Thursday, January 18, 2007

How To Load Decking Truck

Motivation, ändern Sie was Sie heute ändern können.

Manches allerdings ändert sich ganz von selbst, wenn die richtige Zeit gekommen ist

Erinnern Sie sich: "Alles hat seine Zeit, und alles braucht seine Zeit?“ Wer dieses Prinzip des Lebens versteht, macht einen gewaltigen Schritt in seinem Lebenstraining. Es bedeutet den Übergang von der quälenden Ungeduld zur inneren Gelassenheit.

Glücklichsein ist, wie Sie längst gemerkt haben, nicht das Ergebnis einer Methode oder die Befolgung eines einzigen Prinzips, das man lernt und befolgt.

Glücklichsein ist das Ergebnis der selbstbewussten Persönlichkeit. Und diese starke Persönlichkeit beginnt mit einer Selbstanalyse und bei der Setting is to himself

Maybe happiness is something like a ideology or even religion. At the beginning with an idea and belief in it. Religions or ideologies, however, require you to input and obedience to rules, the other to invent as they wish. The philosophy of happiness is precisely the opposite:

you find yourself your own way it sees fit. You organize your life the way it suits your own skills and potential. They line up with your own rules and under are your own guru coach, critics or whatever you call it.

But most of all: no rigid principles, their Suppress individuality, are the measure of your thinking and action, but the constant mobility of your own creativity and spontaneity in everyday game of life.

is basically so the gradual strengthening of your personality simply the way to independent, mature, self-responsible citizens. Maybe you're thinking: "If all would think so ..."

Suggest this phrase from the head. Not all will think or act. Religions and ideologies of all people have always been shipwrecked. You, the individual, are beginning, end and scale of your world in a short time in which you live.

democracy, freedom, free market economy, society, politics-all this can only work if there are enough responsible citizens, stimulate all of these factors with individual pulses. It's up to you alone if you want to be one of those people or not.

means to be a free citizen, you know yourself and decide when, how and where it is right for you to act or to wait until an idea that you want to achieve, for action is ripe.

If you crowd the decision and action can be determined, the manipulative game of life your "opponent" time and place. They make dependent on others and have little chance of success. Success? No, it can only be a fraction of success.

happiness but that you should not forget, is like a pregnancy: a "little bit pregnant" does not exist. Either you are happy - or you are not.


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