Computer oder Fernsehen) erst permit if all tasks are completed, the following answer: "Yes, you have studied this. But I can not.
In this case, to see, how the boy deals with 14 years with his mother. And many fathers are not much better. I wonder where will we end it all. Those who have learned how we educate our children. Those who have learned our parents how to educate us. And what about our grandparents. Somehow I feel, the better it is the people, the worse they educate their children. But what do those in such infinite freedom, not educated, oh so self-realized characters, even with their offspring.
Some time ago, was the educational Ralf Hickethier psychologist in town and gave a very interesting day of education. This talk was all parents of pupils have been relevant to his heart. He was also well received by parents. But unfortunately, came the wrong parents. Most of the parents present were confirmed in the way of their education. The parents, for that would have been said of Mr. Hickethier new territory on your way to an education glistened with absence.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Where To Buy Pet Mice Kent
The state is once again Checkout # The people coming?
It's that time again. The state does fund. No, no new taxes. Which has the force Merkelsche not even necessary. but everything goes by itself as fuel prices is the magic word that at the expense the simple commuter flushed the money in the treasury, which then can be re-pulverized by the democratically elected V olksvertreter . Whether in Afghanistan or by oh so meaningful subsidies to the hotel industry, etc. Mainly for non-education. For an ignorant people can be so well known, simple rule. Dear Mrs. Merkel, Mr Westerwelle dear politicians in Germany to fit, your people must learn not only Egyptian. Here in the East still know many people like something about. And you should not talk nonsense from a supposed recovery, special look once the people on the mouth. Here in the East, the anger begins to accumulate. Since it does not help if there are more unemployed in 1000, which can be conveniently hide maybe some statistics. If I'm talking to people on the street, I have the impression that people are not willing to wait again for forty years. That you should think about. To you, the representatives of the people ... ... ....
Panasonic Sd253 Instructions
Woman wants sex
The new sexual revolution
Behind the image of a mystery, the female mystery of exclusivity. The request is addressed solely to her own husband, also depends on trust-worthiness from a female perspective. But the notion of a natural woman stands in the "original position". Their feeling is an entirely different position than that of the natural man in the "original position". How is nevertheless achieved an agreement? By the man familiar. The original position of women is something of a cosmic primal force of life in the universe. No laws, no religion can be more reliable to put life and love. A society can and should trust, not only the chosen man, this overlooks his sexual desires, which are spread like shards of a broken bottle on the floor. The woman, if she is really liked is the ability to pick up the pieces one after another and drawing the male sexuality is -. If you follow the man in the exclusive
Where then lies the secret of the exclusivity ? The woman does not collect just one. They defeated the fluttering male desires by their much better alternative. You win, because in the exclusive love relationship feel strongly developed and more sensitive still in mutual sexual behavior. Other hand, comes after a while no other woman on more. The history of mutual awareness between two people is an asset against which the assets of a Berlusconi which slides continuously from sheer deficits in prostitution, almost nothing.
Will a woman sex, they can also simply want to have "fun" can use the man she liked visually, as an object. The longing for their own man, if he does not yet exist, there remains, however, because even a severe short satisfaction, the roller coaster with all kinds of short-lived practice erotic Equipment, even if it is repeated, the development of their own personality with all the wealth of emotions can not replace. Lasting Wellness with the beloved man may own the goal of all women are in the original position, but I do not know how many of them are still there, since the free choice is limited worldwide so religions leap out to determine decisions, constitutions and basic laws of State citizens in a corset Court squeeze, the madness Stressed people overheated economy growth, consumption will determine the life, sexism, prostitution and porn industry pretend wrong priorities and the betrayal of human values becomes the norm.
It rightly says that love can not buy. Perhaps 90 percent of the pop industry revolves around love, longing, separation, pain or rejected love. Love is ... I say once again produce a prelude to the nature, the butterflies in your stomach can. But this love, this love-being which anything can be suddenly seem insignificant, which plunges into deep despair and exultant happiness-feelings, one pink, then black, then gray appears, with all due respect to natural youthfulness not the essence .
The focal point of heterosexual relationship is the female orgasm (and not the man), because in him the ability to Leben zu gebären mit einer Prüfung des Mannes verbindet. Die Prüfung besteht für ihn darin, auf seine Partnerin in altruistischer Weise einzugehen. Nur so kann der Orgasmus zunächst erahnt werden. Wenn er dann vielleicht zufällig passiert, kann er zu einer kontinuierlich wachsenden Einheit führen, deshalb wachsend, weil neue Entdeckungen ungeahnter Gefühle ständig hinzu kommen. Bis dahin können gut Wochen oder Monate vergehen.
