Selbstanalyse, auf der Flucht von mir Selbst
Whatever we want to achieve in life will eventually once obstacles. Even if we We still have so cheerfully on the path, there comes the moment of doubt.
In this crisis, you should be prepared so you will not fail. The best preparation is to make people aware that every crisis requires a decision. The decision: "I am fleeing from it or do I overcome it?"
If you decide to run, you should have no false expectations. No escape, and if they initially appear so enticing solves your problem. The problem is in you and support you.
it can displace or forgotten for some time, but it's always there and has Them. You can escape a problem only if you solve it. That should make you aware before you take flight.
And there's something you should know this: Any successful attempt to solve a problem is a training step to strengthen your self-confidence. Each flight is a training step to weaken your self-confidence.
the moment of crisis we tend to persuade us an escape as a solution. To prevent this self-deception, it is useful to expose the flight in time as such.
Below are the five most frequent escape variants: first
The flight to the work: busy, the money, the gute Ruf und der Erfolg, den Sie damit erringen, mögen Ihnen die Bewunderung Ihrer Mitwelt einbringen. Aber wenn Sie das persönliche Glück als Ihr wichtigstes Lebensziel betrachten, ist es wichtiger, zuerst an sich selbst und dann erst an die anderen zu denken.
2. Die Flucht in die Autorität: Wenn Sie Ihre eigenen Wünsche kraft Ihrer Autorität bei anderen Menschen durchsetzen, bedeutet es sehr oft nichts anderes, als dass, Sie andere erniedrigen, um sich Selbst zu erhöhen.
Aber niemand kann glücklich sein, wenn er andere unglücklich macht.
Die Autorität, die Sie durch Ihr Wissen bei anderen erlangen, ist oft nur ein Ersatz für das Versäumnis, to know everything about themselves.
third The flight into forgetting: forgetting a problem is, nothing more than to drive out for some time out of consciousness. But your subconscious mind forgets only solved problems.
4th The flight into the distance: If you do not there are happy where you are, you will not even in the most beautiful country in the world be happier.
5th The flight to the projection: If you are the victory of a hero that you identify yourself, now even the happy, this happiness is over when one day he will be the loser and find a new hero must.
He wins the victory for you, which you do not trust themselves.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Tender Breast Meaning In Tagalog
Schuld und Sühne
Crime and Punishment is aware of that, what self-destructive influence of this fatal combination can have on you? Whenever you feel guilty for something you did, you become easy prey for people who benefit from your atonement.
The breeding ground for our guilt feelings are the long become unmanageable plethora of commands and prohibitions, which we are inculcated from childhood. Our whole life is accompanied by the authoritarian oppression message: "You must not!"
We meet her at home, at work, at every street intersection and in the media where we want to talk complacent do-gooders always new feelings of guilt:
We should feel guilty because we are better off than other
We should feel guilty if we do not treat animals like people.
We should foal guilty if we no longer love our neighbors as ourselves
We should feel guilty if we go faster at night on the highway than it is allowed, though far and wide, no another vehicle is visible.
guilt are the invisible, in our thinking implanted control instrument for the benefit of those they teach us. Housewives to feel guilty if they do not buy the product which makes the clothes really white and washed the dishes guaranteed to be clean.
The owners of dogs and cats who feed their pets only remnants of their meals should feel guilty when they see how loving animal lovers indulge in television advertising their pets with the best of the best of the purchased box . requires
Like every thought and idea to implementation - it has been instilled in us - all guilt demands punishment. A Long live our companions for the massive threat: "If you do not do what is expected of you, you will be punished."
This formula has become so passed into flesh and blood, that guilt will not leave us when we are not in a prohibited act caught.
The "conscience" within us drives us to self-imposed penance
course, does this manipulative instrument of education as long as we submit to the commands and prohibitions of our will-life coach.
connect you - at least in part, for example - when we begin to own us eigenen, individuellen Maßstäben zu selbstdenkenden mündigen, selbstverantwortlichen Bürgern zu erziehen.
Wer sich für sein Denken, Fühlen, Glauben und Handeln selbst verantwortlich fühlt - das wissen wir ja längst -, braucht niemanden mehr, der ihn bevormundet und auf dem Umweg von Schuldgefühlen für seine Interessen missbraucht.
Crime and Punishment is aware of that, what self-destructive influence of this fatal combination can have on you? Whenever you feel guilty for something you did, you become easy prey for people who benefit from your atonement.
