Sunday, December 30, 2007

Where To Buy Cake Sparklers

Los events can

Loslassen führt zur Gelassenheit

In Südindien wird eine Affenfalle zum Fang der Affen auf dem Prinzip des Nicht-Loslassen verwendet. Eine ausgehöhlte Kokosnuss mit einem schmalen Loch wird an einem Baum befestigt und mit Leckerbissen gefüllt.

Der Affe, angezogen von dem Leckerbissen, greift in die Kokosnuss, packt den Köder und kann seine geballte Faust nicht mehr aus dem engen Loch herausziehen.

Er tobt, schreit, beißt und versucht alles, was in seinen Kräften steht, um sich aus der Falle zu befreien, doch vergebens. Nur das Loslassen des Leckerbissens könnte ihn retten, doch je mehr er sich bemüht, desto fester ballt er die Faust. So wird ihm schließlich seine Gier und die Bindung an den Leckerbissen zum Verhängnis.

Diese Verhalten könnte einem bekannt vorkommen, wenn man an den ungebrochenen Ergeiz der Menschen an Erfolg, Macht, Geld und Materialismus denkt.

In ähnlicher Weise schlagen auch wir uns oft mit Hindernissen herum, können "Leckerbissen" nicht loslassen, rennen durch unsere Gier ins Verderben. Im Grunde funktionieren alle Fallen auf dem spirituellen, auf dem evolutionären Weg nach diesem simplen Prinzip.

Durch Loslassen we come to serenity. Panic (the logic of the cancer) is dissolved. Let his words, the other and themselves may leave them as they are to accept yourself as you are.

is often confused with serenity permeability or even negligence. In reality, serenity comes from the balance of soul and spirit. Serenity is a wonderful thing and the purest expression of mental health.

It is admired and desired by most people. Who's left, has a high level of human existence is achieved has become spiritually invincible.

serenity has nothing to do with a thick coat. Who wears a thick skin is just thick-skinned and so dull. Even those who persuades himself that he is above it all because he is successful in life and enjoys high reputation, is therefore not allowed. This outward display of apparent serenity break fast together under stress.

True serenity is so rare because it can not be acquired through a crash course in industrial psychology, but only by a change in my behavior. Serenity does not come about by itself, but is an expression of spiritual soul size.

The more I am MYSELF, I'm more relaxed.

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The Mega Trend is: work as a self-realization

Working as self-realization

make the people ihr Leben immer bewusster. Sie gehen bewusster mit ihrem Körper um, trainieren ihre mentalen Fähigkeiten, gehen den Weg des Herzens. Ratgeber für die bewusste Lebensführung haben in den Verlagen einen sicheren Absatzmarkt.

Doch die größte Sinnkrise liegt für die Menschen immer noch in der Arbeitswelt und nicht im privaten Bereich. Je mehr jedoch die bewusste Lebensgestaltung den privaten Lebensbereich erfüllt, desto schmerzlicher wird die wachsende Diskrepanz zwischen der Selbstverwirklichung im Privaten und der Selbstentfremdung im Beruf. Die Suche nach sinngebender, freudvoller, erfüllender Arbeit wird immer stärker.

Selbstverwirklichung wird in Zukunft immer stärker in der Arbeitswelt gesucht. Mehr noch: Die historisch bedingte Thennung zwischen "Freizeit" und "Arbeitszeit" will überwunden werden. Leben möchte als Ganzes gelebt werden und nicht in "befreite" (das Private) und "unfreie" Zonen (das Berufliche) aufgesplittet sein.

Und wenn Arbeit der Selbstverwirklichung dient, dann macht auch die (wieder historisch bedingte) Trennung zwischen Arbeitszeit und Ruhestand keinen Sinn mehr. Wer sich in seiner Arbeit selbst verwirklicht, für den ist Leben und Arbeit dasselbe, der "arbeitet" bis zum letzten Atemzug, für den wird "Ruhestand" zur Sinnlosigkeit.

you have only found your calling, if you leave it never more. Those who live in self determination, the you can not send to retire!

What had only been a few of his "exotic" (artists, writers, painters, musicians, etc.) reserved, is now a trend and a way for more people.

this trend towards "work as a self-realization" will soon be as powerful as the "environmental movement and peace movement" or the "health movement", "sound money management," "fulfilling partnership." The Company (Politik) kann nicht mehr weitermachen wie bisher, denn die Menschen wollen nicht mehr weitermachen wie bisher.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

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On what do you think?

Lang ist es her seit ich hier geschrieben habe. Heute habe ich mich durchgerungen.

An was glauben Sie?
Es ist nicht der reine Gedanke oder Glaube der die Wünsche eines Menschen in Erfüllung gehen läßt. Eine positive Denkweise abgekoppelt vom Unterbewußtsein wird nie die gewünschten Ergebnisse bringen.

Eine Erfüllung seiner Wünsche tritt dann ein, wenn das Unterbewußtsein auf die Wünschen, Gedanken und Glaubenssätze dementsprechend responding. unfolds

in the first combination between desire and internalization, this set at all. The wishes of successful, happy or satisfied people are not being met so because they belong to certain religions and rituals to perform or speak constantly positive rates.

Compliance occurs purely because they are mentally and spiritually imbued with the conviction that their wishes will be realized. The Law of the life is identical with that of the seated faith. Faith is the spirit of sense hold. Just as a person feels, thinks and believes, and so are his spirit, his body and obtain his life destiny.

The hints of "positive formulas" without inner conviction therefore ineffective. In some cases, it causes even the opposite, as reinforced by the supposedly positve sentences or thoughts, negative feelings.

The proposition or suggestion I am rich, rich rich, and again even after the thousandth repetition fully komen ineffective when the innermost (subconsciously) know you are poor as a church mouse.

I hope my time allows me to describe the successful techniques to bridge such internal obstacles.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

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The placement of the battle horse foals using

Haflinger mare Heike

Heike is a 24 year old Haflinger mare who came from very poor conditions. Skinny and sick as she was, she had to be nursed once lovingly. Now she's ready, they can move into a new home. It is super sweet, honest, tolerant, curious, very careful. It is however not yet clear whether they ride. A small child can sit on the back of her but that you do not mind. detailed Heike (also before and after photos) can be found in our forum: click here

If you are interested have to trust this mare, please send an email to:

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Saturday, April 14, 2007

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No one is interested in your happiness. Unless it benefits him more than you

Our whole life is a game of lost happiness. It is a game in the tension between winning and losing. If we lose, it triggers the desire to win next time. win

If we do, we want to know if we could do it again. Or take on the challenge of a loser, us to blow the profit.