Hat die gegenseitige Sensibilisierung der Berührungs-Gefühle in weiteren Monaten höhere Werte erreicht, kann es mehr und mehr zu einem überraschenden weiblichen Feuerwerk im Gefühl-Zentrum kommen. Der "Feuerwerk"-Orgasmus aber wird jedesmal anders experienced. The man has not nearly the same bandwidth. His sensitized adult woman can boot up in virtually any situation, such as when he stimulated her breasts. You can do about very little, is the mercy of their feelings. In the breasts are more feminine traits are of new life. On the other hand, these properties are transformed into desire for sex. The man also sensitized learn in exciting for him practice the most sensitive, softest and yet most effective detail to know that nature has provided at the beginning of survival. He learns to be careful and can worship his wife. Rules of etiquette of high society behavior and write transfer before, against violators generally be cautious and act chivalrous.
The willingness of new life is naturally created constant, hence then the willingness to indirectly to feel like it. The dual-body system is made up of women ever-present double features. One half is the new life, the other of the sensory prepare the way there. This dual system develops only in heterosexual couples. All remain opportunities for new life respected. Unlike them, remain the opportunities for new life in homosexual couples blocked. Participation in the Creation is simply not possible, so beautiful and such a noble Connections may be.
created a common history of emotions that can connect through death. Women love can be boundless, if they could develop. It ranges quite sure until the death of the man out, if this be altruistic behavior such as in a disease-case could prove to his wife.
Nature has well set up so that the male prince a thorn bush is not fast and can not overcome so simple, even not when he is physically fit, healthy and attractive, holds a loose neatness radiates through his clothes. In the modern consumer and industrial society the man is seduced into to circumvent the arduous altruistic way to fast-Sex how to buy fast food. Women with minds and feelings to see them slip away as the men. They "catch" the man in the act, even if they work in the sex industry, to somehow make money. A man who has lost there is, for the true feelings of women no longer under consideration. He is out. It can be checked off. He can get the desired female might actually feel that it may appear in the background like a paradise, no more.
unfortunately have to be "checked off" Too many of the Western world, are eligible for the above-described long way not considered. The fight Gender is fueled because of the frustration of many women in the Western world, because their feelings are suppressed at the beginning. Imagine a Mercedes in front of the S-Class, which is only driven in first gear and then stalled. That is the way many women here, their incipient feelings are choked. That is a societal problem that neither church nor state are able to solve. Western society is stuck. Islam has reasons to feel depravity of the West, because added to the problem described the full range of male substitute satisfactions come, including for example, the excesses in the financial market .
turning cornerstone of a well functioning and free society, the female orgasm and a sufficient number of men who are a match for him and not run away, looking for the quick sex addiction. Of these pairs that is going out of practices in which even healthy an entire society can. The mixing of the defense systems of such pairs in the flow of their lavish love ability to flow in their silent seclusion, as where for them, "milk and honey," it strengthens itself to strengthen in many ways also a society of common children or an altruistic behavior to the outside. The drug-Men on the fast aimless and meaningless Gleisen schleudern Unsummen in die eigene Befriedigung, haben dann aber nicht einen einzigen Cent für Arme übrig. Der altruistische Mann aus einer glücklichen Verbindung ist gerade das Gegenteil.
Fortsetzung folgt, da ich auf die Auflösung des autoritären, oft despotischen Gesellschaft-Systems hinaus will, fast allein durch die Beobachtung fundamentaler natürlicher Axiome im Bild des einheitlichen Menschen aus einem weiblichen und männlichen Teil.
It rightly says that love can not buy. Perhaps 90 percent of the pop industry revolves around love, longing, separation, pain or rejected love. Love is ... I say once again produce a prelude to the nature, the butterflies in your stomach can. But this love, this love-being which anything can be suddenly seem insignificant, which plunges into deep despair and exultant happiness-feelings, one pink, then black, then gray appears, with all due respect to natural youthfulness not the essence .