The breeding ground for our guilt feelings are the long become unmanageable plethora of commands and prohibitions, which we are inculcated from childhood. Our whole life is accompanied by the authoritarian oppression message: "You must not!"
We meet her at home, at work, at every street intersection and in the media where we want to talk complacent do-gooders always new feelings of guilt:
We should feel guilty because we are better off than other
We should feel guilty if we do not treat animals like people.
We should foal guilty if we no longer love our neighbors as ourselves
We should feel guilty if we go faster at night on the highway than it is allowed, though far and wide, no another vehicle is visible.
guilt are the invisible, in our thinking implanted control instrument for the benefit of those they teach us. Housewives to feel guilty if they do not buy the product which makes the clothes really white and washed the dishes guaranteed to be clean.
The owners of dogs and cats who feed their pets only remnants of their meals should feel guilty when they see how loving animal lovers indulge in television advertising their pets with the best of the best of the purchased box . requires
Like every thought and idea to implementation - it has been instilled in us - all guilt demands punishment. A Long live our companions for the massive threat: "If you do not do what is expected of you, you will be punished."
This formula has become so passed into flesh and blood, that guilt will not leave us when we are not in a prohibited act caught.
The "conscience" within us drives us to self-imposed penance
course, does this manipulative instrument of education as long as we submit to the commands and prohibitions of our will-life coach.
connect you - at least in part, for example - when we begin to own us eigenen, individuellen Maßstäben zu selbstdenkenden mündigen, selbstverantwortlichen Bürgern zu erziehen.
Wer sich für sein Denken, Fühlen, Glauben und Handeln selbst verantwortlich fühlt - das wissen wir ja längst -, braucht niemanden mehr, der ihn bevormundet und auf dem Umweg von Schuldgefühlen für seine Interessen missbraucht.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Cubefield Game That Allows Glitches
Lieb dich Selbst, dann liebt dich das Leben
In uns allen ist das unstillbare Bedürfnis nach Nähe, Wärme, Verständnis und Zärtlichkeit. Und gleichzeitig ist in uns die Angst davor, alles das nicht zu bekommen. Wenn wir Augenblicke der Befriedigung dieser Bedürfnisse erleben, sind sie mit der Angst verbunden:
"Was wird nachher sein?" Vielleicht auch mit dem Misstrauen: "Ist das, was ich da von jemandem erfahre, auch ehrlich gemeint?"
In uns allen ist das unstillbare Bedürfnis nach Nähe, Wärme, Verständnis und Zärtlichkeit. Und gleichzeitig ist in uns die Angst davor, alles das nicht zu bekommen. Wenn wir Augenblicke der Befriedigung dieser Bedürfnisse erleben, sind sie mit der Angst verbunden:
"Was wird nachher sein?" Vielleicht auch mit dem Misstrauen: "Ist das, was ich da von jemandem erfahre, auch ehrlich gemeint?"
Tatsächlich sind - wie wir alle wissen - Verständnis, Zuneigung und Zärtlichkeit auch Instrumente des manipulativen Spiels. Um einen to catch fish, it is a bait to the hook of which one knows that the other is completely crazy about it.
For most people it is natural that you will need for tenderness as that of other people. As with the needs for love, justice or security.
But what happens if we do not get it in a way we do it ourselves? Could not be possible that we expect, but not able, to accept it? And why not? Maybe because we give ourselves not what we expect of others.
"Expect No one something that you are not willing to give self "This noble truism stands to us all, even if we do not follow them you heard about the incessant calls to:".. Love your neighbor as yourself "How can ? I love someone like myself, when I myself do not love
How can I experience the tenderness of another, when I ask myself: "Is it sincere?" or "What will happen tomorrow? "
These fears have nothing to do with the other. Are you in myself I am afraid of it tomorrow after the tenderness of being left alone again today. I have be scared all alone in front of me.
Well I can solve the problem only with me because even the cause of my fear is myself: I am afraid of myself of this will change anything, if I assign blame others for my abandonment.
As you can see, we have come to this thinking, once again the starting point of responsibility for themselves happiness. Or put another way: If we train long enough to clarify our lives and come into harmony with ourselves, it is not expected to require the harmony of others.
If I always better die Ursachen meines Unbehagens, meiner Ängste und Frustrationen kennenlerne, die meinem Glück im Wege stehen, weil ich es täglich trainiere um so selbstbewusster werde ich im Umgang mit mir selbst.
Vorausgesetzt natürlich Sie entscheiden sich für dieses Training und hören nie wieder damit auf, bis alles das, was Sie erreichen wollen ganz von selbst geschieht.