Do you think this law applies only to winning and losing poker players and casinos? No, it applies to professional and partnership, for the world economy and politics. The law of eternal life game is the law of give and take, to the previously all efforts for a peaceful world where all people could be the same, have failed.

And why? Because in the game of give and take must always be winners and losers. Or do you think there would be Olympic Games, when all could gain?

to the law of give and take the principle of selfless giving is in conflict. If you give someone always, you lose him as a partner in life game from which you could recover a bit. Unless he uses your help to create something that you want to remove him again.

As you see, is the basis of a funktionierenden Lebensspiels das Bekenntnis zum gesunden Egoismus. Oder, um es in einem größeren Rahmen zu sehen, das Bekenntnis zur freien Marktwirtschaft. Warum, denken Sie, "helfen" die reichen Länder der Welt den armen Ländern mit so großem Eifer?

Doch nur, damit die armen Leute reich genug werden, um sich die Produkte kaufen zu können, die die reichen Länder ihnen verkaufen möchten.

Genauso funktioniert das Spiel in jeder Art von Partnerschaft: Wenn Sie glücklich sind, können Sie den Partner glücklich machen, damit er selbst glücklich wird und Ihnen davon wieder etwas abgeben kann.

If the partner accepts only there is nothing you can recover what you need. The law of give and take, expires.

Maybe just that the reason that in our countries, every third marriage is divorced. Maybe. Maybe not. But it might not be so?

How is it possible at all, that everything that you have read here about give and take, or the selfishness and the "selfless help", just pure speculation. But maybe it provokes you to form your own opinion about it.

Instead of all these things only to look at the way you have learned from your trainers of morality and good behavior so far.

To be happy and free means of eventually raising zadelka first, that everything in life has two sides. Only when we both know, we can opt for what we are really on the way to the happiness of use.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

How To Tape The Cricket Bat

If you do not talk today with your children, the children will one day not to talk to you

Our society is full of educators, moralists, authorities and know-alls. All of them will not tire of telling us a lifetime to teach about what is right and wrong and how we should behave.

The teachings are so constantly among us, and it is no wonder that many of us once they get a chance to behave exactly as they were brought up: as a smug, authoritarian, never erring parents, teachers and supervisors.

There are always two possibilities, experiences, suggestions and requests to pass: under threat or by persuasion. Knowledge is to teach someone by threatening to go to a position of authority, from one of the hierarchical top-down exercise of power, without giving the parties a real chance to develop their own, perhaps better views.

requires this method of influencing, that one has power and is replaced. To get them to the practitioner may not show any weakness. For as soon as the person behind the external authority detects the internal weaknesses, the authority is lost.

means that people in authority should not tolerate any criticism of their decisions and opposition by threats or punishment possible to suppress the very beginning.

This strategy of influence is the foundation of classical education, how it is handled today still in many schools, families and companies. Parents teach their children by force with the formula: Tu, was wir dir sagen. Eines Tages wirst du erkennen, dass wir nur dein Bestes wollten.

Vorgesetzte unterbinden nicht selten Einwände und Ideen der Untergebenen mit dem Argument: Ich habe das schon so gemacht, da haben Sie noch in den Windeln gelegen. Hören Sie also auf mit Ihren verrückten Ideen.

Es mag schon sein, dass Kinder tatsächlich später im Leben erkennen, dass ihre Eltern in manchen Dingen recht gehabt haben. Manche Eltern allerdings bedauern, dass sie ihren Kindern früher nicht öfter die Chance gegeben haben, auch recht zu haben. Oder, um es anders zu betrachten: Wenn Sie heute nicht mit Ihren Kindern reden, werden die Children do not talk to you if you later long time afterwards.

Hierarchical, authoritarian or conviction partnership principle, which are the two basic forms for people dealing with each other. That means a one-sided information, the other communications in both directions.

Linked to the tension that is necessary for any kind of creativity. Whoever lets only his own opinion and experience, has ceased to learn.

The constant search for happiness but always requires a new impetus, from which we can learn to solve problems better and better, to us in such circumstances.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

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not neglect the really important

Apply for everything just so much time and energy on what it is worth to you. Time and energy, which is the raw material from which we can shape our lives.

We can shape it like a sculptor, a figure of stone. According to their own ideas and their own initiative, but only within the limits that meet our opportunities and abilities. to live

His life means to own ideas to create the things our own standard of value. The value that we attach to an action shall determine, including time and energy we spend on this wollen.

Sehr oft vergeuden wir für unwichtige Dinge Zeit und Energie, die uns später fehlen, wenn wir alle Kraft auf das wirklich Wichtige konzentrieren sollten.

Zwei Hinweise können Ihnen dabei helfen, diesen Fehler zu vermeiden:

I. Teilen Sie Ihre Vorhaben nach der Wichtigkeit für Sie ein und erledigen Sie das Wichtigste zuerst.

2. Bedenken Sie bei allen Vorhaben den Vier-Punkte Ablauf:

Definieren Sie Ihr Ziel ganz konkret und legen Sie die Zeit fest, wie lange Sie sich damit beschäftigen wollen oder können.

Check to see when the time is right for the project. For one thing too early or too late to attack can cost an additional expenditure of energy and often leads only to an unsatisfactory result.

Set the amount of effort, perhaps to be money that you want to contribute.

Decide what you do without consciously or what you want to move to a later date in order to concentrate all energy on what you appear to be important.

Such considerations prevent targeted very often that we miss the most important things in life because we have backed the wrong horse, and often continue to persist, although we have recognized our mistake long ago. The reason is the lack of concentration with which we have started a project:

We do not know exactly what we want. "Somehow I get the point already," is the most common phrase of self-esteem.

We have only a vague idea of \u200b\u200bthe effort that requires the matter because it is only the first steps of the procedure to check and hope that it would then go on somehow.