The focal point of heterosexual relationship is the female orgasm (and not the man), because in him the ability to Leben zu gebären mit einer Prüfung des Mannes verbindet. Die Prüfung besteht für ihn darin, auf seine Partnerin in altruistischer Weise einzugehen. Nur so kann der Orgasmus zunächst erahnt werden. Wenn er dann vielleicht zufällig passiert, kann er zu einer kontinuierlich wachsenden Einheit führen, deshalb wachsend, weil neue Entdeckungen ungeahnter Gefühle ständig hinzu kommen. Bis dahin können gut Wochen oder Monate vergehen.
Hat die gegenseitige Sensibilisierung der Berührungs-Gefühle in weiteren Monaten höhere Werte erreicht, kann es mehr und mehr zu einem überraschenden weiblichen Feuerwerk im Gefühl-Zentrum kommen. Der "Feuerwerk"-Orgasmus aber wird jedesmal anders experienced. The man has not nearly the same bandwidth. His sensitized adult woman can boot up in virtually any situation, such as when he stimulated her breasts. You can do about very little, is the mercy of their feelings. In the breasts are more feminine traits are of new life. On the other hand, these properties are transformed into desire for sex. The man also sensitized learn in exciting for him practice the most sensitive, softest and yet most effective detail to know that nature has provided at the beginning of survival. He learns to be careful and can worship his wife. Rules of etiquette of high society behavior and write transfer before, against violators generally be cautious and act chivalrous.
The willingness of new life is naturally created constant, hence then the willingness to indirectly to feel like it. The dual-body system is made up of women ever-present double features. One half is the new life, the other of the sensory prepare the way there. This dual system develops only in heterosexual couples. All remain opportunities for new life respected. Unlike them, remain the opportunities for new life in homosexual couples blocked. Participation in the Creation is simply not possible, so beautiful and such a noble Connections may be.
created a common history of emotions that can connect through death. Women love can be boundless, if they could develop. It ranges quite sure until the death of the man out, if this be altruistic behavior such as in a disease-case could prove to his wife.
Nature has well set up so that the male prince a thorn bush is not fast and can not overcome so simple, even not when he is physically fit, healthy and attractive, holds a loose neatness radiates through his clothes. In the modern consumer and industrial society the man is seduced into to circumvent the arduous altruistic way to fast-Sex how to buy fast food. Women with minds and feelings to see them slip away as the men. They "catch" the man in the act, even if they work in the sex industry, to somehow make money. A man who has lost there is, for the true feelings of women no longer under consideration. He is out. It can be checked off. He can get the desired female might actually feel that it may appear in the background like a paradise, no more.
unfortunately have to be "checked off" Too many of the Western world, are eligible for the above-described long way not considered. The fight Gender is fueled because of the frustration of many women in the Western world, because their feelings are suppressed at the beginning. Imagine a Mercedes in front of the S-Class, which is only driven in first gear and then stalled. That is the way many women here, their incipient feelings are choked. That is a societal problem that neither church nor state are able to solve. Western society is stuck. Islam has reasons to feel depravity of the West, because added to the problem described the full range of male substitute satisfactions come, including for example, the excesses in the financial market .
turning cornerstone of a well functioning and free society, the female orgasm and a sufficient number of men who are a match for him and not run away, looking for the quick sex addiction. Of these pairs that is going out of practices in which even healthy an entire society can. The mixing of the defense systems of such pairs in the flow of their lavish love ability to flow in their silent seclusion, as where for them, "milk and honey," it strengthens itself to strengthen in many ways also a society of common children or an altruistic behavior to the outside. The drug-Men on the fast aimless and meaningless Gleisen schleudern Unsummen in die eigene Befriedigung, haben dann aber nicht einen einzigen Cent für Arme übrig. Der altruistische Mann aus einer glücklichen Verbindung ist gerade das Gegenteil.