In uns allen ist das unstillbare Bedürfnis nach Nähe, Wärme, Verständnis und Zärtlichkeit. Und gleichzeitig ist in uns die Angst davor, alles das nicht zu bekommen. Wenn wir Augenblicke der Befriedigung dieser Bedürfnisse erleben, sind sie mit der Angst verbunden:
"Was wird nachher sein?" Vielleicht auch mit dem Misstrauen: "Ist das, was ich da von jemandem erfahre, auch ehrlich gemeint?"
In uns allen ist das unstillbare Bedürfnis nach Nähe, Wärme, Verständnis und Zärtlichkeit. Und gleichzeitig ist in uns die Angst davor, alles das nicht zu bekommen. Wenn wir Augenblicke der Befriedigung dieser Bedürfnisse erleben, sind sie mit der Angst verbunden:
"Was wird nachher sein?" Vielleicht auch mit dem Misstrauen: "Ist das, was ich da von jemandem erfahre, auch ehrlich gemeint?"
Tatsächlich sind - wie wir alle wissen - Verständnis, Zuneigung und Zärtlichkeit auch Instrumente des manipulativen Spiels. Um einen to catch fish, it is a bait to the hook of which one knows that the other is completely crazy about it.
For most people it is natural that you will need for tenderness as that of other people. As with the needs for love, justice or security.
But what happens if we do not get it in a way we do it ourselves? Could not be possible that we expect, but not able, to accept it? And why not? Maybe because we give ourselves not what we expect of others.
"Expect No one something that you are not willing to give self "This noble truism stands to us all, even if we do not follow them you heard about the incessant calls to:".. Love your neighbor as yourself "How can ? I love someone like myself, when I myself do not love
How can I experience the tenderness of another, when I ask myself: "Is it sincere?" or "What will happen tomorrow? "
These fears have nothing to do with the other. Are you in myself I am afraid of it tomorrow after the tenderness of being left alone again today. I have be scared all alone in front of me.
Well I can solve the problem only with me because even the cause of my fear is myself: I am afraid of myself of this will change anything, if I assign blame others for my abandonment.
As you can see, we have come to this thinking, once again the starting point of responsibility for themselves happiness. Or put another way: If we train long enough to clarify our lives and come into harmony with ourselves, it is not expected to require the harmony of others.
If I always better die Ursachen meines Unbehagens, meiner Ängste und Frustrationen kennenlerne, die meinem Glück im Wege stehen, weil ich es täglich trainiere um so selbstbewusster werde ich im Umgang mit mir selbst.
Vorausgesetzt natürlich Sie entscheiden sich für dieses Training und hören nie wieder damit auf, bis alles das, was Sie erreichen wollen ganz von selbst geschieht.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Oil For Hair Falling From Kottakkal
Selbstanalyse, trainiere Deine Gedanken
Wie Sie nach dem Aufwachen denken, so denken Sie den ganzen Tag. Beginnen Sie ihn mit dem Gedanken: "Ich bin heute glücklich, egal was passiert."
Wenn Sie einige Artikel dieses Blog gelesen haben, ist Ihnen vielleicht bewusst geworden, dass jede Veränderung in Ihrem Leben von drei Schritten depends:
first You should know who you are and what you really want to achieve in your life to be happy.
second If you know it, you should make a clear choice to work toward this goal for the rest of your life. And while every single day. If you sometimes do not succeed, you still have the security: "Tomorrow, I will continue to work well on tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."
third Any change for the better needs the daily exercise of your skills to solve the problems that are in the way of your happiness.
And something should have realized: you are what They think and how you think again, you act. Because nothing will change if you do not act.
to your goal come only step by step closer, if you train the necessary skills until they are taken for granted habit.
If you practice every day of your life being happy, the training begins when you feed when you wake up every morning with the intention of your thinking, "I am happy today, no matter what happens."
Perhaps you ask doubtfully, "How can I think such a thing, if I am so truly unhappy ? Am "As long as you ask this question, did you like not the most important decision the decision." I replaced today the doubts about me and my strength through the belief that I get everything, can achieve what I want. "This change
your thoughts on the doubt-I-think-of-me-think you can only do because you practice this belief. Again and again. each morning. Until such time as more and more faith and doubt, always weaker.