We begin the plan hasty and underestimated in the initial over-enthusiasm of our own forces. It often happens that we soon lose interest, if not the success fast enough to be visible.

Do not forget that every day of our lives we have only a certain amount of time and energy. It is only about ourselves, whether we spend most of it for what makes us really happy.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

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is your life from becoming, grow and pass away.

Tomorrow it may be too late. Join in the hope of closing, you just were spared from disease and death.

Hoping that somehow, someday, someone will make sure that something in your life will change for the better is probably the most disastrous Excuses to solve his own problems, here and now. The much-vaunted "principle of hope" is a principle of self-denial.

It means: I am not able to determine my own life, so I leave it to other people, fate or chance.

It is a principle of escape from the reality of life. A reality that we can not escape. This reality is that everything, even our lives, in three recurring phases takes place: If, growth and decay.

This is the Framework in which we can shape our lives. We can change what is possible. But we have to respect what is not changing.

We can not change the fact that we are born and die one day be inevitable. It does not help us when our lives or the period in which we were born to complain.

And it is no use for a lifetime of living in constant fear of illness and death. All we can do with all the energy is: In the time available to us to grow to the man that we want to be.

The reality with which we are confronted, is full of obstacles and resistance, we can not avoid. What we can do, is to train our survival skills tirelessly to help us meet these resistors always better.

The fear of illness and death, we can not overcome the fact that we replace it, or hope that we will stay as long spared. We can only prepare to respond to them properly when the time of the confrontation has come with it.

live happy, that means saying the anchor-happy to be in us so deeply that we in the moment of death can be happy.

What should stop us? Finally, the last day of our lives - whenever it comes - even one day in our life where we do everything we can to be happy.

And as for the disease: If we do every day on their own all we can to avoid them, the chance to stay healthy, is much greater than if we contribute nothing more to it than to hope that someone else can repair the damage to us that we would even be avoided.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

How To Build Automatic Water For Rabbits

self-analysis filter, please, please, if you will really benefit

What really matters is not what you're told, but what you make of what you see for yourself to be right.

information and communication are the key ideas of our time. All inform us, in newspapers and books, on television and from billboards on the roadside. But how do they inform us? They give us the information that they have prepared for us.

And they do it with the intention that we believe their information as truth and act accordingly. This applies to parents and teachers as well as for politicians and the media.

What we do with this information depends on how we filter them according to the standards that are useful to us. The filter that makes it possible for us are our own standards and values \u200b\u200bthat we hold in our opinion, for us.

According to the principle: "I do not know what I can and should, but what makes me free and happier." to filter information according to this principle implies, that we question every piece of information. The filter question is "Why?" Why should I believe

what they tell me? Why should I do what I was trying to suggest? Why should it make me happy? Why should this Information be accurate and not another, or the opposite?

we not fool ourselves: Sixty percent of the ability to communicate to other people is not the information but he disinformation. This is true for ourselves as well as for all others:

Any excuse is a misinformation. People talk a lot, instead of information about the cause of failure.

Each advertising message is disinformation. The advantage is emphasized as impressive to hide that each product has its drawbacks. Every promise is disinformation.

We should believe in something from which we do not know whether a promise that it makes us, is actually observed. Authority is based on misinformation. If someone says: "I know what is right for you.

do it, otherwise you will have drawbacks, "it is nothing but an attempt to convince us, we might not know themselves what is right. And election promises of the politicians? Well, it everyone can already form his own opinion

With all this "information" and many others - we are confronted daily in two ways. Either we use pure it to others, or others use it against us What can. We conclude from this? We can conclude that information is no truth.

And what can we think of truth, it was already mentioned. Think a little about it. You may recognize it better, how do you assess information in the future.

Monday, March 5, 2007

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your life is an RPG. Run the self-directed?

We are all actors on the stage of life. We play the contemporary world and ourselves from the roles that we have learned. The good father, caring mother, the dynamic manager, the hard-working employees, the defiant teenager and the emancipated woman.

We play our roles in the workplace, in the Society and in bed. We play to gain recognition, reputation or praise. And if there is already no praise, then at least sympathy or consolation.

But who are we when the curtain falls and we are left with us? How do our roles cover our real self, and who actually leads the government in our role play?

This is one of the questions that entscheiden.Führe about our personal freedom and happiness I directed a play that I've chosen for yourself? Or do I let others pull the strings and determine how I think, act, what I believe and what to buy?

all begins with that you become aware of four things:

I. Who are you really?
second Live the way you want to really live?
third If not, why not live like you want to live like you?
4th What can you do to change your life?

sound so easy, they will also, most people who go out of their way. Are you satisfied with what others have left for them. They say: "I'm just the way I am

this I must resign myself.." Or are you telling yourself: "I would change a lot in my life but now it's probably already too late. "You play the role of self-pity and be content.

But is that really all we expect from our lives? A life of second-hand, on as an extra edge of Done, who is so happy to watch how he will be dangled on television the dreams that he can never fulfill itself.

because each of us has the opportunity to live the way he dreamed it. He must The only choice for it and train it every day. This decision is the transition from the foreign education for self-education, from extras to the director and finally to the author, who his role in life writes itself to the body.

And all that begins with the fact that you ask yourself the question: "What I want and what the others want from me?" This is the beginning of independent thought. Consider just this one question again and again and think about it

Do not think: "My own director, I create I'm never depend on so many people and obligations.." The first step in any change is: awareness.

And is aware, never again evade the question: Why do I do something, or why I do not know?

Thursday, March 1, 2007

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who lives with confidence, needs to prove anything to anyone

Much of what we do is done only for one reason: We want to impress other people. We want to show them how good we are as industrious and clever. Sometimes we succeed and the other to win respect for us.

The disadvantage of these efforts, however, is that we should never get tired of being just this respect.

If other is once again showing off by looking at our past with the respect and the game starts over. Very often, however, our efforts come to nothing.

Simple because the other is not interested to learn from us that we are better than him. He wants nothing more than to impress us.

Such idle time cost a lot of time and energy. So why should we ever prove something to other people or to justify ourselves before them, when in the end only one thing counts: how do we even think about us?

effort to prove something to others or to justify ourselves is so often nothing else than an attempt to justify ourselves to ourselves.