Fortsetzung folgt, da ich auf die Auflösung des autoritären, oft despotischen Gesellschaft-Systems hinaus will, fast allein durch die Beobachtung fundamentaler natürlicher Axiome im Bild des einheitlichen Menschen aus einem weiblichen und männlichen Teil.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Games During 18th Bday
gel (i) Ebtee democracy
gel (i) Ebtee democracy in Germany. As the so-called democracy in the German daily life is lived, an example from the Saxon province. A small Saxon town rises from a surrounding community of a levy. This levy is for Administrative tasks that the city working for the community wants to / must / / may. Here there were differences between city and community. In the Community agreement between the city and community was established that the representatives of amending those who need one single vote. Unanimously on a city side and unanimously at the community page. Now, however, ventured to a city council abstained. (For whatever reason) This was not the decision of the city in force. Now the mayor could show the city what he believed in democracy. He pointed: I quote from the SZ: "All members of the committee must vote on uniform. If this is not obeyed, I am a fine of 100 € fines. Should not effect the show, I make use of my right to exclude the City Council. End of quote. Now if that is not practiced democracy. And that's just Saxon province. When the democratically
as easy going, I wonder again, why is so much babble in the Bundestag. Simply exclude the left. If necessary, the SPD also. Perhaps the CDU and FDP also and and ... .... , and then all politicians are away will save us a lot of damage. Perhaps then begin the real democracy.
as easy going, I wonder again, why is so much babble in the Bundestag. Simply exclude the left. If necessary, the SPD also. Perhaps the CDU and FDP also and and ... .... , and then all politicians are away will save us a lot of damage. Perhaps then begin the real democracy.
Monday, January 31, 2011
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new routes on the hill
So far, wait 4 routes with 20m length to repeat. All are well equipped with bolts and is deflected to trees. Let's go!
mountain time - M5
Friday, January 28, 2011
Copper Pipes Freeze And Burst At What Tempature
Bratkartoffelwundertüte or arm
Gestern machten wir uns auf den beschwerlichen Weg des wöchentlichen Wochenendeinkaufs. Diese Woche, weil es zeitmäßig passte, Donnerstag. Was soll ich sagen. Donnerstag, Freitag, ist vollkommen egal. Alles schob sich durch die mit rollenbesetzten Drahtesel verstopften Gänge. Natürlich waren auch Donnertags die da, die immer da sind. Wahrscheinlich treffen sich diese Leute im Winter nicht auf dem Wochenmarkt, sondern im Supermarkt. In manchen Gängen erinnert es an die Barrikaden der französischen Revolution. Nur hatten diese Kämpfer noch keine Barrikaden mit Rollen. Na was soll´s. Die Entschädigung für diesen Nervenkrieg I got on the shelf for dry convenience foods with the green bag. As my good at Tschiboregal just tried to cheat a barricade around without being killed by their occupiers with disdainful looks, I had some time for me. So I look over the exclusive-ecological good will spreading light green bags the bag soups. What is there for not cooking anything can end supporters so there. Ok, pea and lentil soup is easy enough to understand, hunted for barricades. Also, with lack of time against a noodle soup no objection if only rushed growling stomach must be appeased. But what I saw then as an absolute fan of fried potatoes, let mich erwartungsvoll die Tüte aus dem Regal nehmen. „Bauernfrühstück“ stand in großen Lettern auf der appetitlichen grünen Tüte. Im ersten Moment hat man das Empfinden, das da jemand Zaubern kann. Nach einiger Zeit Erleichterung. Nein Erheiterung. Und diese machte sich in meinem Körper dann durch absolute Belustigung in Form eines nicht enden wollenden Lachkrampfes breit. Viele Leute schauten schon von ihren, zur Wagenburg zusammengestellten Drahtverhauen. Was erheiterte mich so? In der „Bedienungsanleitung für Bauernfrühstück“ war zu lesen, dass man dazu noch 400g Kartoffeln, in der Schale gekocht und dann geschält, benötige. Weiterhin wären noch rohe Eier notwendig. Ob man auch Speck needs and onions, I could not see because my eyes filled with water - with laughter. Now I ask myself why do I need this greenish grab bag and what the heck is in there? But that's what happens: All higher, faster, farther, more, more beautiful and bigger. This is the price for "My horse, My House, My car, my ... ... ... .. But miracles bags of potatoes. Poor Germany ...............
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Motocross Second Hand Yamaha
Sachsen Germany creates unemployment is
Congratulations. Saxony politicians have once again made up something for the elimination of unemployment. They have a restructuring and reorganization administrative structures adopted. Thus the Saxon Development Bank will be completely relocated from Dresden to Leipzig. Of these, about 950 people are affected. The State Office of Archaeology draws also from Dresden to Leipzig. Since forward the workmen in Leipzig. For these people need housing, etc. so yourself a lot of new jobs are created - in temporary jobs. Love slave drivers of the temporary employment industry ever writes a precaution a few points of more. Which are used for three of four months.