The training of faith in yourself and your happiness is subject to the same laws as the training of your muscles. When you make today to strengthen your arm muscles so that you are 100 pushups pull off, even though you create the time being only ten, you can achieve your goal just because you increase the performance step by step.
the time being, with daily, ten push-ups, next week, with 15, then 20 and so on. Tirelessly. Every day. Until you create a day 100th
Train So happiness every day again and again with the formula: "I am happy today, no matter what happens." Until this thinking has become stronger than any doubt.
Wie Sie nach dem Aufwachen denken, so denken Sie den ganzen Tag. Beginnen Sie ihn mit dem Gedanken: "Ich bin heute glücklich, egal was passiert."
Wenn Sie einige Artikel dieses Blog gelesen haben, ist Ihnen vielleicht bewusst geworden, dass jede Veränderung in Ihrem Leben von drei Schritten depends:
first You should know who you are and what you really want to achieve in your life to be happy.
second If you know it, you should make a clear choice to work toward this goal for the rest of your life. And while every single day. If you sometimes do not succeed, you still have the security: "Tomorrow, I will continue to work well on tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."
third Any change for the better needs the daily exercise of your skills to solve the problems that are in the way of your happiness.
And something should have realized: you are what They think and how you think again, you act. Because nothing will change if you do not act.
to your goal come only step by step closer, if you train the necessary skills until they are taken for granted habit.
If you practice every day of your life being happy, the training begins when you feed when you wake up every morning with the intention of your thinking, "I am happy today, no matter what happens."
Perhaps you ask doubtfully, "How can I think such a thing, if I am so truly unhappy ? Am "As long as you ask this question, did you like not the most important decision the decision." I replaced today the doubts about me and my strength through the belief that I get everything, can achieve what I want. "This change
your thoughts on the doubt-I-think-of-me-think you can only do because you practice this belief. Again and again. each morning. Until such time as more and more faith and doubt, always weaker.
The training of faith in yourself and your happiness is subject to the same laws as the training of your muscles. When you make today to strengthen your arm muscles so that you are 100 pushups pull off, even though you create the time being only ten, you can achieve your goal just because you increase the performance step by step.
the time being, with daily, ten push-ups, next week, with 15, then 20 and so on. Tirelessly. Every day. Until you create a day 100th
Train So happiness every day again and again with the formula: "I am happy today, no matter what happens." Until this thinking has become stronger than any doubt.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Whitehall Sailing Boat For Sale
Nachgedacht - Über das Mitleid für andere
The concepts of good men, which many claim to be from us, heard the warning: "If no pity feels, is hard-hearted. "A claim that the heart is stirred and guilt aroused. And nothing makes people so docile as the fear in the eyes of the world around a good person to be.
Here it behaves similarly to the pity as with . admonition to the charity you know: "Love your neighbor as yourself" as yourself .. "presupposes that we love ourselves first before we can love someone else an invitation to healthy selfishness. . What reason have so selfish to feel guilty?
is to show sympathy, the admonition mitzuleiden with someone else that is doing worse than us. We are supposed to him suffer. If we are fine, if we are happy on their own, should we deny our self-confidence and force us to suffering and sacrifice.
Is not it interesting that the people who give us this message, most are also those who give us their account number is known, to which we should pay our guilt in hard cash? In this manner we will benefit from our sacrifice, not even to face. Instead of experiencing the success and joy of our pity yourself, to take claim for themselves. So what we really do for someone who needs help? We use our sacrifice as an excuse for themselves not for the to do it.
What good is it to ourselves and therefore the person in need, provided we suffer with him? It seems that we use neither him nor us. If we suffer with someone, we just support him in his suffering. We comfort him with it, but we do not show him what experiences we ourselves have made to overcome our own suffering.
We conduct ourselves as parents who prevent their children with excessive care enough, even to learn from mistakes rather than to exemplify how to solve problems. Of course, these parents sometimes suffer if the child suffers a defeat. But it helps you not better by the encouragement to try again rather than suffer with him, thereby strengthening his own suffering?
Everyone that is doing badly, has-as we all change-always two ways of something: either he will strengthen his forces and helps himself, or he makes from the compassion of other related and never learn to help themselves.
You probably say, "But there are so many people in the world, those who need our help to be helped after all.." A strong argument. But why not go out and really help them? Instead of your guilt with an anonymous donation ransom, neither you nor the benefit something that perhaps needs your help.
The concepts of good men, which many claim to be from us, heard the warning: "If no pity feels, is hard-hearted. "A claim that the heart is stirred and guilt aroused. And nothing makes people so docile as the fear in the eyes of the world around a good person to be.