If you are determined, however, your life according to their own ideas, their own and to own living standards, all these efforts no longer required. You do not need the favor and respect of others vie:

you respect yourself most. You are your own critic, know your weaknesses and your strengths and work every day to tackle your problems better. Through even more praise and recognition of others depend.

And another thing: It is necessary to say that you demonstrate to the outside authority and humiliate others in order to improve themselves and to signal: I'm better than you

It is for They long to be not about being better than anyone else, if you believe that you yourself are as good as you want to be. Or it will be one day.

This setting will benefit mainly themselves but also it creates a whole new relationship with other people. Criticisms, no longer causes anxiety. You do not need to be aggressively to assert itself.

you can respond confidently, because you are your self-assured. This creates a new basis for dialogue.

If someone insulted or offended, it does not hurt your pride because you need more pride, self-protection. You can allowed to reply, "You're right, my friend I have made a mistake I'm sorry Let's be in peace about it...."

gives them this self-conscious behavior to others not much more authority than the constant attempt to pretend, that you are better than you actually are?

Sunday, February 25, 2007

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concentration avoids Ärger

We are what we think. If that is conscious, you can drag invaluable benefits from it and avoid mistakes. Above all, you can save much time and energy. Time and energy that you can use for your inner development.

Think about the following case: You come home at night and close the door behind him. As you remember, that begins in five minutes on TV a show that you want to see absolutely. They are still on the door, but your thoughts are already preceded him into the living room.

you think "?. What channel is this show just I see needs to quickly in the program, you pull off your coat, put in mind the car keys lost in the pocket, rather than as usual on the small board to create the mirror.

The next morning you have it, as always in a hurry to get out the door. In the hall you want to grab the car keys, but he is not where he is used to. A Panic shot through her thought: "Where is the key Where did I put it if I did not think fast enough, I'm late for work?."

you try to organize your thoughts and zurückzuerinnern the night before. At the same time you berate yourself because you already happens for the third time.

And so on and so forth. It costs you 15 minutes of wasted time and energy until you remember that the key could be in the mantle. They find him and go racing, filled with anger, stress and the oath, something you would never happen again.

But you have to do, so you never again happened? What can you learn from this example that we know in similar form certainly all from personal experience? The solution is called word: concentration. What is concentration?

concentration means that your thoughts are where your hands are, and vice versa. It also means doing one thing after another, and that the first most important thing at this moment. may

The example with the key you might be a bit appeared simple, but it is not exactly this many seemingly trivial things of everyday life that we often take for the rest of the day from the train?

just five seconds Focus on the moment of Schlüsselweglegens in the hall, before we concentrate on the TV and what all we have saved ourselves the next morning?

If we make such connections in everyday life and realize the concentration of the train of thought for the moment here and now in the process, we learn from day to day in small steps to eliminate any obstacles from the outset. divert

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

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Zukunft Leben: Über Tabus, Trends und Zufälle

the most popular excuses from responsibility for ourselves, is the responsibility we assume allegedly for others. Especially for people and things that can not defend against this intrusion.

Dazu gehört der beliebte Anspruch, die Natur vor uns Menschen schützen zu wollen. Spielen Sie auch mit diesem Gedanken?

Darüber nachzudenken erscheint vor allem dann sinnvoll, wenn Sie entschlossen sind, Ihr Leben nach eigenen Vorstellungen, aus eigener Kraft und Verantwortlichkeit zu führen.

Das bedeutet schließlich: Sie selbst sind sich das Wichtigste in Ihrem Leben. Zuerst fühlen Sie sich für Ihr eigenes Glück, Ihre Gesundheit und die Harmonie mit sich selbst verantwortlich. Alles andere ergibt sich wenn Sie reif dafür sind ganz von selbst.

Natürlich sind Sie mit dieser Setting constantly exposed to the doubts: "Am I really so I do not really make me a quixotic, egotistical nerd if I have to adapt not it be better and the fossils and what all do?"

The answer can only you give yourself. It is at it again to repeat the decision which determines the course of your life: I live

adapted and let others, society, rules, taboos, trends and determine coincidences of my life?
Or I live my life according to their own ideas, even if I find that any resistance?

Many of these resistors are of Clandestine means to you. About the fact that you are infiltrated with the constant fear, nature would object because you do not care enough about them. By may struggle for the protection of whales, seals, or the rain forest in South America.

If you have only started once, to feel for the "nature" responsible because she is supposedly in such great danger, you will probably never again find time to think about who is in the danger for yourself when you before Foreign responsibility louder forget the responsibility you should take responsibility for themselves.

recently joined member of the Greens, that is a political grouping, which is strength in a particular way of Ecology and Conservation, publicly for the abolition of some technical achievements one, leading to a so-called acid rain which destroys our forests.

None of the people who know this man, found it unusual, however, that the eloquent conservationist smokes 80 cigarettes a day, which endanger his lungs much more than the technology the forest.

Could it not be that this man do for his environment could be much more if he does not care so much about saving the nature and more about the rescue of his own health?

Friday, February 16, 2007

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Alle Energie kommt aus der Spannung zwischen einem Wunsch und seiner Erfüllung

Der Traum vom wunschlosen Glück verleitet manche Menschen dazu, den Risiken und der Spannung im Leben auszuweichen. Sie verleugnen das Unglück, weil sie krampfhaft auf die Vorstellung fixiert sind, das Leben sei erst schön, wenn sie immer nur glücklich wären. Dabei gibt es kein Glück ohne Unglück und keinen Erfolg ohne Niederlage.

Es ist die Spannung zwischen Wunsch und Erfüllung, die uns weiterbringt. Wenn Sie wunschlos glücklich wären und heute schon mit absoluter Sicherheit wüssten, was morgen passiert, wenn Sie eine Sache in Angriff nähmen und Sie wüssten immer schon im voraus, dass sie Ihnen gelingt, wo bliebe da der Charm of life?

Perfectly happy to be happy would mean the end of curiosity, there would be no impulse in us to use more, all our energies and skills to us to fulfill a wish. For neither the desire nor its fulfillment make the feud, but the ups and downs on the way there.

It is this suffering and its management make the joy that makes our hearts beat faster when we have done it again. That's ultimately what makes happiness.