The reason for the new administrative structure is once again attempting to complete desired savings. I thought. In this case, far from it. It is really about massive creation of long-term jobs. The trick is the following. It should in the course of this 40 percent of the existing Saxon police stations are closed. Different areas in Poland and the Czech Republic will be pleased though. But if it creates jobs, the politicians have to go Saxon times the ordinary methods. For if on the weekend, in Grimsby, Oschatz and / or vigorous young chub bend lamp posts, the patrol of Dresden is on its way. Before arriving at the place where young people are indeed gone, and have their noise already rested. But all is intentional. First, drop the statistics of crime rate, secondly, we relieve the overburdened justice and it creates jobs. The lights must indeed be placed for next weekend. This is indeed the temporary employment sector do not like. Because the onset of resistance to this destruction could do with the artisans also create stable jobs. Since the aim of telling the politicians are not smart. Oh
way is to create a special tax office for rare types of taxes. What effects will cause me this is still a mystery. Perhaps the Lord knows Volker Uhlig, Chief Administrative Officer and Chief of the 'services-related authority "in the newly formed, oh-so-well-functioning, all-saving, but by the people never intended, newly created district of Central Saxony.
The reason for the new administrative structure is once again attempting to complete desired savings. I thought. In this case, far from it. It is really about massive creation of long-term jobs. The trick is the following. It should in the course of this 40 percent of the existing Saxon police stations are closed. Different areas in Poland and the Czech Republic will be pleased though. But if it creates jobs, the politicians have to go Saxon times the ordinary methods. For if on the weekend, in Grimsby, Oschatz and / or vigorous young chub bend lamp posts, the patrol of Dresden is on its way. Before arriving at the place where young people are indeed gone, and have their noise already rested. But all is intentional. First, drop the statistics of crime rate, secondly, we relieve the overburdened justice and it creates jobs. The lights must indeed be placed for next weekend. This is indeed the temporary employment sector do not like. Because the onset of resistance to this destruction could do with the artisans also create stable jobs. Since the aim of telling the politicians are not smart. Oh
way is to create a special tax office for rare types of taxes. What effects will cause me this is still a mystery. Perhaps the Lord knows Volker Uhlig, Chief Administrative Officer and Chief of the 'services-related authority "in the newly formed, oh-so-well-functioning, all-saving, but by the people never intended, newly created district of Central Saxony.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Men Broken Capillaries
free tags idea - "work instead of going" Made in Germany
thoughts are sometimes stupid. Really uncomfortable. Today, let me read the newspaper again some thoughts captive. Whether the book include I venture to doubt. But the thoughts are not always in direct orbits. In the SZ (Sächsische Zeitung) was that smeared in the night yesterday, unknown to the floor at the job with the writing "work instead of going" have. (Well, who would do such a thing.) The police are looking for other witnesses. Some pages later we read that close in the adjacent town again a company needs. For economic reasons. The work at the local site was not worth anymore. (The first thought: Whether for as the promotion is expired?) The employees were offered jobs at the headquarters (western countries). Why not migration? So far so good. Now I got the uncontrolled thoughts, against which I could not help me. ... ... ... ... ... ... Horrible! What if this company would not have worked in steel construction. Rather, say a pyrotechnic factory? But as I said, these are just thoughts. And as the saying goes: "Evil to him who evil thinks"
nice weekend
nice weekend
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Soft Shell Clams Sausage Recipes
Well that is a thing. Russia complains about German bureaucracy. Even on request to the appropriate authorities any reply from them is to receive. Not even on official way. Oh. It's all about a new German food additive. No, not E0815 but only by dioxin. And now the Russians begin to seriously at the "Made in Germany" to doubt. This must not be. I've got a proposal to love government.
As perhaps help new foreign employees. If not, it may do so only once contract workers. The spray so the only way before commitment, because they might, possibly, maybe, could be adopted also once.
Or you could produce it in China "Made in Germany". Would be even a possibility. Before the German authorities are on, this is certainly the most cost effective solution. For some staff of the authorities in Germany are supposed to earn their money in their sleep. Excuse to get paid. As I say only: "Germany for further sleep: the call is once ruined, lives are quite openly's.
As perhaps help new foreign employees. If not, it may do so only once contract workers. The spray so the only way before commitment, because they might, possibly, maybe, could be adopted also once.