Here it behaves similarly to the pity as with . admonition to the charity you know: "Love your neighbor as yourself" as yourself .. "presupposes that we love ourselves first before we can love someone else an invitation to healthy selfishness. . What reason have so selfish to feel guilty?
is to show sympathy, the admonition mitzuleiden with someone else that is doing worse than us. We are supposed to him suffer. If we are fine, if we are happy on their own, should we deny our self-confidence and force us to suffering and sacrifice.
Is not it interesting that the people who give us this message, most are also those who give us their account number is known, to which we should pay our guilt in hard cash? In this manner we will benefit from our sacrifice, not even to face. Instead of experiencing the success and joy of our pity yourself, to take claim for themselves. So what we really do for someone who needs help? We use our sacrifice as an excuse for themselves not for the to do it.
What good is it to ourselves and therefore the person in need, provided we suffer with him? It seems that we use neither him nor us. If we suffer with someone, we just support him in his suffering. We comfort him with it, but we do not show him what experiences we ourselves have made to overcome our own suffering.
We conduct ourselves as parents who prevent their children with excessive care enough, even to learn from mistakes rather than to exemplify how to solve problems. Of course, these parents sometimes suffer if the child suffers a defeat. But it helps you not better by the encouragement to try again rather than suffer with him, thereby strengthening his own suffering?
Everyone that is doing badly, has-as we all change-always two ways of something: either he will strengthen his forces and helps himself, or he makes from the compassion of other related and never learn to help themselves.
You probably say, "But there are so many people in the world, those who need our help to be helped after all.." A strong argument. But why not go out and really help them? Instead of your guilt with an anonymous donation ransom, neither you nor the benefit something that perhaps needs your help.
How To Load Decking Truck
Motivation, ändern Sie was Sie heute ändern können.
Manches allerdings ändert sich ganz von selbst, wenn die richtige Zeit gekommen ist
Erinnern Sie sich: "Alles hat seine Zeit, und alles braucht seine Zeit?“ Wer dieses Prinzip des Lebens versteht, macht einen gewaltigen Schritt in seinem Lebenstraining. Es bedeutet den Übergang von der quälenden Ungeduld zur inneren Gelassenheit.
Glücklichsein ist, wie Sie längst gemerkt haben, nicht das Ergebnis einer Methode oder die Befolgung eines einzigen Prinzips, das man lernt und befolgt.
Glücklichsein ist das Ergebnis der selbstbewussten Persönlichkeit. Und diese starke Persönlichkeit beginnt mit einer Selbstanalyse und bei der Setting is to himself
Maybe happiness is something like a ideology or even religion. At the beginning with an idea and belief in it. Religions or ideologies, however, require you to input and obedience to rules, the other to invent as they wish. The philosophy of happiness is precisely the opposite:
you find yourself your own way it sees fit. You organize your life the way it suits your own skills and potential. They line up with your own rules and under are your own guru coach, critics or whatever you call it.
But most of all: no rigid principles, their Suppress individuality, are the measure of your thinking and action, but the constant mobility of your own creativity and spontaneity in everyday game of life.
is basically so the gradual strengthening of your personality simply the way to independent, mature, self-responsible citizens. Maybe you're thinking: "If all would think so ..."
Suggest this phrase from the head. Not all will think or act. Religions and ideologies of all people have always been shipwrecked. You, the individual, are beginning, end and scale of your world in a short time in which you live.
democracy, freedom, free market economy, society, politics-all this can only work if there are enough responsible citizens, stimulate all of these factors with individual pulses. It's up to you alone if you want to be one of those people or not.
means to be a free citizen, you know yourself and decide when, how and where it is right for you to act or to wait until an idea that you want to achieve, for action is ripe.
If you crowd the decision and action can be determined, the manipulative game of life your "opponent" time and place. They make dependent on others and have little chance of success. Success? No, it can only be a fraction of success.
happiness but that you should not forget, is like a pregnancy: a "little bit pregnant" does not exist. Either you are happy - or you are not.
Manches allerdings ändert sich ganz von selbst, wenn die richtige Zeit gekommen ist
Erinnern Sie sich: "Alles hat seine Zeit, und alles braucht seine Zeit?“ Wer dieses Prinzip des Lebens versteht, macht einen gewaltigen Schritt in seinem Lebenstraining. Es bedeutet den Übergang von der quälenden Ungeduld zur inneren Gelassenheit.
Glücklichsein ist, wie Sie längst gemerkt haben, nicht das Ergebnis einer Methode oder die Befolgung eines einzigen Prinzips, das man lernt und befolgt.