All this should prompt us to accept the tragedy and the voltage loss and suffering as well as happiness. We need both, denn nur die Spannung zwischen Wunsch und Erfüllung schafft in uns den Impuls zum Handeln.

Erst die Gefahr mobilisiert unsere Kräfte, die notwendig sind, um ihr zu entrinnen. Wenn Sie krank sind und Sie sind nicht entschlossen, wieder gesund zu werden, verkümmert die Kraft, die Sie wieder gesund macht.

Der Startschlüssel, der den Motor zum Überleben anwirft, ist die Entscheidung: "Ich werde wieder gesund." Dieser Schlüssel ist nicht der Arzt, der Sie operiert, oder das Medikament, das er Ihnen verschreibt, es ist Ihre Entscheidung, für die niemand anderer verantwortlich ist als Sie selbst.

"Wir sind so, wie wir denken", erinnern Sie sich an diesen Hinweis? If you think, "I am terminally ill, and nobody can help me," It is as if you would stop the engine, which motivates you to continue living.

If you were perfectly happy, there would be no more desire, you wanted to be fulfilled. No momentum to change things. No tension and no climax. It would be as if you had switched off the current, which brings light and warmth into your life.

Does that mean you should not dream the dream of desireless happiness? Of course you should not. If you dream it and you never stop to dream it. But be clear about that he might niemals oder ganz anders erfüllt, als Sie es sich erträumten. Benutzen Sie ihn als Motor, der Sie vorantreibt von Wunsch zu Wunsch.

Aber hüten Sie sich davor zu resignieren. Und wenn Sie tatsächlich manchmal Augenblicke des wunschlosen Glücks erleben: Wachen Sie am nächsten Morgen mit einem neuen Wunsch auf, den Sie sich erfüllen möchten.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

My Lcd Screen On My Camera Is Dark

Selbstanalyse: Fangen Sie nichts Neues an - ehe Sie nicht das Alte bis zur Neige ausgekostet haben

Wir können nicht zufrieden sein, ehe wir keine Vorstellung davon haben, was Glück für uns bedeutet. Deshalb sollten wir nie aufhören, immer daran zu denken und die Vorstellung davon immer mehr in unsere Einstellung zum Leben zu vertiefen.

Wenn Sie von heute an jeden Morgen aufwachen and your first thought is: "I am satisfied," will sink this idea from day to day deeper into your subconscious. It becomes a part of your life setting. It becomes a habit, such as the placement of the water for the coffee, the handle for shaving in the mirror.

The self-analysis and daily thoughts of happiness is a matter of course. They practice it consciously until it becomes unconscious for granted, which you will soon need to stop thinking. So simple and of course that may sound, most people do not.

What do they? You wake up in the morning and immediately think of nothing else but the current problem, which she has occupied the day before, or what you expect. Leave the problems to achieve on the other people to them to determine their thinking. Instead to determine for themselves what to do to want to spend the day.

you think, "Man, that's going to be a day" or "Actually, today I have no desire to get up." Happiness is an attitude to life and not a chance or fate.

If this setting is long enough for daily training, need not constantly search for new impulses. You know the drill:

I'm looking forward to my new car.

Or: The Happiest Will be the day of my life when I sit down and rest. Or: Oh, how happy I was when I had no more depression.

And what are all the formulas with which we make our satisfaction of conditions which determine the other people or chance.

But what happens when we sit in the new car, begin to retire, or if the depression subside? What happens to us? We can immediately check for new happiness pulses. Always looking for moderns, from which we expect, which is just temporary. to make

Instead of satisfaction to a matter of course. To the familiar, to which we do not always search from scratch. In the ongoing uncertainty as to whether, when and how we will find it.

Do not forget: The art of life satisfaction is also then be happy when we really should be unhappy.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

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How To Make A Fox Snare

Wer alles auf einmal will, erreicht nichts wirklich

What is happiness?

That is the question that we should continually ask again. For the happiness of yesterday is today probably something else. On a day when missrät us many things, a little progress is worth much more than a day in which we manage everything.

well-being and happiness is inner peace. It is the fulfillment a desire to achieve a goal, the reward for our efforts. Very often is happiness and the end of an ordeal.

Many people, however, achieve this happiness only failed because they never really focus on it. You want to fulfill as many requests as quickly as possible and with as little effort and do not understand that in this way can never be truly happy.

Remember the realization that everything in life has its time and everything takes time? All you want to achieve what we need, even all the energy we can muster. Because no one can expect, that he can win with half power an entire success.

with half power, which means: Who is in solving a task with the hands here, but with his mind somewhere else, split up his strength. Concentration of all forces on an object, which therefore means focusing your mind on this one thing and being distracted by anything.

Below are the five most common resistances that are the focus on one thing in the way: first

The inability to replace, doubts and fears in our minds by the decision: I can. Nothing can distract me from my path.

second The constant Afraid we might miss something.

third The indecisiveness in the evaluation of the task we want to solve next.

4th The impatience of wanting to solve a problem, although the time is right for it yet.

5th The pain of what we do because we are unable to win everything in life, joy and the effort that is needed to achieve a goal.
happiness, as you see, indivisible. You can either choose to or choose to fear, hesitation and doubt. If you perform a sexual act while thinking all the time just because if you do everything right, You should not expect that you will enjoy it.

The supreme happiness you can achieve only if you make the most use: Your thoughts, think of nothing else. Your imagination will always find better ways to overcome all obstacles.

your body is full of tension and feelings of joy. The art of concentrating on a task, then, is to think otherwise, feel, and to do only what brings you this one end the next step closer.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

5 Month Old Baby With Dry And Productive

Selbstanalyse, auf der Flucht von mir Selbst

Whatever we want to achieve in life will eventually once obstacles. Even if we We still have so cheerfully on the path, there comes the moment of doubt.

In this crisis, you should be prepared so you will not fail. The best preparation is to make people aware that every crisis requires a decision. The decision: "I am fleeing from it or do I overcome it?"

If you decide to run, you should have no false expectations. No escape, and if they initially appear so enticing solves your problem. The problem is in you and support you.

it can displace or forgotten for some time, but it's always there and has Them. You can escape a problem only if you solve it. That should make you aware before you take flight.

