Selbstanalyse, trainiere Deine Gedanken
Wie Sie nach dem Aufwachen denken, so denken Sie den ganzen Tag. Beginnen Sie ihn mit dem Gedanken: "Ich bin heute glücklich, egal was passiert."
Wenn Sie einige Artikel dieses Blog gelesen haben, ist Ihnen vielleicht bewusst geworden, dass jede Veränderung in Ihrem Leben von drei Schritten depends:
first You should know who you are and what you really want to achieve in your life to be happy.
second If you know it, you should make a clear choice to work toward this goal for the rest of your life. And while every single day. If you sometimes do not succeed, you still have the security: "Tomorrow, I will continue to work well on tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."
third Any change for the better needs the daily exercise of your skills to solve the problems that are in the way of your happiness.
And something should have realized: you are what They think and how you think again, you act. Because nothing will change if you do not act.
to your goal come only step by step closer, if you train the necessary skills until they are taken for granted habit.
If you practice every day of your life being happy, the training begins when you feed when you wake up every morning with the intention of your thinking, "I am happy today, no matter what happens."
Perhaps you ask doubtfully, "How can I think such a thing, if I am so truly unhappy ? Am "As long as you ask this question, did you like not the most important decision the decision." I replaced today the doubts about me and my strength through the belief that I get everything, can achieve what I want. "This change
your thoughts on the doubt-I-think-of-me-think you can only do because you practice this belief. Again and again. each morning. Until such time as more and more faith and doubt, always weaker.
The training of faith in yourself and your happiness is subject to the same laws as the training of your muscles. When you make today to strengthen your arm muscles so that you are 100 pushups pull off, even though you create the time being only ten, you can achieve your goal just because you increase the performance step by step.
the time being, with daily, ten push-ups, next week, with 15, then 20 and so on. Tirelessly. Every day. Until you create a day 100th
Train So happiness every day again and again with the formula: "I am happy today, no matter what happens." Until this thinking has become stronger than any doubt.
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