Glücklichsein ist das Ergebnis der selbstbewussten Persönlichkeit. Und diese starke Persönlichkeit beginnt mit einer Selbstanalyse und bei der Setting is to himself
Maybe happiness is something like a ideology or even religion. At the beginning with an idea and belief in it. Religions or ideologies, however, require you to input and obedience to rules, the other to invent as they wish. The philosophy of happiness is precisely the opposite:
you find yourself your own way it sees fit. You organize your life the way it suits your own skills and potential. They line up with your own rules and under are your own guru coach, critics or whatever you call it.
But most of all: no rigid principles, their Suppress individuality, are the measure of your thinking and action, but the constant mobility of your own creativity and spontaneity in everyday game of life.
is basically so the gradual strengthening of your personality simply the way to independent, mature, self-responsible citizens. Maybe you're thinking: "If all would think so ..."
Suggest this phrase from the head. Not all will think or act. Religions and ideologies of all people have always been shipwrecked. You, the individual, are beginning, end and scale of your world in a short time in which you live.
democracy, freedom, free market economy, society, politics-all this can only work if there are enough responsible citizens, stimulate all of these factors with individual pulses. It's up to you alone if you want to be one of those people or not.
means to be a free citizen, you know yourself and decide when, how and where it is right for you to act or to wait until an idea that you want to achieve, for action is ripe.
If you crowd the decision and action can be determined, the manipulative game of life your "opponent" time and place. They make dependent on others and have little chance of success. Success? No, it can only be a fraction of success.
happiness but that you should not forget, is like a pregnancy: a "little bit pregnant" does not exist. Either you are happy - or you are not.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Email Subject For Thanks
Motivation zum Tun
"I can not do" is one of the many disastrous records in our life. It is one of the "killer phrases" that hinder the fulfillment of our best wishes in the way. A thought, a goal, a desire awakened in us. We are enthusiastic about the idea of how great it would be to implement it.
Wir gehen hochmotiviert ans Werk, dann stellt sich uns die erste Schwierigkeit in den Weg. Wie verhalten wir uns? Manche resignieren ohne Gegenwehr und reden sich ein: „Das kann ich eben nicht.“
Andere zögern keinen Augenblick mit der Ausrede: „Ich habe es ja versucht, aber man lässt mich nicht.“
Haben wir wirklich alles uns Mögliche versucht, ehe wir schon bei den ersten Widerständen die Flinte ins Korn werfen? Was heißt denn das überhaupt: „Das kann ich nicht?“ Es heißt, dass wir unsere derzeitigen Fähigkeiten überschätzt oder die Anforderungen unterschätzt haben, die für die Lösung eines Problems erforderlich wären.
Etwas nicht zu können bedeutet aber noch lange nicht, dass wir unsere Fähigkeiten nicht trainieren und verbessern können. So lange, bis wir imstande sind, das Ziel zu erreichen. Kein Marathonläufer würde erwarten, dass er schon beim ersten Versuch als Sieger ins Ziel kommt.
Er wird seine Muskeln und seine Ausdauer trainieren, die Technik des Laufens und seine Atmung verbessern und im Wettkampf von den Konkurrenten lernen. Aber alles das wird vergeblich sein, wenn er schon bei der ersten Krise sagt: „Ich schaffe es ja doch nicht“.
Erfolge werden letzten Endes im Kopf errungen. In unserem Denken entscheidet es sich, ob wir uns einreden: „Das I can not "or" I can do it, if not today then next or the next time. " Crises-loss record as a message to us what we did wrong and still have to learn to reach their goal.
to learn something is, always rehearse it until we can. And every Lernakt is a training process in small steps. With each step we acquire a piece of the ability that allows us to handle the next step.
the same time, every little success we achieve on the way to goal, a reason to rejoice, we ascribe courage and self- to motivate us to tackle the next step.
The decision "I can not," before we have even attempted to learn what we want is much more than just the absence of the fulfillment of a wish. It is a training step to helplessness. We say: "I can not do" and leave one for us to solve problems that only we can solve itself.
And the more that happens, the more dependent we are of those who are interested in our helplessness, to take advantage of it.
"I can not do" is one of the many disastrous records in our life. It is one of the "killer phrases" that hinder the fulfillment of our best wishes in the way. A thought, a goal, a desire awakened in us. We are enthusiastic about the idea of how great it would be to implement it.