And there's something you should know this: Any successful attempt to solve a problem is a training step to strengthen your self-confidence. Each flight is a training step to weaken your self-confidence.

the moment of crisis we tend to persuade us an escape as a solution. To prevent this self-deception, it is useful to expose the flight in time as such.

Below are the five most frequent escape variants: first

The flight to the work: busy, the money, the gute Ruf und der Erfolg, den Sie damit erringen, mögen Ihnen die Bewunderung Ihrer Mitwelt einbringen. Aber wenn Sie das persönliche Glück als Ihr wichtigstes Lebensziel betrachten, ist es wichtiger, zuerst an sich selbst und dann erst an die anderen zu denken.

2. Die Flucht in die Autorität: Wenn Sie Ihre eigenen Wünsche kraft Ihrer Autorität bei anderen Menschen durchsetzen, bedeutet es sehr oft nichts anderes, als dass, Sie andere erniedrigen, um sich Selbst zu erhöhen.
Aber niemand kann glücklich sein, wenn er andere unglücklich macht.

Die Autorität, die Sie durch Ihr Wissen bei anderen erlangen, ist oft nur ein Ersatz für das Versäumnis, to know everything about themselves.

third The flight into forgetting: forgetting a problem is, nothing more than to drive out for some time out of consciousness. But your subconscious mind forgets only solved problems.

4th The flight into the distance: If you do not there are happy where you are, you will not even in the most beautiful country in the world be happier.

5th The flight to the projection: If you are the victory of a hero that you identify yourself, now even the happy, this happiness is over when one day he will be the loser and find a new hero must.

He wins the victory for you, which you do not trust themselves.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Tender Breast Meaning In Tagalog

Schuld und Sühne

Crime and Punishment is aware of that, what self-destructive influence of this fatal combination can have on you? Whenever you feel guilty for something you did, you become easy prey for people who benefit from your atonement.

The breeding ground for our guilt feelings are the long become unmanageable plethora of commands and prohibitions, which we are inculcated from childhood. Our whole life is accompanied by the authoritarian oppression message: "You must not!"

We meet her at home, at work, at every street intersection and in the media where we want to talk complacent do-gooders always new feelings of guilt:

We should feel guilty because we are better off than other
We should feel guilty if we do not treat animals like people.

We should foal guilty if we no longer love our neighbors as ourselves

We should feel guilty if we go faster at night on the highway than it is allowed, though far and wide, no another vehicle is visible.

guilt are the invisible, in our thinking implanted control instrument for the benefit of those they teach us. Housewives to feel guilty if they do not buy the product which makes the clothes really white and washed the dishes guaranteed to be clean.

The owners of dogs and cats who feed their pets only remnants of their meals should feel guilty when they see how loving animal lovers indulge in television advertising their pets with the best of the best of the purchased box . requires

Like every thought and idea to implementation - it has been instilled in us - all guilt demands punishment. A Long live our companions for the massive threat: "If you do not do what is expected of you, you will be punished."

This formula has become so passed into flesh and blood, that guilt will not leave us when we are not in a prohibited act caught.

The "conscience" within us drives us to self-imposed penance

course, does this manipulative instrument of education as long as we submit to the commands and prohibitions of our will-life coach.

connect you - at least in part, for example - when we begin to own us eigenen, individuellen Maßstäben zu selbstdenkenden mündigen, selbstverantwortlichen Bürgern zu erziehen.

Wer sich für sein Denken, Fühlen, Glauben und Handeln selbst verantwortlich fühlt - das wissen wir ja längst -, braucht niemanden mehr, der ihn bevormundet und auf dem Umweg von Schuldgefühlen für seine Interessen missbraucht.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Cubefield Game That Allows Glitches

Lieb dich Selbst, dann liebt dich das Leben

In uns allen ist das unstillbare Bedürfnis nach Nähe, Wärme, Verständnis und Zärtlichkeit. Und gleichzeitig ist in uns die Angst davor, alles das nicht zu bekommen. Wenn wir Augenblicke der Befriedigung dieser Bedürfnisse erleben, sind sie mit der Angst verbunden:

"Was wird nachher sein?" Vielleicht auch mit dem Misstrauen: "Ist das, was ich da von jemandem erfahre, auch ehrlich gemeint?"

In uns allen ist das unstillbare Bedürfnis nach Nähe, Wärme, Verständnis und Zärtlichkeit. Und gleichzeitig ist in uns die Angst davor, alles das nicht zu bekommen. Wenn wir Augenblicke der Befriedigung dieser Bedürfnisse erleben, sind sie mit der Angst verbunden:

"Was wird nachher sein?" Vielleicht auch mit dem Misstrauen: "Ist das, was ich da von jemandem erfahre, auch ehrlich gemeint?"

Tatsächlich sind - wie wir alle wissen - Verständnis, Zuneigung und Zärtlichkeit auch Instrumente des manipulativen Spiels. Um einen to catch fish, it is a bait to the hook of which one knows that the other is completely crazy about it.

For most people it is natural that you will need for tenderness as that of other people. As with the needs for love, justice or security.

But what happens if we do not get it in a way we do it ourselves? Could not be possible that we expect, but not able, to accept it? And why not? Maybe because we give ourselves not what we expect of others.

"Expect No one something that you are not willing to give self "This noble truism stands to us all, even if we do not follow them you heard about the incessant calls to:".. Love your neighbor as yourself "How can ? I love someone like myself, when I myself do not love

How can I experience the tenderness of another, when I ask myself: "Is it sincere?" or "What will happen tomorrow? "

These fears have nothing to do with the other. Are you in myself I am afraid of it tomorrow after the tenderness of being left alone again today. I have be scared all alone in front of me.

Well I can solve the problem only with me because even the cause of my fear is myself: I am afraid of myself of this will change anything, if I assign blame others for my abandonment.

As you can see, we have come to this thinking, once again the starting point of responsibility for themselves happiness. Or put another way: If we train long enough to clarify our lives and come into harmony with ourselves, it is not expected to require the harmony of others.

If I always better die Ursachen meines Unbehagens, meiner Ängste und Frustrationen kennenlerne, die meinem Glück im Wege stehen, weil ich es täglich trainiere um so selbstbewusster werde ich im Umgang mit mir selbst.