Or you could produce it in China "Made in Germany". Would be even a possibility. Before the German authorities are on, this is certainly the most cost effective solution. For some staff of the authorities in Germany are supposed to earn their money in their sleep. Excuse to get paid. As I say only: "Germany for further sleep: the call is once ruined, lives are quite openly's.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
What Episode Does Vegeta Get With Bulma
globalization in the province
Yesterday I received a visit from a former classmate or, as it now says classmate. We had for years not seen. To be more specific not seen since high school. And half an eternity ago. After school, we were indeed in all scattered winds. I knew only from her, that she had emigrated to Australia and had married there. Anyway, you stand at the door unexpectedly. They had learned in Germany by a friend that I am living here in town. Since it was near, they came by. After that follows the usual reunion ceremony, they naturally had a little gift here. And what can I say? It was a small antique amphora with herb that can be transformed after drinking in an oil lamp, the company of my daughter, Terrraschenk Antique-Wine-Design . (siehe Interessantes) Diese hatte Sie in einer Geschenkboutique am Ort gekauft. Sie ist lange geblieben und wir haben über die alten Zeiten geredet. Gesagt habe ich ihr das mit der Amphore und der Firma natürlich nicht. Aber gefreut habe ich mich, das jemand von Australien kommt und unseren Umsatz steigert. Das nenne ich Globalisierung ;-)
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Upanayanam Invitation E- Cards
Two questions to Monday
- Der Bundespräsident warnt vor einer Verklärung der DDR. Richtig so.
- Die Mehrheit der Abgeordneten des sächsischen Landtages behält die Luxusrente ab 55.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Putty Hill Skateland Hours
The EU leaders and the unemployed
Haben Sie schon einmal von Frau Baroness Ashton und Herrn van Rompuy gehört? Nein? Das ist schlimm. Diese beiden Menschen sind wichtig für Ihr und mein Leben. Sie entscheiden über unser aller Wohlergehen. Sie setzen sich für den Erhalt unseres Lebensstandards ein. Sollten Sie zumindest. Denn dafür werden sie königlich entlohnt. Wohlgemerkt nur mit unser aller Steuergeldern. Denn es EU MPs are in a raised position. And what deeds shine with these two? Large part to the absence. Before going private, they say. Oh for Germany is there a FDP deputies in Brussels. Silvana Koch-Mehrin. Well, according to Knopp it with a title.
I wonder what the 50 year old man from yesterday's article: "employment office, no thanks" will say. His opinion is certainly determined. But that know Mrs. Ashton, wife not cooking Mehrin and Mr van Rompuy to happiness.
And the so-called "case manager" by the employment office, excuse Agency / Job Centre would certainly say, "Look, the EU creates jobs. They must be flexible. Go to Brussels to work. "
Haben Sie schon einmal von Frau Baroness Ashton und Herrn van Rompuy gehört? Nein? Das ist schlimm. Diese beiden Menschen sind wichtig für Ihr und mein Leben. Sie entscheiden über unser aller Wohlergehen. Sie setzen sich für den Erhalt unseres Lebensstandards ein. Sollten Sie zumindest. Denn dafür werden sie königlich entlohnt. Wohlgemerkt nur mit unser aller Steuergeldern. Denn es EU MPs are in a raised position. And what deeds shine with these two? Large part to the absence. Before going private, they say. Oh for Germany is there a FDP deputies in Brussels. Silvana Koch-Mehrin. Well, according to Knopp it with a title.
I wonder what the 50 year old man from yesterday's article: "employment office, no thanks" will say. His opinion is certainly determined. But that know Mrs. Ashton, wife not cooking Mehrin and Mr van Rompuy to happiness.
And the so-called "case manager" by the employment office, excuse Agency / Job Centre would certainly say, "Look, the EU creates jobs. They must be flexible. Go to Brussels to work. "
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employment office - no - thank you!
Earlier today Labour Office Employment Agency or Job Centre, but that does not previously unemployed customer today, is how common are so fond of politics. Because I would let me use in any business. There I would have been the longest time customer. Yesterday I
had a long conversation with an unemployed mechanic. His problem, 50 years and from the east. Sorry, after twenty years still, "from the new federal states. This Man wanted to work. But he also wanted so much money that it's not enough just for the fuel to get to work. Still a problem. This man was due to its three problems in spite of numerous applications for one and a half years at home. The labor department, no job center, he was still registered as unemployed. When I asked him whether he had ever tried it on the website of the Labour Office to Darkener a face.