Wir gehen hochmotiviert ans Werk, dann stellt sich uns die erste Schwierigkeit in den Weg. Wie verhalten wir uns? Manche resignieren ohne Gegenwehr und reden sich ein: „Das kann ich eben nicht.“
Andere zögern keinen Augenblick mit der Ausrede: „Ich habe es ja versucht, aber man lässt mich nicht.“
Haben wir wirklich alles uns Mögliche versucht, ehe wir schon bei den ersten Widerständen die Flinte ins Korn werfen? Was heißt denn das überhaupt: „Das kann ich nicht?“ Es heißt, dass wir unsere derzeitigen Fähigkeiten überschätzt oder die Anforderungen unterschätzt haben, die für die Lösung eines Problems erforderlich wären.
Etwas nicht zu können bedeutet aber noch lange nicht, dass wir unsere Fähigkeiten nicht trainieren und verbessern können. So lange, bis wir imstande sind, das Ziel zu erreichen. Kein Marathonläufer würde erwarten, dass er schon beim ersten Versuch als Sieger ins Ziel kommt.
Er wird seine Muskeln und seine Ausdauer trainieren, die Technik des Laufens und seine Atmung verbessern und im Wettkampf von den Konkurrenten lernen. Aber alles das wird vergeblich sein, wenn er schon bei der ersten Krise sagt: „Ich schaffe es ja doch nicht“.
Erfolge werden letzten Endes im Kopf errungen. In unserem Denken entscheidet es sich, ob wir uns einreden: „Das I can not "or" I can do it, if not today then next or the next time. " Crises-loss record as a message to us what we did wrong and still have to learn to reach their goal.
to learn something is, always rehearse it until we can. And every Lernakt is a training process in small steps. With each step we acquire a piece of the ability that allows us to handle the next step.
the same time, every little success we achieve on the way to goal, a reason to rejoice, we ascribe courage and self- to motivate us to tackle the next step.
The decision "I can not," before we have even attempted to learn what we want is much more than just the absence of the fulfillment of a wish. It is a training step to helplessness. We say: "I can not do" and leave one for us to solve problems that only we can solve itself.
And the more that happens, the more dependent we are of those who are interested in our helplessness, to take advantage of it.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Alpha Kappa Alpha Recommendation Letters
Der Weg zu sich Selbst
Have you ever thought about how envy affects your life? You read right: the envy. Someone has something that you do not have or can not have - and why do you envy him.
to envy someone means that we focus on what we want to be or have, not according to our own desires and needs. They do not come from inside ourselves, but from the outside so strongly that we want to own it or meet.
jealousy arises when we know not what we want to be and what we need to be happy. We do not know if we do not have the basic questions of our lives clarified for us:
Who am I really?
What makes me truly free and happy?
What do I need to be free and happy?
To make it even to stress once again: "What I need," and not "What have others that I could imitate them?"
The awakening of envy is one of the best strategies in the eternal manipulative game of life. Envy is the subject of many ambitious women, to encourage their men to ever greater achievements. Envy is a subject that drives many people to action.
Either you exert himself in order to get what someone has that you envy. If you own it eventually, it will not long before anyone else again brings your envy and the game starts over.
Or envy of aggression: one gets from those who own something by force what they covet.
We all are exposed every day and in many ways the envy of pulses. All that we want to sell ideas, products, safety or creeds are constantly working in us to bring needs and desires. You try it with arguments.
you try it with beautiful images and sayings. You try it, by making us fear or by arousing our envy.
you do it by they entice us to compare. Their message is: "There is someone who has something that you just have to have to just as good and beautiful, young and healthy and rich like him." These examples show us on cigarette packs and posters.
And of course every day on TV: The man in the car even more elegant. The young woman with the seductive scent.
The teenager, who is nibbling happily at a chocolate bar, to the envy of his friends. Who does not know what they really want and need, it has not actually easy to resist all this envy-pulses.
Find your own way with the help of Self-analysis?
Have you ever thought about how envy affects your life? You read right: the envy. Someone has something that you do not have or can not have - and why do you envy him.
to envy someone means that we focus on what we want to be or have, not according to our own desires and needs. They do not come from inside ourselves, but from the outside so strongly that we want to own it or meet.
jealousy arises when we know not what we want to be and what we need to be happy. We do not know if we do not have the basic questions of our lives clarified for us:
Who am I really?
What makes me truly free and happy?
What do I need to be free and happy?
To make it even to stress once again: "What I need," and not "What have others that I could imitate them?"
The awakening of envy is one of the best strategies in the eternal manipulative game of life. Envy is the subject of many ambitious women, to encourage their men to ever greater achievements. Envy is a subject that drives many people to action.