Vorausgesetzt natürlich Sie entscheiden sich für dieses Training und hören nie wieder damit auf, bis alles das, was Sie erreichen wollen ganz von selbst geschieht.

Friday, January 19, 2007

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Selbstanalyse, trainiere Deine Gedanken

Wie Sie nach dem Aufwachen denken, so denken Sie den ganzen Tag. Beginnen Sie ihn mit dem Gedanken: "Ich bin heute glücklich, egal was passiert."

Wenn Sie einige Artikel dieses Blog gelesen haben, ist Ihnen vielleicht bewusst geworden, dass jede Veränderung in Ihrem Leben von drei Schritten depends:

first You should know who you are and what you really want to achieve in your life to be happy.

second If you know it, you should make a clear choice to work toward this goal for the rest of your life. And while every single day. If you sometimes do not succeed, you still have the security: "Tomorrow, I will continue to work well on tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

third Any change for the better needs the daily exercise of your skills to solve the problems that are in the way of your happiness.

And something should have realized: you are what They think and how you think again, you act. Because nothing will change if you do not act.

to your goal come only step by step closer, if you train the necessary skills until they are taken for granted habit.

If you practice every day of your life being happy, the training begins when you feed when you wake up every morning with the intention of your thinking, "I am happy today, no matter what happens."

Perhaps you ask doubtfully, "How can I think such a thing, if I am so truly unhappy ? Am "As long as you ask this question, did you like not the most important decision the decision." I replaced today the doubts about me and my strength through the belief that I get everything, can achieve what I want. "This change

your thoughts on the doubt-I-think-of-me-think you can only do because you practice this belief. Again and again. each morning. Until such time as more and more faith and doubt, always weaker.
The training of faith in yourself and your happiness is subject to the same laws as the training of your muscles. When you make today to strengthen your arm muscles so that you are 100 pushups pull off, even though you create the time being only ten, you can achieve your goal just because you increase the performance step by step.

the time being, with daily, ten push-ups, next week, with 15, then 20 and so on. Tirelessly. Every day. Until you create a day 100th

Train So happiness every day again and again with the formula: "I am happy today, no matter what happens." Until this thinking has become stronger than any doubt.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

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Nachgedacht - Über das Mitleid für andere

The concepts of good men, which many claim to be from us, heard the warning: "If no pity feels, is hard-hearted. "A claim that the heart is stirred and guilt aroused. And nothing makes people so docile as the fear in the eyes of the world around a good person to be.

Here it behaves similarly to the pity as with . admonition to the charity you know: "Love your neighbor as yourself" as yourself .. "presupposes that we love ourselves first before we can love someone else an invitation to healthy selfishness. . What reason have so selfish to feel guilty?

is to show sympathy, the admonition mitzuleiden with someone else that is doing worse than us. We are supposed to him suffer. If we are fine, if we are happy on their own, should we deny our self-confidence and force us to suffering and sacrifice.

Is not it interesting that the people who give us this message, most are also those who give us their account number is known, to which we should pay our guilt in hard cash? In this manner we will benefit from our sacrifice, not even to face. Instead of experiencing the success and joy of our pity yourself, to take claim for themselves. So what we really do for someone who needs help? We use our sacrifice as an excuse for themselves not for the to do it.

What good is it to ourselves and therefore the person in need, provided we suffer with him? It seems that we use neither him nor us. If we suffer with someone, we just support him in his suffering. We comfort him with it, but we do not show him what experiences we ourselves have made to overcome our own suffering.

We conduct ourselves as parents who prevent their children with excessive care enough, even to learn from mistakes rather than to exemplify how to solve problems. Of course, these parents sometimes suffer if the child suffers a defeat. But it helps you not better by the encouragement to try again rather than suffer with him, thereby strengthening his own suffering?

Everyone that is doing badly, has-as we all change-always two ways of something: either he will strengthen his forces and helps himself, or he makes from the compassion of other related and never learn to help themselves.

You probably say, "But there are so many people in the world, those who need our help to be helped after all.." A strong argument. But why not go out and really help them? Instead of your guilt with an anonymous donation ransom, neither you nor the benefit something that perhaps needs your help.

How To Load Decking Truck

Motivation, ändern Sie was Sie heute ändern können.

Manches allerdings ändert sich ganz von selbst, wenn die richtige Zeit gekommen ist

Erinnern Sie sich: "Alles hat seine Zeit, und alles braucht seine Zeit?“ Wer dieses Prinzip des Lebens versteht, macht einen gewaltigen Schritt in seinem Lebenstraining. Es bedeutet den Übergang von der quälenden Ungeduld zur inneren Gelassenheit.

Glücklichsein ist, wie Sie längst gemerkt haben, nicht das Ergebnis einer Methode oder die Befolgung eines einzigen Prinzips, das man lernt und befolgt.

Glücklichsein ist das Ergebnis der selbstbewussten Persönlichkeit. Und diese starke Persönlichkeit beginnt mit einer Selbstanalyse und bei der Setting is to himself

Maybe happiness is something like a ideology or even religion. At the beginning with an idea and belief in it. Religions or ideologies, however, require you to input and obedience to rules, the other to invent as they wish. The philosophy of happiness is precisely the opposite:

you find yourself your own way it sees fit. You organize your life the way it suits your own skills and potential. They line up with your own rules and under are your own guru coach, critics or whatever you call it.

But most of all: no rigid principles, their Suppress individuality, are the measure of your thinking and action, but the constant mobility of your own creativity and spontaneity in everyday game of life.

is basically so the gradual strengthening of your personality simply the way to independent, mature, self-responsible citizens. Maybe you're thinking: "If all would think so ..."

Suggest this phrase from the head. Not all will think or act. Religions and ideologies of all people have always been shipwrecked. You, the individual, are beginning, end and scale of your world in a short time in which you live.

democracy, freedom, free market economy, society, politics-all this can only work if there are enough responsible citizens, stimulate all of these factors with individual pulses. It's up to you alone if you want to be one of those people or not.

means to be a free citizen, you know yourself and decide when, how and where it is right for you to act or to wait until an idea that you want to achieve, for action is ripe.