He showed me the practice to
entry into the job search:
had a long conversation with an unemployed mechanic. His problem, 50 years and from the east. Sorry, after twenty years still, "from the new federal states. This Man wanted to work. But he also wanted so much money that it's not enough just for the fuel to get to work. Still a problem. This man was due to its three problems in spite of numerous applications for one and a half years at home. The labor department, no job center, he was still registered as unemployed. When I asked him whether he had ever tried it on the website of the Labour Office to Darkener a face.
He showed me the practice to
entry into the job search:
were now displayed twenty pages. On page five: A mechanic was there. 3 layers ok.
employment: limited, Once better than nothing. Salary: 6.20 €. Without comment.
provider: Private Employment Agencies - hopeless, since recruitment voucher necessary. (Or 2000 € in words TWO THOUSAND of private employment agencies)
on all twenty pages of three tenders, which were not offered by private employment agencies. As the man after one year is entitled to no more coupon exchange, his already limited chances for a job through this murky source get zero.
Other offers: slave labor (time) or jobs with a payment for which takes in western Germany not his leg out of bed.
Other offer: work in western Germany, for a lower wage than the local workers. Or work abroad.
We now turn to politics. On the one hand, should the employee be flexible and go behind the work. On the other hand, for the age, be made provisions for residential property. (Or was not meant for the East?)
I like to analyze problems with questions that occurred to me many questions. Here are some of them
: Why do we need
employment: limited, Once better than nothing. Salary: 6.20 €. Without comment.
provider: Private Employment Agencies - hopeless, since recruitment voucher necessary. (Or 2000 € in words TWO THOUSAND of private employment agencies)
on all twenty pages of three tenders, which were not offered by private employment agencies. As the man after one year is entitled to no more coupon exchange, his already limited chances for a job through this murky source get zero.
Other offers: slave labor (time) or jobs with a payment for which takes in western Germany not his leg out of bed.
Other offer: work in western Germany, for a lower wage than the local workers. Or work abroad.
We now turn to politics. On the one hand, should the employee be flexible and go behind the work. On the other hand, for the age, be made provisions for residential property. (Or was not meant for the East?)
I like to analyze problems with questions that occurred to me many questions. Here are some of them
: Why do we need
- Job Center when the work is awarded for the most part only on private placement?
- If the private employment agencies can offer more work than the employment office, where is the rationale of the so-called Job Center?
- How does the state have the right, in spite of a Job Centre / Employment Agency to require a lot of money for the provision of work?
- Why should people be clouded with distortion of the name (Job Centre / Employment Agency) senses.
- Why build in the new Länder are more and more frustration?
- Why are the politicians do not realize that they are working towards a new turn. (In the GDR, the politicians have also ruled by the people)
While this will certainly take some time. I can only say: "Keep it up dear politicians. Your creates the "
Meanwhile, I'm so my thoughts? I hope, dear people, you soon begins to ask questions to.
Meanwhile, I'm so my thoughts? I hope, dear people, you soon begins to ask questions to.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Duncan Hines Marshmellow Brownies
Mrs Merkel and Facebook and finally begins to think ........
Today in the SZ (Sächsische Zeitung) an article about a possum squinting at the Leipzig Zoo. (Large image) This cross-eyed animal was crowd favorite and is used for a comparison with the Chancellor. It was more popular than this. The possum had more fans like Mrs. Merkel. Mind you on Facebook. I'm not sure for the most part agree with the politics of the day. And surely I am not a fan of Mrs. Merkel. But people! How deep are we in Germany decreased. Makes because nobody ever thought?
first How can I use an animal for comparison with a Chancellor?
first How can I use an animal for comparison with a Chancellor?
second Who created a Facebook page, not in the nature of a viable animal.
Perhaps even more important question is: Why?
Perhaps even more important question is: Why?
third Why something is blown up?
it 4.Are no other, especially important events that are worth to report?
love people watching when you finally end?? Or are you really already succumbed to the Educational Television of Radio and Tele-Harz4schwachsinn Proverdummungs-7. Try to turn your brain at last and looks at what is here with you is made.
love people watching when you finally end?? Or are you really already succumbed to the Educational Television of Radio and Tele-Harz4schwachsinn Proverdummungs-7. Try to turn your brain at last and looks at what is here with you is made.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
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AOK plus
AOK. Most will know that this abbreviation stands for General Local Health Insurance. Now there are for some time the AOK plus. What does the PLUS I could find today. But first things first.
connect Because the annual review of my apparatus for comminution of food first traces of wear and defects to light, I had a long conversation with the responsible engineer. This put her at the end of the insightful and, for me very very profitable for the dentist call a financial plan. This in turn was intended to provide for my health insurance to the golf passion of the dentist must not be financed completely.
said than done.