Either you exert himself in order to get what someone has that you envy. If you own it eventually, it will not long before anyone else again brings your envy and the game starts over.
Or envy of aggression: one gets from those who own something by force what they covet.
We all are exposed every day and in many ways the envy of pulses. All that we want to sell ideas, products, safety or creeds are constantly working in us to bring needs and desires. You try it with arguments.
you try it with beautiful images and sayings. You try it, by making us fear or by arousing our envy.
you do it by they entice us to compare. Their message is: "There is someone who has something that you just have to have to just as good and beautiful, young and healthy and rich like him." These examples show us on cigarette packs and posters.
And of course every day on TV: The man in the car even more elegant. The young woman with the seductive scent.
The teenager, who is nibbling happily at a chocolate bar, to the envy of his friends. Who does not know what they really want and need, it has not actually easy to resist all this envy-pulses.
Find your own way with the help of Self-analysis?
Thursday, January 11, 2007
What Does Brazilian Wax Cover
Ich glaube an mich: heißt sich selbst helfen auf dem Weg zu his dreams
Some things in our lives we know, we believe otherwise. What our luck very often stands in the way, the inability, knowledge and belief is to strictly separate.
Some things we think we know, but we do not know it at all. We think we know just because others have long been told, until we believe in it. This faith is the powerful force that allows us to perform services that previously we would have never expected.
Most of what we do every day, is based on our realization: "That I have succeeded many times before, so I can." This experience gives us security. We have an act long enough trained, so there's no reason to two fine because we will get there this time too. "
We believe that we can do it. Therefore, we succeed too. What happens, however, in our thinking when we set ourselves as something objective, which we do not know from experience that we will succeed
Two options are then open to us: Either we doubt, or we believe that we will succeed. This belief means that we trust the power to create something new.
If we succeed, we have the power of faith helped. This faith begins and thought: "I can do it." If we think: "I've never done before, so I risk it does not even" the doubts prevail in our thinking about faith in our own strength.
As you see depends on the achievement of many goals often depends on how we think. Faith starts with our thinking. So when we train our thinking to coincide with the formula: "I can do it" even if I do not know if I can do it, we train with it the belief in our own strength.
on their own strength to achieve our own goals. If we do not, but doubt ourselves, we often seek refuge in the faith to other people and their promises to: "If you do, what I tell you, I'll help you in achieving it." This belief in others and makes us dependent on their promises.
If you are however determined to achieve your happiness on their own, there is no other way for you to believe as the fact that you all want to achieve what you achieve on their own will.
So this faith so long by the thought: "I can do everything you want to achieve what I, on their own" training until he is one day more firmly anchored in your thinking than any doubt.
Then it is no longer necessary to the faith of others Leute und ihre Ideen, Versprechungen und Angebote auszuliefern.
Some things in our lives we know, we believe otherwise. What our luck very often stands in the way, the inability, knowledge and belief is to strictly separate.
Some things we think we know, but we do not know it at all. We think we know just because others have long been told, until we believe in it. This faith is the powerful force that allows us to perform services that previously we would have never expected.
Most of what we do every day, is based on our realization: "That I have succeeded many times before, so I can." This experience gives us security. We have an act long enough trained, so there's no reason to two fine because we will get there this time too. "
We believe that we can do it. Therefore, we succeed too. What happens, however, in our thinking when we set ourselves as something objective, which we do not know from experience that we will succeed
Two options are then open to us: Either we doubt, or we believe that we will succeed. This belief means that we trust the power to create something new.
If we succeed, we have the power of faith helped. This faith begins and thought: "I can do it." If we think: "I've never done before, so I risk it does not even" the doubts prevail in our thinking about faith in our own strength.
As you see depends on the achievement of many goals often depends on how we think. Faith starts with our thinking. So when we train our thinking to coincide with the formula: "I can do it" even if I do not know if I can do it, we train with it the belief in our own strength.
on their own strength to achieve our own goals. If we do not, but doubt ourselves, we often seek refuge in the faith to other people and their promises to: "If you do, what I tell you, I'll help you in achieving it." This belief in others and makes us dependent on their promises.
If you are however determined to achieve your happiness on their own, there is no other way for you to believe as the fact that you all want to achieve what you achieve on their own will.
So this faith so long by the thought: "I can do everything you want to achieve what I, on their own" training until he is one day more firmly anchored in your thinking than any doubt.
Then it is no longer necessary to the faith of others Leute und ihre Ideen, Versprechungen und Angebote auszuliefern.
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