If you crowd the decision and action can be determined, the manipulative game of life your "opponent" time and place. They make dependent on others and have little chance of success. Success? No, it can only be a fraction of success.

happiness but that you should not forget, is like a pregnancy: a "little bit pregnant" does not exist. Either you are happy - or you are not.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Email Subject For Thanks

Motivation zum Tun

"I can not do" is one of the many disastrous records in our life. It is one of the "killer phrases" that hinder the fulfillment of our best wishes in the way. A thought, a goal, a desire awakened in us. We are enthusiastic about the idea of how great it would be to implement it.

Wir gehen hochmotiviert ans Werk, dann stellt sich uns die erste Schwierigkeit in den Weg. Wie verhalten wir uns? Manche resignieren ohne Gegenwehr und reden sich ein: „Das kann ich eben nicht.“

Andere zögern keinen Augenblick mit der Ausrede: „Ich habe es ja versucht, aber man lässt mich nicht.“

Haben wir wirklich alles uns Mögliche versucht, ehe wir schon bei den ersten Widerständen die Flinte ins Korn werfen? Was heißt denn das überhaupt: „Das kann ich nicht?“ Es heißt, dass wir unsere derzeitigen Fähigkeiten überschätzt oder die Anforderungen unterschätzt haben, die für die Lösung eines Problems erforderlich wären.

Etwas nicht zu können bedeutet aber noch lange nicht, dass wir unsere Fähigkeiten nicht trainieren und verbessern können. So lange, bis wir imstande sind, das Ziel zu erreichen. Kein Marathonläufer würde erwarten, dass er schon beim ersten Versuch als Sieger ins Ziel kommt.

Er wird seine Muskeln und seine Ausdauer trainieren, die Technik des Laufens und seine Atmung verbessern und im Wettkampf von den Konkurrenten lernen. Aber alles das wird vergeblich sein, wenn er schon bei der ersten Krise sagt: „Ich schaffe es ja doch nicht“.

Erfolge werden letzten Endes im Kopf errungen. In unserem Denken entscheidet es sich, ob wir uns einreden: „Das I can not "or" I can do it, if not today then next or the next time. " Crises-loss record as a message to us what we did wrong and still have to learn to reach their goal.

to learn something is, always rehearse it until we can. And every Lernakt is a training process in small steps. With each step we acquire a piece of the ability that allows us to handle the next step.

the same time, every little success we achieve on the way to goal, a reason to rejoice, we ascribe courage and self- to motivate us to tackle the next step.

The decision "I can not," before we have even attempted to learn what we want is much more than just the absence of the fulfillment of a wish. It is a training step to helplessness. We say: "I can not do" and leave one for us to solve problems that only we can solve itself.

And the more that happens, the more dependent we are of those who are interested in our helplessness, to take advantage of it.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Alpha Kappa Alpha Recommendation Letters

Der Weg zu sich Selbst

Have you ever thought about how envy affects your life? You read right: the envy. Someone has something that you do not have or can not have - and why do you envy him.

to envy someone means that we focus on what we want to be or have, not according to our own desires and needs. They do not come from inside ourselves, but from the outside so strongly that we want to own it or meet.

jealousy arises when we know not what we want to be and what we need to be happy. We do not know if we do not have the basic questions of our lives clarified for us:

Who am I really?
What makes me truly free and happy?
What do I need to be free and happy?

To make it even to stress once again: "What I need," and not "What have others that I could imitate them?"

The awakening of envy is one of the best strategies in the eternal manipulative game of life. Envy is the subject of many ambitious women, to encourage their men to ever greater achievements. Envy is a subject that drives many people to action.

Either you exert himself in order to get what someone has that you envy. If you own it eventually, it will not long before anyone else again brings your envy and the game starts over.

Or envy of aggression: one gets from those who own something by force what they covet.

We all are exposed every day and in many ways the envy of pulses. All that we want to sell ideas, products, safety or creeds are constantly working in us to bring needs and desires. You try it with arguments.

you try it with beautiful images and sayings. You try it, by making us fear or by arousing our envy.

you do it by they entice us to compare. Their message is: "There is someone who has something that you just have to have to just as good and beautiful, young and healthy and rich like him." These examples show us on cigarette packs and posters.

And of course every day on TV: The man in the car even more elegant. The young woman with the seductive scent.

The teenager, who is nibbling happily at a chocolate bar, to the envy of his friends. Who does not know what they really want and need, it has not actually easy to resist all this envy-pulses.

Find your own way with the help of Self-analysis?

Thursday, January 11, 2007

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Ich glaube an mich: heißt sich selbst helfen auf dem Weg zu his dreams

Some things in our lives we know, we believe otherwise. What our luck very often stands in the way, the inability, knowledge and belief is to strictly separate.

Some things we think we know, but we do not know it at all. We think we know just because others have long been told, until we believe in it. This faith is the powerful force that allows us to perform services that previously we would have never expected.

Most of what we do every day, is based on our realization: "That I have succeeded many times before, so I can." This experience gives us security. We have an act long enough trained, so there's no reason to two fine because we will get there this time too. "

We believe that we can do it. Therefore, we succeed too. What happens, however, in our thinking when we set ourselves as something objective, which we do not know from experience that we will succeed

Two options are then open to us: Either we doubt, or we believe that we will succeed. This belief means that we trust the power to create something new.

If we succeed, we have the power of faith helped. This faith begins and thought: "I can do it." If we think: "I've never done before, so I risk it does not even" the doubts prevail in our thinking about faith in our own strength.

As you see depends on the achievement of many goals often depends on how we think. Faith starts with our thinking. So when we train our thinking to coincide with the formula: "I can do it" even if I do not know if I can do it, we train with it the belief in our own strength.

on their own strength to achieve our own goals. If we do not, but doubt ourselves, we often seek refuge in the faith to other people and their promises to: "If you do, what I tell you, I'll help you in achieving it." This belief in others and makes us dependent on their promises.

If you are however determined to achieve your happiness on their own, there is no other way for you to believe as the fact that you all want to achieve what you achieve on their own will.

So this faith so long by the thought: "I can do everything you want to achieve what I, on their own" training until he is one day more firmly anchored in your thinking than any doubt.

Then it is no longer necessary to the faith of others Leute und ihre Ideen, Versprechungen und Angebote auszuliefern.