I went, as the agency of my co-funded for many years G eneral local health insurance, the neighboring village is by car. So I had time to myself to my thoughts.
What does "General"? ALL PUBLIC Somehow reminds me of this notion of ordinary, modest and imperfect. The common people reaching.
How right I was with my invention, gifts, should I be brutally clear.
said than done.
I went, as the agency of my co-funded for many years G eneral local health insurance, the neighboring village is by car. So I had time to myself to my thoughts.
What does "General"? ALL PUBLIC Somehow reminds me of this notion of ordinary, modest and imperfect. The common people reaching.
How right I was with my invention, gifts, should I be brutally clear.
received first waiting room I am a big man. It could also be the waiting room of the employment office at lunchtime. I sit like to wait until I was at the Range bin.
three clerks who sit at their desks in the room "deal" and your customers. The old lady who is acting on the first desk is, I know now, widowed and involves only a small widow's pension. But must for the drug, whose name I forget, pay at the pharmacy every time 12,50 €. And so on and so on. I could tell much more than the amount of their pensions and their disease. (I of course mean the disease of the old lady)
All the waiting General Local Health Insurance plus members also very interested in pursuing the talks at one of the desks. Each
after his interests.
three clerks who sit at their desks in the room "deal" and your customers. The old lady who is acting on the first desk is, I know now, widowed and involves only a small widow's pension. But must for the drug, whose name I forget, pay at the pharmacy every time 12,50 €. And so on and so on. I could tell much more than the amount of their pensions and their disease. (I of course mean the disease of the old lady)
All the waiting General Local Health Insurance plus members also very interested in pursuing the talks at one of the desks. Each
after his interests.
Irgendwie war ich wie gelähmt und konnte gar nicht alle auf mich einprasselnden Patientendaten auf einmal aufnehmen. Sicherlich gehen die Vorgesetzten der AOK P L U S von eben dieser Annahme aus, dass es nicht zu schaffen ist, die Daten fremder Menschen alle gleichzeitig aufzunehmen. Man rechnet sicherlich mit eben dieser Verwirrung durch die Datenflut.
Aber ehe ich mich versah, hieß es schon: „Der nächste bitte“. Und das war ich. (Wahnsinn, wie die Zeit vergeht, wenn man etwas zu tun hat)
„Guten Tag. Bitte entschuldigen Sie die Wartezeit. Mein Name ist Gerda Müller (Name aus datenschutzrechtlichen Gründen von mir geändert. Ich mag Datenschutz) was kann ich für They do, "whispered the clerk how VIVA presenter with her Quäkstimme.
After I pointed out the lady that I do not agree to provide my patient data available to the whole place, I received the answer that you always get in Germany, where responsibility is required. "Yes I can do anything!" crooned the VIVA presenter. (This was also clear to me. But who in Germany have for anything?)
„Guten Tag. Bitte entschuldigen Sie die Wartezeit. Mein Name ist Gerda Müller (Name aus datenschutzrechtlichen Gründen von mir geändert. Ich mag Datenschutz) was kann ich für They do, "whispered the clerk how VIVA presenter with her Quäkstimme.
After I pointed out the lady that I do not agree to provide my patient data available to the whole place, I received the answer that you always get in Germany, where responsibility is required. "Yes I can do anything!" crooned the VIVA presenter. (This was also clear to me. But who in Germany have for anything?)
Once this had worked out my cost plan with the penetrating voice, although I did not almost audible answers, everyone in the hall of my teeth modest.
And now I know even know. At least, what attributes are available for health insurance fund. I'm still somewhat undecided about the importance of the PLUS in the title name AOK PLUS
If you come at the thought of this article to a dead end is not so bad. Because you have at least given some thought. Even though you may not like all it's can .:-))
If you come at the thought of this article to a dead end is not so bad. Because you have at least given some thought. Even though you may not like all it's can .:-))
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